The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

I hope people realize how stupid this post is. It is like dealing with third graders.

These aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Even 'coup' doesn't mean what they think it means. As Biden is still president. He's simply not seeking re-election.
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote

kam little girl.jpg
The GOP attained a winner through voting first

Harris is being declared the nominee without an election

Every election candidates will drop out and endorse other candidates. Every primary, every convention.

You're being melodramatic.
The hate party is so stupid , that Harris just being in this makes the MAGA hate spew like a fountain. They will kill any chance they ever hadn't getting scum bag back in office,. Just read and watch the show. the patriots have to do nothing to stop shitpants he is stopped already and it will only be down hill from here. Their bigotry and hate for women will explode onto the screen, it will be a hate show. Teh only people who now will vote for shitpants are fake Christians bigots and women haters. if you can't measure up, demand the Supreme Court overturn the election?

Where have I heard that chickenshit before........I can't quite remember.
It's only a possibility that needed to be raised.

If it's not valid then it could be made valid by the Scotus.
It's too bad the Democrats didn't even let you vote for her to be the next nominee! 🤣 They just went ahead with you and installed her - to take the fall - just like Biden!

Laughing......candidates drop out in EVERY election and endorse others. Haley did it last week. Sanders did it in 2020. Cruz did it in 2016.

Every primary, both parties.
The hate party is so stupid , that Harris just being in this makes the MAGA hate spew like a fountain. They will kill any chance they ever hadn't getting scum bag back in office,. Just read and watch the show. the patriots have to do nothing to stop shitpants he is stopped already and it will only be down hill from here. Their bigotry and hate for women will explode onto the screen, it will be a hate show. Teh only people who now will vote for shitpants are fake Christians bigots and women haters.

All the racist dog whistles and misogyny aren't going to help their outreach efforts with people of color and women.
Why who have the democratic delegates voted as the nominee for the Democratic Party in 2024?

Name who they nominated in the convention, please.
Hey stupid, learn to read. Tater had the nomination wrapped up.

Your bullshit spin won't change that fact.
Laughing......candidates drop out in EVERY election and endorse others. Haley did it last week. Sanders did it in 2020. Cruz did it in 2016.

Every primary, both parties.
None who had the nomination wrapped up, Simp.
Little girl, you can grow up to believe that oral sex isn't something dirty that the Christian god would punish a woman for doing with a man you choose.

And too, there's nothing valid that the churches can say against performing oral sex on several different men.

These facts will be more widely known and accepted by the time you reach puberty.
It's only a possibility that needed to be raised.

If it's not valid then it could be made valid by the Scotus.

Its not a 'possibility'. Its a certainty if Trump loses. MAGA always has to be the victim. Any loss is a theft. Any accountability a travesty.

Trump snivelled about being cheated even when he won.
There is no Democratic nominee until the delegates vote, sweetie. don't even understand how conventions work.
Tater had the nomination wrapped up, Stupid.

Your dumbass spin won't change that fact.

It's too bad the Democrats didn't even let you vote for her to be the next nominee! 🤣 They just went ahead with you and installed her - to take the fall - just like Biden!
People are laughing at idiots like this. She cheated. ya you bet ,She will or won't be the candidate depending on whether she wins the candidacy . Every person in this country now can go up against her to win the candidacy. many have already supported her; In fact the names that come up the most have given her their support. So fuck of worm. You lose.
Tater had the nomination wrapped up, Stupid.

Your dumbass spin won't change that fact. still doesn't understand how conventions work!

There is no nominee until the convention. There's a presumptive nominee. And the process for a candidate dropping out and endorsing another candidate is the same for 50 delegates, 500 or 2500.

And happens in every primary, with every party.
Not to suggest that Trump shouldn't play the sexual promiscuity card. It will be a negative factor for Kamala, in America!

Even though some Americans will regard it as a 'neutral' or even a 'positive' for her.

What would a Christian say?

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