I am so glad Obama increased the welfare roles so....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
...we could finance their bad habits.
Drives me nuts...just got back from store.
I am behind this couple, and I see they pay for their food with a food stamp card...but wait...a case of beer and four packs of smokes....no generic for these guys...Marlboro reds and Kools. I would wager the beer and cigarettes cost more than the food they bought.
So awesome. Isn't it wonderful we all pay takes so low lifes can afford their beer and cigarettes? Not to mention meth.
Its r-o-l-e-s

And, from your post, its obvious you know nothing about this issue - except that you want the elderly, children, vets, handicapped to starve to death.

Lemme guess ....

Another christian for drumpf, right?
Your other memes aren't working, so let's start over with the old ones, right. Lol.
Its r-o-l-e-s

And, from your post, its obvious you know nothing about this issue - except that you want the elderly, children, vets, handicapped to starve to death.

Lemme guess ....

Another christian for drumpf, right?
Its r-o-l-e-s

And, from your post, its obvious you know nothing about this issue - except that you want the elderly, children, vets, handicapped to starve to death.

Lemme guess ....

Another christian for drumpf, right?

Try again.
I would say they were late 20's...hardly elderly. No kids with them...and I guarantee nether one of these morbidly underweight greasy morons served in the military. Not a chance.
Beer is liquid bread. Cigarettes suppress the appetite.

Sounds like a win/win for the food stamp program.

Its r-o-l-e-s

And, from your post, its obvious you know nothing about this issue - except that you want the elderly, children, vets, handicapped to starve to death.

Lemme guess ....

Another christian for drumpf, right?

Try again.
I would say they were late 20's...hardly elderly. No kids with them...and I guarantee nether one of these morbidly underweight greasy morons served in the military. Not a chance.



Why didn't you tell me you know everything about them and therefore you know they should not be getting help.
Food stamps is corporate welfare .

Who ends up with that money ? Supermarkets and farm/food Industry.
Food stamps is corporate welfare .

Who ends up with that money ? Supermarkets and farm/food Industry.

While we throw away half of the fruits and vegetables produced in the US.

And as well all know now, most of our grains, corn, etc are produced to feed to livestock. Most of the drugs produced in the US are given to livestock. Which is why we have a true crisis in feeding our own people AND in drugs now being ineffective in treating various and previously treatable pathogens.

And damn, people are still eating meat. Go figure.
...we could finance their bad habits.
Drives me nuts...just got back from store.
I am behind this couple, and I see they pay for their food with a food stamp card...but wait...a case of beer and four packs of smokes....no generic for these guys...Marlboro reds and Kools. I would wager the beer and cigarettes cost more than the food they bought.
So awesome. Isn't it wonderful we all pay takes so low lifes can afford their beer and cigarettes? Not to mention meth.
More Russian fake news.
...we could finance their bad habits.
Drives me nuts...just got back from store.
I am behind this couple, and I see they pay for their food with a food stamp card...but wait...a case of beer and four packs of smokes....no generic for these guys...Marlboro reds and Kools. I would wager the beer and cigarettes cost more than the food they bought.
So awesome. Isn't it wonderful we all pay takes so low lifes can afford their beer and cigarettes? Not to mention meth.

What you experienced I see happen all the time at my grocery store. A few times when I only purchased my five or six items, I was able to catch up to them leaving the store. You should see what kind of vehicles they drive as well.

Thanks to liberals, we have become such a shameless society that nobody using food stamps would consider going into the store twice: once to buy food with their food stamps, and make another trip acting like a typical cash customer. They put their food with the beer, cigarettes, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, cat litter and so on. No shame whatsoever. They even look back and smile at you with their five kids.

A few years ago I evicted a couple with two kids because of food stamps. They kept getting behind on rent but wouldn't consider working more hours because it would interfere with their food stipend. I had to go to court, have them evicted, and they even waited until the last day to leave before the bailiff came here to throw them out and have me change the locks. All for what? Food Stamps.

Yep, they both smoked and had a 12 year old daughter smoke who they supplied tobacco to, they had the large dog and three cats, they had the Obama phone and of course, SNAP's card. I had to garnish his wages for a year to get my money back, but that's how we evil conservatives get even with those innocent poor people.
...we could finance their bad habits.
Drives me nuts...just got back from store.
I am behind this couple, and I see they pay for their food with a food stamp card...but wait...a case of beer and four packs of smokes....no generic for these guys...Marlboro reds and Kools. I would wager the beer and cigarettes cost more than the food they bought.
So awesome. Isn't it wonderful we all pay takes so low lifes can afford their beer and cigarettes? Not to mention meth.

What you experienced I see happen all the time at my grocery store. A few times when I only purchased my five or six items, I was able to catch up to them leaving the store. You should see what kind of vehicles they drive as well.

Thanks to liberals, we have become such a shameless society that nobody using food stamps would consider going into the store twice: once to buy food with their food stamps, and make another trip acting like a typical cash customer. They put their food with the beer, cigarettes, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, cat litter and so on. No shame whatsoever. They even look back and smile at you with their five kids.

A few years ago I evicted a couple with two kids because of food stamps. They kept getting behind on rent but wouldn't consider working more hours because it would interfere with their food stipend. I had to go to court, have them evicted, and they even waited until the last day to leave before the bailiff came here to throw them out and have me change the locks. All for what? Food Stamps.

Yep, they both smoked and had a 12 year old daughter smoke who they supplied tobacco to, they had the large dog and three cats, they had the Obama phone and of course, SNAP's card. I had to garnish his wages for a year to get my money back, but that's how we evil conservatives get even with those innocent poor people.
Another Russian fake news poster.
What you people need to do is better yourselves so you don't have to associate with the losers you find so reprehensible.
You have no idea whose cars they have or whose money they paid with. Mind your own gd business.
I thought it was illegal to use food stamps to purchase tobacco products, alcohol, certain prepared foods and other products. I haven't researched the matter so if anyone can enlighten me I would appreciate it.
I thought it was illegal to use food stamps to purchase tobacco products, alcohol, certain prepared foods and other products. I haven't researched the matter so if anyone can enlighten me I would appreciate it.
It is. They could get SNAP cash too, but if they have enough to buy them for themselves there's some fraud going on.
I thought it was illegal to use food stamps to purchase tobacco products, alcohol, certain prepared foods and other products. I haven't researched the matter so if anyone can enlighten me I would appreciate it.

It is illegal and that's not what the OP stated. What goes on is that we pay for the food of these people, but clearly they have enough money to buy non-essential things like booze, cigarettes, dog food, cat food, flowers, greeting cards and so on with their very own cash. I see it all the time at my grocery store. Nothing illegal about it because you can buy whatever you want with your own cash.
I thought it was illegal to use food stamps to purchase tobacco products, alcohol, certain prepared foods and other products. I haven't researched the matter so if anyone can enlighten me I would appreciate it.
It is. That was the point of the OP. They used their SNAP card to buy food, then paid cash for the beer and cigarettes. Thus, instead of them using their OWN money to buy food...they use SNAP which frees up their earnings to buy vices.
I thought it was illegal to use food stamps to purchase tobacco products, alcohol, certain prepared foods and other products. I haven't researched the matter so if anyone can enlighten me I would appreciate it.

Food stamp recipients are far smarter than politicians....unless the Democrats knew full well that said stamps would be used in every venue.

1. "Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards (the debit card equivalent of food stamps) have been at the center of a heated national discussion on welfare reform. There have been numerous reports of EBT card abuse and some states have started cracking down on card holders. Of course, whenever someone talks about welfare reform, one side of the political spectrum claims it’s “racially motivated.”

However, even those claims might be put aside for a moment in Massachusetts after a heroin allegedly posted bail with his EBT card."
Heroin Dealer Allegedly Posts Bail With His EBT Card

2."88 Charged in One of Largest Food Stamp Frauds Ever
The FBI announced Tuesday in Savannah, Georgia that eighty-eight people have been charged in "one of the largest federal food program frauds ever prosecuted." Fifty-four of the defendants were charged with conspiring to open "purported grocery stores" specifically for the purpose of defrauding the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) and Food Stamp program. After the fake stores were "approved as WIC and Food Stamp vendors," many of the fifty-four defendants went through neighborhoods soliciting WIC and Food Stamp participants to exchange government benefits for cash instead of food in clear violation of the law. The remaining thirty-four defendants werebenefit recipients who sold over $1,000 of their own or their minor children's benefits for a fraction of their worth. In all, over $18 million was laundered in this way in at least nine cities in Georgia."
88 Charged in One of Largest Food Stamp Frauds Ever

3. And, no matter what the Liberals claim, illegal aliens get food stamps.
"In this world-turned-upside-down context, let's look at the eligibility rules for Food Stamps, rules that in 46 of the 50 states mean that the U.S. government rewards a household for having an illegal immigrant within it.

As humorist Dave Barry says, I am not making this up.

Such households have a mix of illegals (often parents) and citizens (usually kids); only the citizens are nominally eligible for the benefits of the program, but if groceries purchased by Food Stamps are on the dining room table, the common-sense assumption is that all members of the family will benefit from it.

Yes, all else being equal, a low-income household with one or more illegal aliens in it, is more likely to get Food Stamps than a household with similar income with all members being legally present. In another, related scenario both families are eligible, both have equal incomes, but the one with an illegal alien member seems to get a larger allotment. The Food Stamp Program Rewards Households with Illegal Aliens

4. "Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally"
Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally | Daily Mail Online

5. "Omnibus Spending Bill Continues Funding Food Stamp Ads in Mexico"
Omnibus Spending Bill Continues Funding Food Stamp Ads in Mexico - Breitbart


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