I am starting to get pissed at Trump.

Man...are you ever going to be disappointed when you realize what's going on. You'll never admit it, but your silent suffering will be heard loud and clear.
I won't hold my breath while I wait for you to tell us "what is really going on".
If there is actual evidence of a crime, investigate. Otherwise stop letting the left manipulate you so easily. Being in a state of perpetual "triggered" has to be depressing.
I ignore all the bullshit. No point in stressing out over things you have no control over.
They are actively undermining the country and they are blatantly trying to take him down. Through lies and endless laws being broken. This is not "politics" as usual.

There is high treason happening.
Just looks like dirty politics to me. Either way, being pissed at the left & taking it out on Trump makes zero sense.
good Lord can't you tell when I am trolling them? Come on man. I mean holy shit.
And how am I supposed to know you're trolling?

If you see owlie's screen name, you know he's trolling.
I wish he would just declare that he is assigning a special prosecutor to do a complete and thorough investigation into EVERYTHING the obama administration has done and into the media that has been complicate in their roles in trying to take down a legitimate sitting president.

Let it be announced and make sure he does it in a way where every single pile of shit will literally shit themselves.

Especially, if it is found out that they are guilty of high treason and will face the death penalty. The day that executions are done, will be a day we will declare a national holiday.

In all seriousness. I wish he would take the gloves off and direct the AG to get all of these piles of shit. I am getting a little ticked that he is sticking with Twitter responses. Do something that actually does something.

Hahahha;.....Guess you haven't heard that his AG has already compromised himself in another "little" matter. And as always, with Manafort, Flynn, and now Sessions, it's not what happened, it's just that they fucking LIED about it.
Get your head out of Trump's ass and going in the other direction.

Obama was following his duty as CIC to request a FISA warrant after the summer months of Trump's campaign offered plenty of evidence that the Russians were meddling in the election. Now Trump's own cabinet and advisors are falling on their own swords.
hey oldbuzzard, Trump's not going to do squat. Trumpbots were punked fron the git-go.

he's walked back Kill Obamacare to just change parts of it

he's walked back deport 15 million mexicans to deport criminal mexicans

he completely dropped voter fraud when his family and staff members got busted registering in two states

and the list will continue to grow ....

theowl, Obama is out of office, and nothing will happen to him.

The intel agencies and congress are now intent on driving Trump from office.
Wow. Occasionally we actually agree. Those agencies are filled with bureaucrats doing Obama's dirty work. It is a Democrat coup.
If there is actual evidence of a crime, investigate. Otherwise stop letting the left manipulate you so easily. Being in a state of perpetual "triggered" has to be depressing.
I ignore all the bullshit. No point in stressing out over things you have no control over.
They are actively undermining the country and they are blatantly trying to take him down. Through lies and endless laws being broken. This is not "politics" as usual.

There is high treason happening.
Just looks like dirty politics to me. Either way, being pissed at the left & taking it out on Trump makes zero sense.
good Lord can't you tell when I am trolling them? Come on man. I mean holy shit.
And how am I supposed to know you're trolling?
It is rather obvious. The morons on the left see me post that I am pissed at Trump only to read it is because I hate the left more than he does apparently.

Come on maaaan.
I wish he would just declare that he is assigning a special prosecutor to do a complete and thorough investigation into EVERYTHING the obama administration has done and into the media that has been complicate in their roles in trying to take down a legitimate sitting president.

Let it be announced and make sure he does it in a way where every single pile of shit will literally shit themselves.

Especially, if it is found out that they are guilty of high treason and will face the death penalty. The day that executions are done, will be a day we will declare a national holiday.

In all seriousness. I wish he would take the gloves off and direct the AG to get all of these piles of shit. I am getting a little ticked that he is sticking with Twitter responses. Do something that actually does something.

I agree. This FISA warrant may be just the catalyst he needed to piss him off enough to get rolling. Someone from Obamakov's justice department had to be involved.

The Clintoon News Network is going batshit crazy trying to play down the story. And you can bet your ass Obamakov knew about it.

The lame stream fake news can't produce one bit of evidence there were crimes committed by Trump or his team but just the fact the leak from the intelligence community proves Obamakov sycophants committed a crime.

Demoratz have overplayed their hand and it's going to be Hillaryous to watch these corrupt bastards perp walked. I can't wait.

This is what the limited wire tap was about. It's a long article, but worth reading.
As you say, there was no evidence of a crime committed by Trump or his team. The people looking into this peculiar connection between a Trump server and Alfa Bank had a good reason to look, though.
A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank
I wish he would just declare that he is assigning a special prosecutor to do a complete and thorough investigation into EVERYTHING the obama administration has done and into the media that has been complicate in their roles in trying to take down a legitimate sitting president.

Let it be announced and make sure he does it in a way where every single pile of shit will literally shit themselves.

Especially, if it is found out that they are guilty of high treason and will face the death penalty. The day that executions are done, will be a day we will declare a national holiday.

In all seriousness. I wish he would take the gloves off and direct the AG to get all of these piles of shit. I am getting a little ticked that he is sticking with Twitter responses. Do something that actually does something.

Hahahha;.....Guess you haven't heard that his AG has already compromised himself in another "little" matter. And as always, with Manafort, Flynn, and now Sessions, it's not what happened, it's just that they fucking LIED about it.
Get your head out of Trump's ass and going in the other direction.

Obama was following his duty as CIC to request a FISA warrant after the summer months of Trump's campaign offered plenty of evidence that the Russians were meddling in the election. Now Trump's own cabinet and advisors are falling on their own swords.

Unless you know something I don't know, there is no reason to believe Obama requested any FISA warrants. I'm pretty sure those come from the FBI, or the CIA, or what ever security organization is investigating the crook they want the warrant for.
I say, let's lay all the cards on the table here and now. Let's get to the bottom of who was involved from the Obama administration in illegally and unconstitutionally using the apparatus of our intelligence agencies to gather information on political opposition. Former Attorney Generals Holder and Lynch need to be questioned under oath. Let's see ANY evidence that exists incriminating Donald Trump in colluding in any political or criminal way with the Russian government. FBI Director Comey needs to be questioned. Obama's HS director needs to be questioned. Who ordered the FISA warrants to tap the phones of private US citizens involved in a political campaign against the administration? While we're at it, let's also bring in the Director of the IRS and talk about Obama's orders to audit certain "right wing" people and businesses. Let's cast some Sunshine on the Deep State and this Shadow Government being run out of Obama's JV-team White House.

Bring on Special Prosecutor Rudy Giuliani!
Read the article in my last post. It wasn't a phone tap. It was a "tap" on a connection between a Trump server and Russian Alfa Bank. Good article.
theowl, Obama is out of office, and nothing will happen to him.

The intel agencies and congress are now intent on driving Trump from office.
Wow. Occasionally we actually agree. Those agencies are filled with bureaucrats doing Obama's dirty work. It is a Democrat coup.
Trump is just feeding the people who want to hear excuses for the string of disasters that has been unfolding daily. The irony is that the anti-Obama set told everyone to stop complaining about the *real* mess that Obama inherited from W.
I wish he would just declare that he is assigning a special prosecutor to do a complete and thorough investigation into EVERYTHING the obama administration has done and into the media that has been complicate in their roles in trying to take down a legitimate sitting president.

Let it be announced and make sure he does it in a way where every single pile of shit will literally shit themselves.

Especially, if it is found out that they are guilty of high treason and will face the death penalty. The day that executions are done, will be a day we will declare a national holiday.

In all seriousness. I wish he would take the gloves off and direct the AG to get all of these piles of shit. I am getting a little ticked that he is sticking with Twitter responses. Do something that actually does something.

Hahahha;.....Guess you haven't heard that his AG has already compromised himself in another "little" matter. And as always, with Manafort, Flynn, and now Sessions, it's not what happened, it's just that they fucking LIED about it.
Get your head out of Trump's ass and going in the other direction.

Obama was following his duty as CIC to request a FISA warrant after the summer months of Trump's campaign offered plenty of evidence that the Russians were meddling in the election. Now Trump's own cabinet and advisors are falling on their own swords.

Unless you know something I don't know, there is no reason to believe Obama requested any FISA warrants. I'm pretty sure those come from the FBI, or the CIA, or what ever security organization is investigating the crook they want the warrant for.

sure they do, Obama isnt in office or a position to order a wiretap on the dog catcher much less trump.
If there is actual evidence of a crime, investigate. Otherwise stop letting the left manipulate you so easily. Being in a state of perpetual "triggered" has to be depressing.
I ignore all the bullshit. No point in stressing out over things you have no control over.
They are actively undermining the country and they are blatantly trying to take him down. Through lies and endless laws being broken. This is not "politics" as usual.

There is high treason happening.
Just looks like dirty politics to me. Either way, being pissed at the left & taking it out on Trump makes zero sense.
good Lord can't you tell when I am trolling them? Come on man. I mean holy shit.
And how am I supposed to know you're trolling?
It is rather obvious. The morons on the left see me post that I am pissed at Trump only to read it is because I hate the left more than he does apparently.

Come on maaaan.
Wouldn't it be easier to say you got caught up in the moment and went a bit overboard?
They are actively undermining the country and they are blatantly trying to take him down. Through lies and endless laws being broken. This is not "politics" as usual.

There is high treason happening.
Just looks like dirty politics to me. Either way, being pissed at the left & taking it out on Trump makes zero sense.
good Lord can't you tell when I am trolling them? Come on man. I mean holy shit.
And how am I supposed to know you're trolling?
It is rather obvious. The morons on the left see me post that I am pissed at Trump only to read it is because I hate the left more than he does apparently.

Come on maaaan.
Wouldn't it be easier to say you got caught up in the moment and went a bit overboard?
I did not go far enough. I didn't use the "F word."
Just looks like dirty politics to me. Either way, being pissed at the left & taking it out on Trump makes zero sense.
good Lord can't you tell when I am trolling them? Come on man. I mean holy shit.
And how am I supposed to know you're trolling?
It is rather obvious. The morons on the left see me post that I am pissed at Trump only to read it is because I hate the left more than he does apparently.

Come on maaaan.
Wouldn't it be easier to say you got caught up in the moment and went a bit overboard?
I did not go far enough. I didn't use the "F word."
That's just fucking dumb
Neither can be used against Trump or any of his cabinet. BUT treason charges WILL be forthcoming against MANY dimshits.
OP- or you could figure out that all the Hillary and Obama "scandals" were imaginary propaganda, superdupe- only existed in bs GOP propaganda for election purposes. OTOH, Russian interference in our election and others' is no joke, and lying to congress ditto.
I wish he would just declare that he is assigning a special prosecutor to do a complete and thorough investigation into EVERYTHING the obama administration has done and into the media that has been complicate in their roles in trying to take down a legitimate sitting president.

Let it be announced and make sure he does it in a way where every single pile of shit will literally shit themselves.

Especially, if it is found out that they are guilty of high treason and will face the death penalty. The day that executions are done, will be a day we will declare a national holiday.

In all seriousness. I wish he would take the gloves off and direct the AG to get all of these piles of shit. I am getting a little ticked that he is sticking with Twitter responses. Do something that actually does something.
He can only be taken down if he breaks the law. Lying and spreading false information like he and his andmistaration has been doing isn't going to build trust, and without trust, skepticism and resistance is only going to grow.

So much for unifying.
sure they do, Obama isnt in office or a position to order a wiretap on the dog catcher much less trump.

He was in office when he asked for the nsa, and the doj to ILLEGALLY, and unconstitutionally SPY on a rival campaign. AND asked for them to search for and hold their internal communications.

DIMSHIT SCUM IS ABOUT to be what is in jail and in graves everywhere SOON for treason, insurgence and just for general principals. HAHAHA have a nice day dead ass LOOOOSSSSEEERRRRRSS!!! Your a loser, and you are just a piece of shit loser and we just don't give a shit. All we do is laugh at you and wait to see all of you lose, Looooossssseeeerrrr, That is all you'll ever be loser and that is so fuuuunnnnnaaaahhhhyyyy. HAHAHAHAHAH man you are some stupid piles of shit!!!
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