I am starting to wonder how many illegal aliens and criminals are posting on these forums?

See what I mean? They didn't become obsessed with Russia on their own, they were instructed to be obsessed with Russia and to parrot what they've been told about it. They don't even know why they are doing it.

Kellyann Conway is probably the only Trump associate who didn't talk to the Russians.
See what I mean? They didn't become obsessed with Russia on their own, they were instructed to be obsessed with Russia and to parrot what they've been told about it. They don't even know why they are doing it.

Kellyann Conway is probably the only Trump associate who didn't talk to the Russians.

Please, no need to reinforce the point I made. You've done quite enough, thank you.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .

I honestly had no idea just how horrible your illegal immigration situation was until the 2016 campaign when Trump made it a major focus and discussed the wall and the numbers. How America would allow this is beyond me. Massive expenses to illegal immigration is economic and sovereignty suicide.
So you haven't heard yet, Trump lies?
Kellyann Conway is probably the only Trump associate who didn't talk to the Russians.

Please, no need to reinforce the point I made. You've done quite enough, thank you.
The Russia conspiracy can't be made up from the outside, if there were so many russian meetings on the inside. Add to that, how many times Trump associates lied about those meetings.
It was a classic kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar,
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .

You confessing your own crimes here?
The question to ask is....if we, americans and our government, can pick and choose what laws are to be followed....and illegals given the green light because they are ILLEGAL..then why can we choose to not pay taxes? Or smoke dope and grow it wherever we want? Or drive while intoxicated? Or rob a bank if we are low on cash?
The question to ask is....if we, americans and our government, can pick and choose what laws are to be followed....and illegals given the green light because they are ILLEGAL..then why can we choose to not pay taxes? Or smoke dope and grow it wherever we want? Or drive while intoxicated? Or rob a bank if we are low on cash?

You confuse prosecutorial digression with lawbreaking.
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Kellyann Conway is probably the only Trump associate who didn't talk to the Russians.

Please, no need to reinforce the point I made. You've done quite enough, thank you.
The Russia conspiracy can't be made up from the outside, if there were so many russian meetings on the inside. Add to that, how many times Trump associates lied about those meetings.
It was a classic kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar,

And yet nothing to charge anybody with, is there?

While even most of the media dropped the lie, you people are still out there hoping for a dream.

Yes it was all made up; made up by liberal MSM and politicians to try and prove to their followers they didn't really lose the election--they got cheated; just like they got cheated out of the two Bush elections.

You see, if they ever told you the truth (which is the country is not turning liberal) it would knock the wind out of your sails. You'd get bummed out and not vote in major elections. You'd realize that Socialism/ Communism will not be in this country.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .
I have My birth certificate.(true) People have access to Ancestry USA. I also know immigrants that worked hard and never bargained borrowed or stole to get in here. My great grand parents immigrated here legally, and they didn't lie or sneak around and commit mass fraud, and if they did, I would hold my parents accountable for trying to skirt the laws. But it seems if there is this massive breech of immigration laws and it isn't Hispanics kids fault. WHY NOT? It is Your Parents fault, not immigration law.
The question to ask is....if we, americans and our government, can pick and choose what laws are to be followed....and illegals given the green light because they are ILLEGAL..then why can we choose to not pay taxes? Or smoke dope and grow it wherever we want? Or drive while intoxicated? Or rob a bank if we are low on cash?

You confuse prosecutorial digression with lawbreaking.
What's the difference? Breaking our laws is breaking our laws.

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