I asked a few weeks ago what the left exactly want in regards global warming. Not much response.

OK, just for drill, lets assume that is correct (its not, but we are doing a drill)

What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do to reverse man made global warming?

give us a list of things that you members of the AGW religion want the rest of humanity to do.

Well to start with, the peasants need to give up their cars and homes, live in 200 square foot flats that are in walking distance of their jobs. Cell phones and flat screens are not for the unwashed. A diet of noodles and soy will be enough for the proles. Air travel will be outlawed for those not in the upper caste. There is no need for peasants to fly. Rail will be the means of the little people moving from place to place.
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
Binary is simple. Like them.
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

True, you don't want to do away with electricity, it's just that the peasants don't need it. Communal lights in their tenements will come on when their betters choose, and go off at the proscribed time. Large video screens in the communal areas will show what the rulers want shown. Power will still exist, it just won't be there to serve the proles.

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?

Coal and oil are meant to make the lives of the ruling caste better. Just as we see with Pope Algore the prevaricator, austerity is only intended for the peons.

Remember, commoners only exist to serve to the rulers. At such time that they are no longer of service, they will be properly disposed of.
So what? Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

yes,yes, yes. all of those are supported by a vast majority of humanity. However, the false religion of MMGW is hurting the cause of stopping pollution. We don't need a made up link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution.

The AGW religion is not about pollution, its about controlling human activity and restricting our actions to those that are sanctioned by the "rulers". Wake up, see this hoax for what it really is.
We've already discussed this... Whats with the broken record?

because you continue to claim that there is a link between pollution and climate. There is no link.
Come on man, lets go back to elementary school with this one and make it real simple.

Take a fish tank. Would you agree that if a harmful/poisonous (pollution) substance is introduced to the fishtank, then it changes the homeostasis and would end up effecting the "climate" of the tank? I don't think you can deny that, right?

The earth is just a bigger fishtank. Like i've said a dozen times now. Man made pollution could be like pissing in a swimming pool. It could have nominal/insignificant effects. But to deny that there are effects is absurd.

Another example... Multiply the amount of pollution by 1 billion... Do you think the climate would remain the same and the earth would survive? If your answer is yes, then you are not rational. Since the logical answer is NO then that is proof that pollution does have an effect on climate.

I'm not a doomsday advocator. I don't know enough about the science to say the degree of pollutions effects on climate. But be real about the conversation and admit that science dictates by simple cause and effect that pollution does have an effect on our climate.

I get all that and somewhat agree. The point is that man is not introducing new chemicals into the atmosphere, they were already there.

One volcanic eruption puts more crap in the air than 3000 years of human activity.

Your fish tank analogy is only applicable if you put a microdot of some chemical into the tank. An amount proportional to the CO2 that humans have "added" to the air in 3000 years would not change the chemical composition of that water by a measurable amount.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. That % has not changed in all or recorded history and, according to ice core samples and carbon dating, in hundreds of millions of years.

Plants consume CO2, they cannot live without it.

Sunspots have more impact on our climate than the acts of humans could ever have.

AGW is bunk science. Pollution is real, AGW is not.
I'm fine with that argument, it makes sense, and as I said before, i don't think the focus on the changing climate is a significant topic for average citizens to debate. I'm glad scientists are studying it as it would be nice to get as much of a warning as possible should a catastrophic event occur in the future. But as far as what WE can do, focusing on clean energy, less pollution, and preservation of our ecosystems/resources is what we should be talking about.
OK, just for drill, lets assume that is correct (its not, but we are doing a drill)

What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do to reverse man made global warming?

give us a list of things that you members of the AGW religion want the rest of humanity to do.

Well to start with, the peasants need to give up their cars and homes, live in 200 square foot flats that are in walking distance of their jobs. Cell phones and flat screens are not for the unwashed. A diet of noodles and soy will be enough for the proles. Air travel will be outlawed for those not in the upper caste. There is no need for peasants to fly. Rail will be the means of the little people moving from place to place.

Sadly, there is a lot of truth in your post.

Now, come on, members of the religion of AGW. Tell us specifically and exactly what you want humanity to do to stop or reverse man made climate change.
Give us a specific list of things, or STFU about it.

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