I asked a few weeks ago what the left exactly want in regards global warming. Not much response.

That sounds reasonable. But that's not what the Global Warming zealots want. They want Totalitarian oppression. They wanna force their agendas on all, by way of Government force. And they use Doomsday Fear Mongering as a weapon to get that done. But like i said, i don't live in fear of 'Global Warming.' I'm not gonna allow the warming fanatics to force their agendas on me.
Oppose those people all you want but realize you are talking about a small fraction of wingnuts.... most reasonable people do not take that position... even many of those that believe in MMGW

NO, most reasonable people do NOT believe in MMGW. Reasonable people understand that the climate of our planet and cyclical and man has nothing to do with it. Reasonable people want clean air and water and want to find alternate sources of energy.

Reasonable people do not need a fake link between the acts of man and climate in order to pursue ways to stop pollution and to find alternate sources of clean energy.
Again, simple science, cause and effect, seems to elude you. Keep the blinders on if you must... it just makes you look stupid.

Add a drop of chemical to our environment it has an effect... deplead a resource, it has an effect... you're outright denial of basic scientific knowledge is laughable.

The effects may or may not be changing the temperature and climate to a significant degree. That's fine to debate, but you seem unable to acknowledge the simple science.

I am quite sure that my scientific knowledge exceeds yours. Yes, a drop of pollution is bad, but the earth has amazing healing powers.
River Rouge in Detroit (where the car companies used to dump their waste) used to catch fire, now it is clean, and it never affected the climate.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It has been at that level for all of recorded history and prior to that based on ice core sampling and carbon dating.

Buy into the lie of a link if you want to, I don't care what you believe. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth. Our planet's climate is controlled by the sun, any slight wobble on the tilt of its axis, and deviations in ocean currents. Man cannot control or affect any to those naturally occurring cycles.

Man can pollute and we should stop polluting. A fake link between pollution and climate does nothing to stop pollution. In fact, because its bullshit, it hurts the real cause that we should all be working on.
Are you trying to say you do not BUY believe Leonardo DiCaprio's testimony!? Do you know he is a Hollywood A lister!?

Limousine Liberals are the worst. They demand you live in a way they themselves would never even consider living. It's like all the Democrat wankers who fell in love with Hugo Chavez. Look at Venezuela today. Poor folks standing in long miserable lines just to buy basic essentials.

Do you seriously think Limousine Liberals like Sean Penn would ever stand for that? Not a chance. And where is Sean Penn today? Is he over there helping any of those poor folks who are suffering? Nope. He's too busy partying it up on his private jet and yacht. Limousine Liberals really are the lowest lifeforms.
Last edited:
Again, simple science, cause and effect, seems to elude you. Keep the blinders on if you must... it just makes you look stupid.

Add a drop of chemical to our environment it has an effect... deplead a resource, it has an effect... you're outright denial of basic scientific knowledge is laughable.

The effects may or may not be changing the temperature and climate to a significant degree. That's fine to debate, but you seem unable to acknowledge the simple science.

I am quite sure that my scientific knowledge exceeds yours. Yes, a drop of pollution is bad, but the earth has amazing healing powers.
River Rouge in Detroit (where the car companies used to dump their waste) used to catch fire, now it is clean, and it never affected the climate.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It has been at that level for all of recorded history and prior to that based on ice core sampling and carbon dating.

Buy into the lie of a link if you want to, I don't care what you believe. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth. Our planet's climate is controlled by the sun, any slight wobble on the tilt of its axis, and deviations in ocean currents. Man cannot control or affect any to those naturally occurring cycles.

Man can pollute and we should stop polluting. A fake link between pollution and climate does nothing to stop pollution. In fact, because its bullshit, it hurts the real cause that we should all be working on.
I actually kind of agree with your last statement. I think this climate change debate is rather pointless. I don't like the end of the world fear mongering and I don't like the outright deniers. It changes the conversation from what could be productive environmental policy working towards cleaner energy, less pollution, and better habitat/resource preservation, and steers it towards a pointless debate over a larger discussion that essentially has no practicality.

In the end, whether climate change is effected by man or not, reasonable environmental policy should still be supported by anybody who cares about the world we live in.

Here I absolutely agree with you. The AGW fraud has quite literally set back the environmental/conservation movement throughout the world as they have hoovered up all of the once available cash that could have been used to clean up real pollution.
What are they doing with all this cash that they hoovered?

Keeping it for themselves. Really, you should look up what all of those hundreds of billions of dollars have been used for. Absolutely worthless (for the most part) "research" that has told us nothing that we already didn't know. It is the largest scam in all of human history. This should give you an idea of how useless global warming research has been. In 32 billion modern dollars the Manhattan project gave us atomic bombs that ended the 2nd World War, and gave us nuclear power.

To date the collective global warming research has expended well over 150 billion dollars and all they have to show for it is a plan to siphon off 74 trillion dollars (all managed by the ruling elite of course) from the people of the world to change over the energy system of the world all for the stated goal of lowering the global temperature by one degree in 100 years.......maybe.
Can you post a link with details about the projects these funds paid for? I'd be interested to see for myself specifically what you consider waste.
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?

The left wants to end the middle class and return to a world where 99% live in abject poverty under the rule of a 1% elite who hold perpetual power.

The absurd AGW religion is but one of many ways the left seeks to reestablish the feudal wet dream they lust for,
What in the world makes you think that you know what the Left wants? You've proven time and time again to have an extremely skewed and poor understanding of what your political opposers intensions are...
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?

The left wants to end the middle class and return to a world where 99% live in abject poverty under the rule of a 1% elite who hold perpetual power.

The absurd AGW religion is but one of many ways the left seeks to reestablish the feudal wet dream they lust for,
What in the world makes you think that you know what the Left wants? You've proven time and time again to have an extremely skewed and poor understanding of what your political opposers intensions are...
Holy fucking shit. How do we know what the fucking left wants? Are you for fucking real? Every fucking day, the stupid ridiculous fucking left can't shut the fuck up about what they fucking want.

Except of course for what they want to replace all of fucking products that is made from petroleum.

Like your fucking computer fuck face.
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?

The left wants to end the middle class and return to a world where 99% live in abject poverty under the rule of a 1% elite who hold perpetual power.

The absurd AGW religion is but one of many ways the left seeks to reestablish the feudal wet dream they lust for,
What in the world makes you think that you know what the Left wants? You've proven time and time again to have an extremely skewed and poor understanding of what your political opposers intensions are...
Holy fucking shit. How do we know what the fucking left wants? Are you for fucking real? Every fucking day, the stupid ridiculous fucking left can't shut the fuck up about what they fucking want.

Except of course for what they want to replace all of fucking products that is made from petroleum.

Like your fucking computer fuck face.
We have another emotional genius "who"s got no clue
What in the world makes you think that you know what the Left wants?

I read your posts, snowflake.

You've proven time and time again to have an extremely skewed and poor understanding of what your political opposers intensions are...


That explains why you accurately predicted the election and I didn't..

Oh, wait.
We have another emotional genius "who"s got no clue

Algore, the Pope of the AGW cult, has a 24,000 square foot mansion.

{Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.}

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

This is the man who demands that the little people be crammed into high density tenements in urban centers to "reduce the carbon footprint.'

Now this goes well beyond the hypocrisy of this religious kook, it demonstrates the arrogance of the elite. Gore seeks to impose extreme deprivation on the peasants that he would never consider enduring. After all, the peasants exist only to serve the elite.

How do we know what the left wants? You're not subtle, you're no different than the court of Lois the XIV. You of the left rub our face in your desire to destroy the middle class;

Our most pressing environmental challenge is not how many people the planet can support, but rather how many cellphone-toting, satellite-TV-watching, gas-guzzler driving members of the middle class it can bear.

That was the message from Sir David King, former science adviser to the British government, chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and director of research in physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge, who spoke at Harvard’s Science Center on April 17.}

Earth feels impact of middle class

The hatred you of the left have for these middle class usurpers of the privilege you demand be reserved for the elite is palpable;

{Yet the upper middle class collectively wields far more influence. These are households with enough money to make modest political contributions, enough time to email their elected officials and to sign petitions, and enough influence to sway their neighbors. Upper-middle-class Americans vote at substantially higher rates than those less well-off, and though their turnout levels aren’t quite as high as those even richer than they are, there are far more upper-middle-class people than there are rich people. One can easily turn the Kochs or the Steyers of the world into a big fat political target. It’s harder to do the same to the lawyers, doctors, and management consultants who populate the tonier precincts of our cities and suburbs.}

Forget the Rich. It’s the Upper Middle Class That Is Ruining America.

The FACT is that you of the left are openly at war to end the Middle Class and return to the feudal state that has plagued most of human history, the rulers living in opulence on the backs of an enslaved majority.
What in the world makes you think that you know what the Left wants?

I read your posts, snowflake.
Stellar response! You should get an award for worst debater on USMB... Hoping some day you learn how to make a point.
We have another emotional genius "who"s got no clue

Algore, the Pope of the AGW cult, has a 24,000 square foot mansion.

{Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.}

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

This is the man who demands that the little people be crammed into high density tenements in urban centers to "reduce the carbon footprint.'

Now this goes well beyond the hypocrisy of this religious kook, it demonstrates the arrogance of the elite. Gore seeks to impose extreme deprivation on the peasants that he would never consider enduring. After all, the peasants exist only to serve the elite.

How do we know what the left wants? You're not subtle, you're no different than the court of Lois the XIV. You of the left rub our face in your desire to destroy the middle class;

Our most pressing environmental challenge is not how many people the planet can support, but rather how many cellphone-toting, satellite-TV-watching, gas-guzzler driving members of the middle class it can bear.

That was the message from Sir David King, former science adviser to the British government, chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and director of research in physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge, who spoke at Harvard’s Science Center on April 17.}

Earth feels impact of middle class

The hatred you of the left have for these middle class usurpers of the privilege you demand be reserved for the elite is palpable;

{Yet the upper middle class collectively wields far more influence. These are households with enough money to make modest political contributions, enough time to email their elected officials and to sign petitions, and enough influence to sway their neighbors. Upper-middle-class Americans vote at substantially higher rates than those less well-off, and though their turnout levels aren’t quite as high as those even richer than they are, there are far more upper-middle-class people than there are rich people. One can easily turn the Kochs or the Steyers of the world into a big fat political target. It’s harder to do the same to the lawyers, doctors, and management consultants who populate the tonier precincts of our cities and suburbs.}

Forget the Rich. It’s the Upper Middle Class That Is Ruining America.

The FACT is that you of the left are openly at war to end the Middle Class and return to the feudal state that has plagued most of human history, the rulers living in opulence on the backs of an enslaved majority.
So what? Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.
We have another emotional genius "who"s got no clue

Algore, the Pope of the AGW cult, has a 24,000 square foot mansion.

{Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.}

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

This is the man who demands that the little people be crammed into high density tenements in urban centers to "reduce the carbon footprint.'

Now this goes well beyond the hypocrisy of this religious kook, it demonstrates the arrogance of the elite. Gore seeks to impose extreme deprivation on the peasants that he would never consider enduring. After all, the peasants exist only to serve the elite.

How do we know what the left wants? You're not subtle, you're no different than the court of Lois the XIV. You of the left rub our face in your desire to destroy the middle class;

Our most pressing environmental challenge is not how many people the planet can support, but rather how many cellphone-toting, satellite-TV-watching, gas-guzzler driving members of the middle class it can bear.

That was the message from Sir David King, former science adviser to the British government, chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and director of research in physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge, who spoke at Harvard’s Science Center on April 17.}

Earth feels impact of middle class

The hatred you of the left have for these middle class usurpers of the privilege you demand be reserved for the elite is palpable;

{Yet the upper middle class collectively wields far more influence. These are households with enough money to make modest political contributions, enough time to email their elected officials and to sign petitions, and enough influence to sway their neighbors. Upper-middle-class Americans vote at substantially higher rates than those less well-off, and though their turnout levels aren’t quite as high as those even richer than they are, there are far more upper-middle-class people than there are rich people. One can easily turn the Kochs or the Steyers of the world into a big fat political target. It’s harder to do the same to the lawyers, doctors, and management consultants who populate the tonier precincts of our cities and suburbs.}

Forget the Rich. It’s the Upper Middle Class That Is Ruining America.

The FACT is that you of the left are openly at war to end the Middle Class and return to the feudal state that has plagued most of human history, the rulers living in opulence on the backs of an enslaved majority.
So what? Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

yes,yes, yes. all of those are supported by a vast majority of humanity. However, the false religion of MMGW is hurting the cause of stopping pollution. We don't need a made up link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution.

The AGW religion is not about pollution, its about controlling human activity and restricting our actions to those that are sanctioned by the "rulers". Wake up, see this hoax for what it really is.
So what?

So you of the left seek to destroy the middle class.

You tried to deny it, when presented with irrefutable evidence from leftist sources such as the Harvard Diploma Mill and Slate, you act like you didn't even question it.

Seriously dude, you deserve an award as the worst debater on USMB.

Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

I'm pointing out that you of the left are engaged in a war to destroy the middle class. AGW is a ruse used to manipulate the stupid into accepting there own destruction. What does the left want with AGW? To destroy the middle class. What does the left want in general? To destroy the middle class.

Liberal contempt “for traditional American middle class values, religion, even shopping habits could not be more obvious,” a reviewer wrote on Amazon. “It can be humorous to watch them try to outdo each other as they boast of their purity in political thought and good taste.”

A class of politically self-conscious intellectuals, predating the New Deal (with which Siegel is in greater sympathy), arose soon after World War I. It was antagonistic to the “businessman’s pursuit of profit and the conventional individual’s pursuit of pleasure.” Sinclair Lewis, H.L. Mencken, and journalists like Herbert Croly, the editor of the New Republic, were contemptuous of American culture. The writer Randolph Bourne deplored the “downward tow of our civilization, with its leering cheapness and falseness of taste and spiritual outlook.” Mencken supported German victory in the war, and called American democracy “the worship of jackals by jackasses.”}

So WHY does the left have such hatred for the middle? Simple, you view yourselves as superior, a middle class makes you ordinary.

{In a democracy the intellectual is without an unquestioned sense of superiority and a sense of social usefulness. He is not listened to and not taken seriously. The truth is that intellectuals never found a democratic society acceptable. Bagehot himself was convinced: “If you once permit the ignorant class to rule you may bid farewell to deference forever.”}

Liberalism Versus the Middle Class
We have another emotional genius "who"s got no clue

Algore, the Pope of the AGW cult, has a 24,000 square foot mansion.

{Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.}

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

This is the man who demands that the little people be crammed into high density tenements in urban centers to "reduce the carbon footprint.'

Now this goes well beyond the hypocrisy of this religious kook, it demonstrates the arrogance of the elite. Gore seeks to impose extreme deprivation on the peasants that he would never consider enduring. After all, the peasants exist only to serve the elite.

How do we know what the left wants? You're not subtle, you're no different than the court of Lois the XIV. You of the left rub our face in your desire to destroy the middle class;

Our most pressing environmental challenge is not how many people the planet can support, but rather how many cellphone-toting, satellite-TV-watching, gas-guzzler driving members of the middle class it can bear.

That was the message from Sir David King, former science adviser to the British government, chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and director of research in physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge, who spoke at Harvard’s Science Center on April 17.}

Earth feels impact of middle class

The hatred you of the left have for these middle class usurpers of the privilege you demand be reserved for the elite is palpable;

{Yet the upper middle class collectively wields far more influence. These are households with enough money to make modest political contributions, enough time to email their elected officials and to sign petitions, and enough influence to sway their neighbors. Upper-middle-class Americans vote at substantially higher rates than those less well-off, and though their turnout levels aren’t quite as high as those even richer than they are, there are far more upper-middle-class people than there are rich people. One can easily turn the Kochs or the Steyers of the world into a big fat political target. It’s harder to do the same to the lawyers, doctors, and management consultants who populate the tonier precincts of our cities and suburbs.}

Forget the Rich. It’s the Upper Middle Class That Is Ruining America.

The FACT is that you of the left are openly at war to end the Middle Class and return to the feudal state that has plagued most of human history, the rulers living in opulence on the backs of an enslaved majority.
So what? Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

yes,yes, yes. all of those are supported by a vast majority of humanity. However, the false religion of MMGW is hurting the cause of stopping pollution. We don't need a made up link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution.

The AGW religion is not about pollution, its about controlling human activity and restricting our actions to those that are sanctioned by the "rulers". Wake up, see this hoax for what it really is.
We've already discussed this... Whats with the broken record?
So what?

So you of the left seek to destroy the middle class.

You tried to deny it, when presented with irrefutable evidence from leftist sources such as the Harvard Diploma Mill and Slate, you act like you didn't even question it.

Seriously dude, you deserve an award as the worst debater on USMB.

Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

I'm pointing out that you of the left are engaged in a war to destroy the middle class. AGW is a ruse used to manipulate the stupid into accepting there own destruction. What does the left want with AGW? To destroy the middle class. What does the left want in general? To destroy the middle class.

Liberal contempt “for traditional American middle class values, religion, even shopping habits could not be more obvious,” a reviewer wrote on Amazon. “It can be humorous to watch them try to outdo each other as they boast of their purity in political thought and good taste.”

A class of politically self-conscious intellectuals, predating the New Deal (with which Siegel is in greater sympathy), arose soon after World War I. It was antagonistic to the “businessman’s pursuit of profit and the conventional individual’s pursuit of pleasure.” Sinclair Lewis, H.L. Mencken, and journalists like Herbert Croly, the editor of the New Republic, were contemptuous of American culture. The writer Randolph Bourne deplored the “downward tow of our civilization, with its leering cheapness and falseness of taste and spiritual outlook.” Mencken supported German victory in the war, and called American democracy “the worship of jackals by jackasses.”}

So WHY does the left have such hatred for the middle? Simple, you view yourselves as superior, a middle class makes you ordinary.

{In a democracy the intellectual is without an unquestioned sense of superiority and a sense of social usefulness. He is not listened to and not taken seriously. The truth is that intellectuals never found a democratic society acceptable. Bagehot himself was convinced: “If you once permit the ignorant class to rule you may bid farewell to deference forever.”}

Liberalism Versus the Middle Class
So your response my critique about your horrible debating skills is to say "No, you are!" well done!

Yet again you fail to articulate anything close to my view or most liberals that I know. You take the narrative of an extreme wing and distort the message with your obvious bias and try to label all liberals, left wingers, environmentalist, or whatever condescending name you decide to call your opposers, with scewed baseless attacks.

"The Left hates the middle class" If you really believe that then you are more idiotic then I thought.
So your response my critique about your horrible debating skills is to say "No, you are!" well done!

Oh? That was my response?

Perhaps you would fare better if you eschewed absurd lying as your foundation :dunno:

Yet again you fail to articulate anything close to my view or most liberals that I know. You take the narrative of an extreme wing and distort the message with your obvious bias and try to label all liberals, left wingers, environmentalist, or whatever condescending name you decide to call your opposers, with scewed baseless attacks.

"The Left hates the middle class" If you really believe that then you are more idiotic then I thought.

You are not a 'liberal," you are a leftist. Marx, not Hamilton defines your core values.

What has been presented is a plethora of evidence supporting my contention, to which I have gotten the usual "nuhn uhn" from you.

You are an intellectual lightweight, you lack the intellect and skill requisite to engage in this debate. This is the reason you are a leftist.
We have another emotional genius "who"s got no clue

Algore, the Pope of the AGW cult, has a 24,000 square foot mansion.

{Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.}

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

This is the man who demands that the little people be crammed into high density tenements in urban centers to "reduce the carbon footprint.'

Now this goes well beyond the hypocrisy of this religious kook, it demonstrates the arrogance of the elite. Gore seeks to impose extreme deprivation on the peasants that he would never consider enduring. After all, the peasants exist only to serve the elite.

How do we know what the left wants? You're not subtle, you're no different than the court of Lois the XIV. You of the left rub our face in your desire to destroy the middle class;

Our most pressing environmental challenge is not how many people the planet can support, but rather how many cellphone-toting, satellite-TV-watching, gas-guzzler driving members of the middle class it can bear.

That was the message from Sir David King, former science adviser to the British government, chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and director of research in physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge, who spoke at Harvard’s Science Center on April 17.}

Earth feels impact of middle class

The hatred you of the left have for these middle class usurpers of the privilege you demand be reserved for the elite is palpable;

{Yet the upper middle class collectively wields far more influence. These are households with enough money to make modest political contributions, enough time to email their elected officials and to sign petitions, and enough influence to sway their neighbors. Upper-middle-class Americans vote at substantially higher rates than those less well-off, and though their turnout levels aren’t quite as high as those even richer than they are, there are far more upper-middle-class people than there are rich people. One can easily turn the Kochs or the Steyers of the world into a big fat political target. It’s harder to do the same to the lawyers, doctors, and management consultants who populate the tonier precincts of our cities and suburbs.}

Forget the Rich. It’s the Upper Middle Class That Is Ruining America.

The FACT is that you of the left are openly at war to end the Middle Class and return to the feudal state that has plagued most of human history, the rulers living in opulence on the backs of an enslaved majority.
So what? Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

yes,yes, yes. all of those are supported by a vast majority of humanity. However, the false religion of MMGW is hurting the cause of stopping pollution. We don't need a made up link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution.

The AGW religion is not about pollution, its about controlling human activity and restricting our actions to those that are sanctioned by the "rulers". Wake up, see this hoax for what it really is.
We've already discussed this... Whats with the broken record?

because you continue to claim that there is a link between pollution and climate. There is no link.
We have another emotional genius "who"s got no clue

Algore, the Pope of the AGW cult, has a 24,000 square foot mansion.

{Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.}

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

This is the man who demands that the little people be crammed into high density tenements in urban centers to "reduce the carbon footprint.'

Now this goes well beyond the hypocrisy of this religious kook, it demonstrates the arrogance of the elite. Gore seeks to impose extreme deprivation on the peasants that he would never consider enduring. After all, the peasants exist only to serve the elite.

How do we know what the left wants? You're not subtle, you're no different than the court of Lois the XIV. You of the left rub our face in your desire to destroy the middle class;

Our most pressing environmental challenge is not how many people the planet can support, but rather how many cellphone-toting, satellite-TV-watching, gas-guzzler driving members of the middle class it can bear.

That was the message from Sir David King, former science adviser to the British government, chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and director of research in physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge, who spoke at Harvard’s Science Center on April 17.}

Earth feels impact of middle class

The hatred you of the left have for these middle class usurpers of the privilege you demand be reserved for the elite is palpable;

{Yet the upper middle class collectively wields far more influence. These are households with enough money to make modest political contributions, enough time to email their elected officials and to sign petitions, and enough influence to sway their neighbors. Upper-middle-class Americans vote at substantially higher rates than those less well-off, and though their turnout levels aren’t quite as high as those even richer than they are, there are far more upper-middle-class people than there are rich people. One can easily turn the Kochs or the Steyers of the world into a big fat political target. It’s harder to do the same to the lawyers, doctors, and management consultants who populate the tonier precincts of our cities and suburbs.}

Forget the Rich. It’s the Upper Middle Class That Is Ruining America.

The FACT is that you of the left are openly at war to end the Middle Class and return to the feudal state that has plagued most of human history, the rulers living in opulence on the backs of an enslaved majority.
So what? Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

yes,yes, yes. all of those are supported by a vast majority of humanity. However, the false religion of MMGW is hurting the cause of stopping pollution. We don't need a made up link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution.

The AGW religion is not about pollution, its about controlling human activity and restricting our actions to those that are sanctioned by the "rulers". Wake up, see this hoax for what it really is.
We've already discussed this... Whats with the broken record?

because you continue to claim that there is a link between pollution and climate. There is no link.
Come on man, lets go back to elementary school with this one and make it real simple.

Take a fish tank. Would you agree that if a harmful/poisonous (pollution) substance is introduced to the fishtank, then it changes the homeostasis and would end up effecting the "climate" of the tank? I don't think you can deny that, right?

The earth is just a bigger fishtank. Like i've said a dozen times now. Man made pollution could be like pissing in a swimming pool. It could have nominal/insignificant effects. But to deny that there are effects is absurd.

Another example... Multiply the amount of pollution by 1 billion... Do you think the climate would remain the same and the earth would survive? If your answer is yes, then you are not rational. Since the logical answer is NO then that is proof that pollution does have an effect on climate.

I'm not a doomsday advocator. I don't know enough about the science to say the degree of pollutions effects on climate. But be real about the conversation and admit that science dictates by simple cause and effect that pollution does have an effect on our climate.
Algore, the Pope of the AGW cult, has a 24,000 square foot mansion.

{Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.}

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

This is the man who demands that the little people be crammed into high density tenements in urban centers to "reduce the carbon footprint.'

Now this goes well beyond the hypocrisy of this religious kook, it demonstrates the arrogance of the elite. Gore seeks to impose extreme deprivation on the peasants that he would never consider enduring. After all, the peasants exist only to serve the elite.

How do we know what the left wants? You're not subtle, you're no different than the court of Lois the XIV. You of the left rub our face in your desire to destroy the middle class;

Our most pressing environmental challenge is not how many people the planet can support, but rather how many cellphone-toting, satellite-TV-watching, gas-guzzler driving members of the middle class it can bear.

That was the message from Sir David King, former science adviser to the British government, chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and director of research in physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge, who spoke at Harvard’s Science Center on April 17.}

Earth feels impact of middle class

The hatred you of the left have for these middle class usurpers of the privilege you demand be reserved for the elite is palpable;

{Yet the upper middle class collectively wields far more influence. These are households with enough money to make modest political contributions, enough time to email their elected officials and to sign petitions, and enough influence to sway their neighbors. Upper-middle-class Americans vote at substantially higher rates than those less well-off, and though their turnout levels aren’t quite as high as those even richer than they are, there are far more upper-middle-class people than there are rich people. One can easily turn the Kochs or the Steyers of the world into a big fat political target. It’s harder to do the same to the lawyers, doctors, and management consultants who populate the tonier precincts of our cities and suburbs.}

Forget the Rich. It’s the Upper Middle Class That Is Ruining America.

The FACT is that you of the left are openly at war to end the Middle Class and return to the feudal state that has plagued most of human history, the rulers living in opulence on the backs of an enslaved majority.
So what? Your attempt to expose hypocrisy by pointing out large estates and private jet travel from environmental activists, doesn't really pack the punch that you may think. It doesn't take away from the simple fact that many people what to work towards less pollution, cleaner energy sources, and more respectful treatment of our environment.

yes,yes, yes. all of those are supported by a vast majority of humanity. However, the false religion of MMGW is hurting the cause of stopping pollution. We don't need a made up link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution.

The AGW religion is not about pollution, its about controlling human activity and restricting our actions to those that are sanctioned by the "rulers". Wake up, see this hoax for what it really is.
We've already discussed this... Whats with the broken record?

because you continue to claim that there is a link between pollution and climate. There is no link.
Come on man, lets go back to elementary school with this one and make it real simple.

Take a fish tank. Would you agree that if a harmful/poisonous (pollution) substance is introduced to the fishtank, then it changes the homeostasis and would end up effecting the "climate" of the tank? I don't think you can deny that, right?

The earth is just a bigger fishtank. Like i've said a dozen times now. Man made pollution could be like pissing in a swimming pool. It could have nominal/insignificant effects. But to deny that there are effects is absurd.

Another example... Multiply the amount of pollution by 1 billion... Do you think the climate would remain the same and the earth would survive? If your answer is yes, then you are not rational. Since the logical answer is NO then that is proof that pollution does have an effect on climate.

I'm not a doomsday advocator. I don't know enough about the science to say the degree of pollutions effects on climate. But be real about the conversation and admit that science dictates by simple cause and effect that pollution does have an effect on our climate.

I get all that and somewhat agree. The point is that man is not introducing new chemicals into the atmosphere, they were already there.

One volcanic eruption puts more crap in the air than 3000 years of human activity.

Your fish tank analogy is only applicable if you put a microdot of some chemical into the tank. An amount proportional to the CO2 that humans have "added" to the air in 3000 years would not change the chemical composition of that water by a measurable amount.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. That % has not changed in all or recorded history and, according to ice core samples and carbon dating, in hundreds of millions of years.

Plants consume CO2, they cannot live without it.

Sunspots have more impact on our climate than the acts of humans could ever have.

AGW is bunk science. Pollution is real, AGW is not.
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned...... Can they articulate what exactly they want?
The same thing they always want. In a word: CONTROL

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