I Believe Al Green Has Started Proceedings

Their purpose is to disrupt and nothing more......

They want to tie up Trump so he can't get anything done.............

Trump is taking on the Swamp......to be expected.
How do these people ever get elected, Al Green, Maxin waters, John lewis, they speak but sound stupid with every word.

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It's annoying to have everyone running to impeachment whenever someone they don't like is in office. Clinton was the last one to warrant impeachment. If trump ever commits a crime we can talk about it then. But this impeachment talk is dangerous.
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They need to keep the hearings and investigations going. I don't want this resolved no matter how much more asinine it makes the bed wetters look. As long as the sociopaths are focused on this bullshit, the more Trump can get done purging DC of the petty bureaucrooks out from underneath these clowns.

I hope the GOP wipes their asses with nanzi pillousy's fuckin face again in 2018.

They've become tiresome and annoying

Commies are always annoying, but now they're on the brink of being more than a simple nuisance. They must be beaten into electoral submission and encouraged to seek refuge in utopian wonderlands like Cuba and North Korea.
Impeach him for what? LOL these idiots have jumped the shark.
Impeach him for breaking the law. Liberalism is treated as a law by the left, it is their form of Shria Law.

The funny thing is is they he isn't a conservative and holds many of the same positions they do. If the tried to charge him with not being a liberal they still could show enough evidence. If they just worked with him instead they could get alot of what they want done too.

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