I believe in " right of return"

Actually, quite the opposite.

"The World Council of Churches, an ecumenical body which claims to represent 590 million Christians worldwide and based in Switzerland, will sponsor an event supporting the partition and Islamization of Jerusalem. The ”World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel” will go on from 22nd of September."

EXPOSÉ: A Christian Fatwa Against Israel - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Now isn't that strange that this group would close their eyes to the most persecuted group in the rest of the Middle East (which are the Christians) when the Christians have it pretty good in Israel.

World Council of Churches attacks Israel to no gain - The Commentator

How many of those Christians own the same land, homes, and businesses that they had before the Nakba?

How many were refused the chance to own land, homes and businesses when under the control of the muslims. Or lost their land, homes and businesses when they were ethnically cleansed from the land and forced to flee to Israel
The forgotten refugees: Jews forced out of Arab countries. What about their right of return? ? Telegraph Blogs

The forgotten refugees: Jews forced out of Arab countries. What about their right of return?

By Ed West Politics Last updated: May 16th, 2011

430 Comments Comment on this article

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, 1952. But Jews were dispossessed, too.
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, 1952. But Jews were dispossessed, too.

"Could the Arab Spring turn into a Palestinian summer?" asks the BBC. A dozen Palestinians were killed yesterday on Israeli's border on the anniversary of the Nakba, the Palestinian “catastrophe” of 1948 when 725,000 Palestinians were forced out of their homeland.

Almost everyone in Europe knows about the Nakba, which followed the 1948 Arab-Israeli war; although most refugees fled on the advice of invading Arab armies, they have never been allowed back, and this is a running sore. Yet very few people know that 800,000 Jews were in turn forced out of Arab lands during this and subsequent years, on top of another 200,000 Jews from other Muslim countries such as Iran.

The above doesn't include centuries of abuse the Jewish people endured at the Hands of those Savages :evil:

although most refugees fled on the advice of invading Arab armies,

Do you have the statistics on that?

Already been given and ignored because they destroyed your arguments.
The forgotten refugees: Jews forced out of Arab countries. What about their right of return? ? Telegraph Blogs

The forgotten refugees: Jews forced out of Arab countries. What about their right of return?

By Ed West Politics Last updated: May 16th, 2011

430 Comments Comment on this article

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, 1952. But Jews were dispossessed, too.
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, 1952. But Jews were dispossessed, too.

"Could the Arab Spring turn into a Palestinian summer?" asks the BBC. A dozen Palestinians were killed yesterday on Israeli's border on the anniversary of the Nakba, the Palestinian “catastrophe” of 1948 when 725,000 Palestinians were forced out of their homeland.

Almost everyone in Europe knows about the Nakba, which followed the 1948 Arab-Israeli war; although most refugees fled on the advice of invading Arab armies, they have never been allowed back, and this is a running sore. Yet very few people know that 800,000 Jews were in turn forced out of Arab lands during this and subsequent years, on top of another 200,000 Jews from other Muslim countries such as Iran.

The above doesn't include centuries of abuse the Jewish people endured at the Hands of those Savages :evil:
They did not leave on the advice of invading armies, that's a load of crap!

No one in their right mind leaves a place they've been living in for generations, just because someone asks them to!

That's one of the most ridiculous claims I've heard to date.

The truth is, they were driven out by Jewish terrorism.

loon..... the grand mufti of jerusalem told them to leave... told them they'd have the jews in the sea in 3 days.

that didn't work out so well for them.

no other whining losers have demanded a do-over like the terrorists and their supporters.

now you know.

run along.
i Jews forced out of Arab countries. What about their right of return?

What do the Palestinians have to do with what other Arab countries do or not do? Do the Spanish have anything to do with Argentina attacking the Falklands just because they are both Hispanic countries and speak Spanish?

This whole deal is bullshit, if you ask me.

Right of return of the Jews to Israel, what about the right of return of Jews to their Arab countries which they were expelled out of with no right?

How bout right of return to the offsprink of the Indians the white man butchered in the blessed lands?

Or the right of return of the Arabs to Arabia, where they really belong?

As I said, this whole thing is pure idiocity. If it wasn't for Hamas, we could all live here together, unharmed.

I lost my own ranch in the Arab uprising, back when the mess of the 30's started. My fields were burned to the ground.

You see me weeping pathetically? No, I get that those houses and memories are long gone. Instead of wishing things that obviously are not gonna happen, we better try and live together, here and now.

Less blood, and less headache.
The forgotten refugees: Jews forced out of Arab countries. What about their right of return? ? Telegraph Blogs

The forgotten refugees: Jews forced out of Arab countries. What about their right of return?

By Ed West Politics Last updated: May 16th, 2011

430 Comments Comment on this article

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, 1952. But Jews were dispossessed, too.
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, 1952. But Jews were dispossessed, too.

"Could the Arab Spring turn into a Palestinian summer?" asks the BBC. A dozen Palestinians were killed yesterday on Israeli's border on the anniversary of the Nakba, the Palestinian “catastrophe” of 1948 when 725,000 Palestinians were forced out of their homeland.

Almost everyone in Europe knows about the Nakba, which followed the 1948 Arab-Israeli war; although most refugees fled on the advice of invading Arab armies, they have never been allowed back, and this is a running sore. Yet very few people know that 800,000 Jews were in turn forced out of Arab lands during this and subsequent years, on top of another 200,000 Jews from other Muslim countries such as Iran.

The above doesn't include centuries of abuse the Jewish people endured at the Hands of those Savages :evil:

although most refugees fled on the advice of invading Arab armies,

Do you have the statistics on that?

Already been given and ignored because they destroyed your arguments.


You've posted squat.

Do you have the statistics on that?

Already been given and ignored because they destroyed your arguments.


You've posted squat.

>> Arab Liberation Army embarked on a systematic evacuation of non-combatants from several frontier villages in order to turn them into military strongholds. Arab depopulation occurred most in villages close to Jewish settlements and in vulnerable neighborhoods in Haifa, Jaffa and West Jerusalem. The poor inhabitants of these neighborhoods generally fled to other parts of the city. Many rich inhabitants fled further away, most of them expecting to return when the troubles were over. By the end of March 1948 thirty villages were depopulated of their Palestinian Arab population. Approximately 100,000 Palestinian Arabs had fled to Arab parts of Palestine, such as Gaza, Beersheba, Haifa, Nazareth, Nablus, Jaffa and Bethlehem.<<

"...What do the Palestinians have to do with what other Arab countries do or not do?"

oh - there you are !

The palestinians LOVE to do what "OTHER ARAB COUNTRIES" DO.......like:


and their infamous FAMILY GATHERINGS..............


they LOVE to cover their faces and play "guess who I am" -- (like "OTHER ARAB COUNTRIES" DO):

The right to return? How about the right to live anywhere in the world they like, why must they be forced into an area that is smaller than a county in california.

The Right to Return would restrict a man to a tiny strip of land, a few miles wide, maybe ten miles long, and the United Nations will declare this postage stamp a Nation, and thus restrict people to a literal prison.

I could not imagine any human being wants to be part of tiny scrap of next to useless land, and at that become a prisoner in a regime that dictates little girls can be sold as sexual slaves to old men. No freedom for woman is what the World supports?

Generations of people have been born in Jordan, Syria, elsewhere in the Middle East, after all these years the Societies of these countries will not accept their brethren as citizens with full rights (excluding the females)?

I live 2200 miles from where I was born, the refugees live where they were born, where their father's were born, and now we state they shall be forced to move to one of the smallest in physical size Nation.

And the economy of this new nation will be what, the World Welfare Program?

still, who would propose to create a dictatorship in a county where one could buy a 6 year old girl, what kind of person actually supports a dictatorship slave nation?

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