"I believe we can be better"


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
"I believe we can be better," Obama said to a capacity crowd at the University of Arizona basketball arena — and to countless others watching across America. "Those who died here, those who saved lives here — they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us."

Sure beats "Don't retreat, reload" in my book, any day.

Obama to Americans: 'We can be better' - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com
I think its a good idea to try and make our discussions worthy of the little girl who died that day.

She had great hope in our poltical process and believed this country was great.

In her honor can we try to make our process and discussion a litle closer to what this little girl believed it was?
I think its a good idea to try and make our discussions worthy of the little girl who died that day.

She had great hope in our poltical process and believed this country was great.

In her honor can we try to make our process and discussion a litle closer to what this little girl believed it was?

what? and you know all this how?
"I believe we can be better," Obama said to a capacity crowd at the University of Arizona basketball arena — and to countless others watching across America. "Those who died here, those who saved lives here — they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us."

Sure beats "Don't retreat, reload" in my book, any day.

Obama to Americans: 'We can be better' - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

You are aware that, way back when Sarah started using that catchphrase, she explained it, right? She said 'reload' meant at the ballot box. You can continue lying about Palin, but that makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution that the President talked about.
We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us."

Sure beats "Don't retreat, reload" in my book, any day.

Obama to Americans: 'We can be better' - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

Right after we find some "asses to kick", right? :eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

Sanctimony, thy name is Barry Sotero.

The point, asshole, that you obviously missed, is that if there was a time to tone down the rhetoric, (regardless of whether or not it played a role in the killings), I believe and Obama believes that time is now. Meanwhile, you have Sarah Palin "sticking to her guns" and bitching and moaning and whining.....she looks SO Presidential these days, doesn't she?
"I believe we can be better," Obama said to a capacity crowd at the University of Arizona basketball arena — and to countless others watching across America. "Those who died here, those who saved lives here — they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us."

Sure beats "Don't retreat, reload" in my book, any day.

Obama to Americans: 'We can be better' - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

You are aware that, way back when Sarah started using that catchphrase, she explained it, right? She said 'reload' meant at the ballot box. You can continue lying about Palin, but that makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution that the President talked about.

You too, have missed my point. Your partisan eyes will not allow you to see beyond your own hatred.

Right after we find some "asses to kick", right? :eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

Sanctimony, thy name is Barry Sotero.

The point, asshole, that you obviously missed, is that if there was a time to tone down the rhetoric, (regardless of whether or not it played a role in the killings), I believe and Obama believes that time is now. Meanwhile, you have Sarah Palin "sticking to her guns" and bitching and moaning and whining.....she looks SO Presidential these days, doesn't she?

Democrats lose elections when they can't control the rehetoric.

So this rhetoric works fine for me.
"I believe we can be better," Obama said to a capacity crowd at the University of Arizona basketball arena — and to countless others watching across America. "Those who died here, those who saved lives here — they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us."

Sure beats "Don't retreat, reload" in my book, any day.

Obama to Americans: 'We can be better' - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

No offense, but your saying "Sure beats "Don't retreat, reload" in my book, any day" is doing exactly what our President suggested we stop doing.

The political rhetoric of the past 6 years from both sides of the aisle has been equally vile and non productive. You can bring up the "dont retreat" crap and I can bring up similar said by Obama himself in the past.

Or, we can not be partisan and say..."ok, enough of the BS...we are all guilty of it, and lets move on from here"

I know I am willing to......are you? If yes, then I suggest you retract your line. It does no help at all.

And an FYI...his speech was moving, noticeably from his heart and I will call out ANYONE that cirticizes it.

And the folks on Fox? They criticized the length. I say it could have been longer and I would have still found no fault in it. I have not seen leadership in a President as I did last night in a very long time.
Right after we find some "asses to kick", right? :eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

Sanctimony, thy name is Barry Sotero.

The point, asshole, that you obviously missed, is that if there was a time to tone down the rhetoric, (regardless of whether or not it played a role in the killings), I believe and Obama believes that time is now. Meanwhile, you have Sarah Palin "sticking to her guns" and bitching and moaning and whining.....she looks SO Presidential these days, doesn't she?

Democrats lose elections when they can't control the rehetoric.

So this rhetoric works fine for me.

At least I know where you stand. Thank you for your input.
The point, asshole, that you obviously missed, is that if there was a time to tone down the rhetoric, (regardless of whether or not it played a role in the killings), I believe and Obama believes that time is now. Meanwhile, you have Sarah Palin "sticking to her guns" and bitching and moaning and whining.....she looks SO Presidential these days, doesn't she?

Democrats lose elections when they can't control the rehetoric.

So this rhetoric works fine for me.

At least I know where you stand. Thank you for your input.

Yeah, I want your side to keep losing.

Right after we find some "asses to kick", right? :eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

Sanctimony, thy name is Barry Sotero.

The point, asshole, that you obviously missed, is that if there was a time to tone down the rhetoric, (regardless of whether or not it played a role in the killings), I believe and Obama believes that time is now. Meanwhile, you have Sarah Palin "sticking to her guns" and bitching and moaning and whining.....she looks SO Presidential these days, doesn't she?

If you were falsely accused as being the reason that six people died wouldn't you bitch moan and whine?
yeah, tone it down until a Republican is elected President..until then, sit the hell down and shut up..:lol:

How do you know that will happen?

Are you not willing to give it a chance and find out?

I am. Lets see what happens. I am optimistic.

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