I call bullshit


Jul 14, 2009
I was asked some time ago by a university-educated Texan, in the nicest possible way, what it was like to live in a country of "baby-killers" about to be "overrun by Muslim bad guys". I inquired where he had gained this bizarre impression of Europe, which he had never visited. It turned out his sole information about the world beyond America's shore came from Fox News. He was not stupid. But he and millions of people like him considered this source of news a sufficient window on the world. He genuinely thought American troops would soon have to save Europe from "the Arabs".

Free speech can't exist unchained. US politics needs the tonic of order | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian
The whole piece could have been summed up
"Self government does not work without self control."

It is a call from over seas for censuring fox news.
This is what happens when Islamic immigration takes hold.
The people elect Nazis.

TOURS, France (AFP) – France's National Front crowned founder Jean-Marie Le Pen's daughter Marine its new leader Sunday, looking to soften the anti-immigrant party's image before next year's presidential polls.
While sharing many of her father's far-right views, the 42-year-old blonde brings with her a less provocative, more telegenic image which the party hopes will give it an electoral breakthrough against President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Despite accusations of racism, polls suggest 17 percent of French voters might back Marine, not enough to put her in the Elysee Palace in 2012, but still a significant electoral headache for the centre-right president.
"I consider us as of now to be in an electoral campaign, first for the cantonal elections (local polls in March), and then of course presidential and legislative ones," she said in televised comments after being named.
In her maiden speech to supporters, Le Pen struck a less abrasive tone than her father, focusing on the state as the provider of social care, lambasting the effects of globalisation and urging tighter state control of the economy.
But her booming voice and a brief allusion to what she sees as the danger of Islam were reminiscent of her father, who until stepping down this weekend dominated French far-right politics for four decades.
"The choice of globalisation is deregulation... demographic submersion and the dilution of our civilisation," she told the crowd, who waved flags and bellowed: "France for the French!"
Le Pen daughter inherits French far-right leadership - Yahoo! News
I was talking to an college degreed retired manamagement type about a year ago and he started talking aobut Obama being the antichrist.
I asked him if he seriously thought Obama was the antichrist and he solemly said yes.

I was very dissapointed.
I was talking to an college degreed retired manamagement type about a year ago and he started talking aobut Obama being the antichrist.
I asked him if he seriously thought Obama was the antichrist and he solemly said yes.

I was very dissapointed.

I guess you haven't had a lot of experience with management types.
I was talking to an college degreed retired manamagement type about a year ago and he started talking aobut Obama being the antichrist.
I asked him if he seriously thought Obama was the antichrist and he solemly said yes.

I was very dissapointed.

I guess you haven't had a lot of experience with management types.

I have held I think 3 no make that 5 first level management positions and have been a manager reporting directly to the VP.

I prefer to just do my best ot manage myself. Although I did well in all those positions.

No what dissapointed me was that the guy seemed intelligent and having it together.
Even those can be programmed though.

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