I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You’re wrong.

I believe him over BLM
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...it’s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he “raced around the car” and that the cops had a “bad angle” to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Don’t hate the player hate the game. Police officers aren’t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Don’t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
I’ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said “tackle” and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you don’t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
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Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ‘Drop the Knife’
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ‘Drop the Knife’
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
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Dude you are schizophrenia, not even the police are saying that he had a knife prior to returning to the car, and in fact if he did he likely would have been shot earlier.

You are delusional and creating your own reality, you need to see a doctor
The only thing I know is that Cop is a poor shot for sure.
Most 10 year old super dweebs are
You complain a lot. Take a Midol.
You play with your dart gun yet today?

You project a lot.
You’re not. But pussies never are.
Actually you are the pussy advocating shooting people 7 times in the back because you are too pussified to deal with the situation
I did? Find that post. LOL
LOL so you figured out all of a sudden that you are stupid.

Glad to have been of service
Nice deflection. Pussy.
Tell us again that shooting people in the back is acceptable.....................
Keep deflecting. You have yet to state what you would have done differently sans let the man escape and or hurt the kids in the vehicle. Well done. Pussy.

And you're the one saying the cops had no choice but to let him open the door and get in his vehicle
They tried to taze him 2x. They had no choice IMO. Not sure why it took seven bullets?

We only know seven shots were fired. We don't know that they all hit or were direct hits.

It's hard stopping someone quickly by shooting them from behind unless you take a head shot.

Certainly I'd like to hear more from the investigation on that
For Christ's fucking sake the cop was 1 foot away which is fucking POINT BLANK range.
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You’re wrong.

I believe him over BLM

I don't need some you tube morons to explain anything to me .

I saw the video with my own eyes.

Blake was allowed to walk around his car from the rear passenger side all the way to the driver's side door and open it.
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You’re wrong.

I believe him over BLM

I don't need some you tube morons to explain anything to me .

I saw the video with my own eyes.

Blake was allowed to walk around his car from the rear passenger side all the way to the driver's side door and open it.

The cop was a 95lb woman, how could she stop him without shooting
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

You are still a lying sack of shit

THIS is what I actually said

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"
I'm not like you, Slade3200 and Blues Man. I look at the facts of the case.

So for example George Floyd was murdered by the cop. 2 1/2 minutes of his knee on his throat AFTER he didn't have a pulse? That's at least murder two. I don't care about the fentanyl report. You can't murder someone who is going to die anyway.

Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend were murdered by the cops. An address mistake doesn't happen when you are doing a no knock warrant. You make sure it doesn't. It was clearly manslaughter.

Blake and Rayshard had choices. Rayshard assaulted the cops and shot a taser at them, Blake was a life threat to them, they both tried to run from lawful arrests.

For me, different circumstances matter. For you three,not really. The cops are wrong, it's your politics and personal biases
Lol the facts have nothing to do with floyd so you are delusional

That made no sense even for you. That's what I said, they are different. I look at the facts of the case. You just hate the cops
I hate ignorance and shooting people 7 times in the back is ignorant

Right, the cops aren't Stone Cold Steve Austin so let them die for their weakness
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You’re wrong.

I believe him over BLM

I don't need some you tube morons to explain anything to me .

I saw the video with my own eyes.

Blake was allowed to walk around his car from the rear passenger side all the way to the driver's side door and open it.

The cop was a 95lb woman, how could she stop him without shooting



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He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

You are still a lying sack of shit

THIS is what I actually said

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

I addressed that like 50 times. You don't remember me calling you Charles Bronson, et al? Seriously? Brain damage?

I finally gave up and said what if he did get to the car door? You're like the Democrats with Russia, you just want to keep going back to that.

He was a convicted felon, wanted on a felony warrant, a sexual assaulter who was continuing to defy the restraining order and terrorize his victim more.

At that point hell yeah, if someone dies by his choice, it's him. No way a cop's widow and children should have to bury them over that scum bag when BLAKE HAD THE CHOICE and ignored the cops
They tried to taze him 2x. They had no choice IMO. Not sure why it took seven bullets?

We only know seven shots were fired. We don't know that they all hit or were direct hits.

It's hard stopping someone quickly by shooting them from behind unless you take a head shot.

Certainly I'd like to hear more from the investigation on that
For Christ's fucking sake the cop was 1 foot away which is fucking POINT BLANK range.

It's about stopping him immediately so he doesn't shoot them. It's not like paintball where you get shot once and you are on your honor to stop fighting. My God, government schools have just done you wrong. You have no reasoning ability at all
Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You’re wrong.

I believe him over BLM

I don't need some you tube morons to explain anything to me .

I saw the video with my own eyes.

Blake was allowed to walk around his car from the rear passenger side all the way to the driver's side door and open it.

Yes, they held their arms up inviting him to the car then held the door open for him. What color was the sky? Orange?

Back to reality, they were behind him and had seconds to react. And they didn't have your super powers, Bubbles
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

You are still a lying sack of shit

THIS is what I actually said

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

I addressed that like 50 times. You don't remember me calling you Charles Bronson, et al? Seriously? Brain damage?

I finally gave up and said what if he did get to the car door? You're like the Democrats with Russia, you just want to keep going back to that.

He was a convicted felon, wanted on a felony warrant, a sexual assaulter who was continuing to defy the restraining order and terrorize his victim more.

At that point hell yeah, if someone dies by his choice, it's him. No way a cop's widow and children should have to bury them over that scum bag when BLAKE HAD THE CHOICE and ignored the cops

So cops are completely unable to physically stop any suspect because that would be acting all "Charles Bronson"?

Cops have absolutely no training in how to physically restrain suspects because that would be all "Chuck Norris"?

So in your tiny mind all cops can do is watch a suspect until he opens a door and reaches for any number of possible unknown weapons and then shoot him at point blank range.

You are just too stupid to talk to.
They tried to taze him 2x. They had no choice IMO. Not sure why it took seven bullets?

We only know seven shots were fired. We don't know that they all hit or were direct hits.

It's hard stopping someone quickly by shooting them from behind unless you take a head shot.

Certainly I'd like to hear more from the investigation on that
For Christ's fucking sake the cop was 1 foot away which is fucking POINT BLANK range.

It's about stopping him immediately so he doesn't shoot them. It's not like paintball where you get shot once and you are on your honor to stop fighting. My God, government schools have just done you wrong. You have no reasoning ability at all

Yeah OK you're the one who thinks the cops shouldn't try to stop an UNARMED person BEFORE he is able to reach inside a car where any number or weapons might be available to him because doing so is far more dangerous than allowing him to open a door and reach for a weapon.
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

You are still a lying sack of shit

THIS is what I actually said

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

I addressed that like 50 times. You don't remember me calling you Charles Bronson, et al? Seriously? Brain damage?

I finally gave up and said what if he did get to the car door? You're like the Democrats with Russia, you just want to keep going back to that.

He was a convicted felon, wanted on a felony warrant, a sexual assaulter who was continuing to defy the restraining order and terrorize his victim more.

At that point hell yeah, if someone dies by his choice, it's him. No way a cop's widow and children should have to bury them over that scum bag when BLAKE HAD THE CHOICE and ignored the cops

So cops are completely unable to physically stop any suspect because that would be acting all "Charles Bronson"?

Cops have absolutely no training in how to physically restrain suspects because that would be all "Chuck Norris"?

So in your tiny mind all cops can do is watch a suspect until he opens a door and reaches for any number of possible unknown weapons and then shoot him at point blank range.

You are just too stupid to talk to.

Da, da da daaaaaa. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's ... Hyperbole Man !!!

You're the one who sees this in absolutes, Sport. Not me. I think the cops were dealt a tough hand and Blake screwed the pooch by not listening to them
They tried to taze him 2x. They had no choice IMO. Not sure why it took seven bullets?

We only know seven shots were fired. We don't know that they all hit or were direct hits.

It's hard stopping someone quickly by shooting them from behind unless you take a head shot.

Certainly I'd like to hear more from the investigation on that
For Christ's fucking sake the cop was 1 foot away which is fucking POINT BLANK range.

It's about stopping him immediately so he doesn't shoot them. It's not like paintball where you get shot once and you are on your honor to stop fighting. My God, government schools have just done you wrong. You have no reasoning ability at all

Yeah OK you're the one who thinks the cops shouldn't try to stop an UNARMED person BEFORE he is able to reach inside a car where any number or weapons might be available to him because doing so is far more dangerous than allowing him to open a door and reach for a weapon.

You're just Making Shit Up As You Go Man now. The stupid shit like that they "shouldn't try" is something only you said. I said they were behind him and only had seconds to react. But he was the one who caused the jeopardy and the cops should not die for your agenda
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

He should never have gotten to his car door. Simple as that. They already had weapons trained on him and they should have done a takedown before it went as far as it did. They had the numbers. And not seeing his hands isn't justification to pump 7 rounds point plank into his back. That had to be the most dangerous and sloppy police procedure (If you can call it that) I have ever seen. It endangered not only the perp but the cops themselves.

It's not a liberal or conservative or even a Party of the Rump, it's a Police Procedure and Safety thing and a cop who just wanted to kill someone in the heat of the moment.
Something made those cops blink / hesitate which gave the fucking crook a momentary opportunity to reach for a weapon. . . .

Hmmmm. . .

I wonder what it was.
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You’re wrong.

I believe him over BLM

I don't need some you tube morons to explain anything to me .

I saw the video with my own eyes.

Blake was allowed to walk around his car from the rear passenger side all the way to the driver's side door and open it.

Morons? The man is a former SWAT team member. LOL.

I respect his opinion over yours. And no, he wasn't. They tried to pin him down and cuff him and to taze him twice. He fought them off. Facts dont care about your feelings.
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I'm not like you, Slade3200 and Blues Man. I look at the facts of the case.

So for example George Floyd was murdered by the cop. 2 1/2 minutes of his knee on his throat AFTER he didn't have a pulse? That's at least murder two. I don't care about the fentanyl report. You can't murder someone who is going to die anyway.

Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend were murdered by the cops. An address mistake doesn't happen when you are doing a no knock warrant. You make sure it doesn't. It was clearly manslaughter.

Blake and Rayshard had choices. Rayshard assaulted the cops and shot a taser at them, Blake was a life threat to them, they both tried to run from lawful arrests.

For me, different circumstances matter. For you three,not really. The cops are wrong, it's your politics and personal biases
Lol the facts have nothing to do with floyd so you are delusional

That made no sense even for you. That's what I said, they are different. I look at the facts of the case. You just hate the cops
I hate ignorance and shooting people 7 times in the back is ignorant

Right, the cops aren't Stone Cold Steve Austin so let them die for their weakness
This cop had the body of perhaps a nerdy 15 year old. Does that make it allowable to shoot people if you are a nerd
He didn't have a gun in his hand or on his person while he was walking around his car.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of lying all the time?

You're lying, I never said he did. I said there could have been a gun in his car

And you are assuming that Blake could have killed two cops with his bare hands.

You're lying again. I said he could have killed them with a gun if he had one in his car. They didn't know if he did or not

And the cops LET him get to his car. Cops are trained to physically restrain people or didn't you know that?

And I know that 2 cops armed with multiple weapons could have stopped Blake in many different ways:

A couple baton hits to his knee
A baton to the solar plexus
A baton or knee to the testicles

A tackle from behind
Shit the guy had long hair so a cop could have grabbed a handful of hair from behind and yank him down on his ass.

etc etc etc

That's just a few ways but you think the cops are so pathetic that they can't do anything but shoot people

Possible, but he was moving away from them and it was only like six feet to the door of his car. I know you're Bruce Willis and would have gone all bad ass on him. And now that they didn't stop him is "letting" him get by? You're just more and more ridiculous of a person, Clint Eastwood.

The question I'm discussing is OK, you're Tom Selleck and would have stopped him. But he did get to his car and was half way in.

You realize how ridiculous your crap is that at that point waiting to see what he did was death if he had a gun, which is why you do everything you can possibly think of to avoid that point and focus on that you're Rambo and would have clocked him but good
You even lie about what you say

You said

"FYI, skinny people can shoot guns, you're just as dead. "

And that is an actual quote not just some made up bullshit that you use as quotes

And once again you just illustrate that the cops fucked up by letting him open his car door because as you say the cops didn't know what he had in the car.

All the more reason to stop him from opening the car door

We moved past that discussion. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...
You deal with the worst case scenario IF your attempt to stop him from getting to his car and possibly an unknown weapon fails. You don't assume everything you do will fail. The odds were with the cops not with Blake. As i said there were many opportunities and various ways that these 2 cops could have incapacitated Blake before he opened the door to his car.

You think the cops should just let the worst case scenario happen without trying to prevent it.

You really don't have the ability to think through a situation do you?

You're just being an asshole now. I didn't say the cops shouldn't try to stop him from getting into his car. I just said OK, so now that he made it to his car, now what?

Your answer is they should see if he kills one or two cops before they get him

Again you lie.

And you are arguing against yourself here.

Blake getting into the car is the absolute worst case scenario but you don't want the cops to be all "Chuck Norris" and try to stop him before he gets to the car opens the door and possibly have access to any number of unknown weapons.

The cops didn't even try to stop him BEFORE he got to the car door and opened it.

But you think they had no choice but to just let the absolute worst case scenario play out

And as usual you are wrong. The cops had any number of opportunities to at least TRY to stop Blake before he opened his car door. By not trying to stop Blake BEFORE he opened his car door the cops fucked up.

Right, and the question is STILL, OK, you'd have Van Dieseled their asses, but they did get to the car. What now?

You'll cut off your arm to not discuss that. You're a one trick pony.

kaz: But what if he did get by?

Blues: They shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: OK, but what if they did? Then what?

Blues: Then they shouldn't have let him get to his car

kaz: Spaghetti

Blues? Well, then they shouldn't have let him get to his car ...

Shooting a suspect is the very LAST RESORT always has been and always will be

You can't even admit that they should have tried to prevent Blake from opening his car door

All you have is "what if they tried and he got to his car anyway?"

But the fucking point is they didn't try AT ALL did they?
You’re wrong.

I believe him over BLM

I don't need some you tube morons to explain anything to me .

I saw the video with my own eyes.

Blake was allowed to walk around his car from the rear passenger side all the way to the driver's side door and open it.

The cop was a 95lb woman, how could she stop him without shooting

He did not have a knife before returning to the car, and he was shot before he could retrieve one if there was one there
I'm not like you, Slade3200 and Blues Man. I look at the facts of the case.

So for example George Floyd was murdered by the cop. 2 1/2 minutes of his knee on his throat AFTER he didn't have a pulse? That's at least murder two. I don't care about the fentanyl report. You can't murder someone who is going to die anyway.

Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend were murdered by the cops. An address mistake doesn't happen when you are doing a no knock warrant. You make sure it doesn't. It was clearly manslaughter.

Blake and Rayshard had choices. Rayshard assaulted the cops and shot a taser at them, Blake was a life threat to them, they both tried to run from lawful arrests.

For me, different circumstances matter. For you three,not really. The cops are wrong, it's your politics and personal biases
Lol the facts have nothing to do with floyd so you are delusional

That made no sense even for you. That's what I said, they are different. I look at the facts of the case. You just hate the cops
I hate ignorance and shooting people 7 times in the back is ignorant

Right, the cops aren't Stone Cold Steve Austin so let them die for their weakness
This cop had the body of perhaps a nerdy 15 year old. Does that make it allowable to shoot people if you are a nerd

Chris Cuomo? Is that you with all that roid rage?
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