I can agree with the rights idea of cutting programs to ballance our budget

The smart move is to cut out redundant programs and programs that haven't worked for decades and programs that work against the interests of the people but democrats can't seem to figure out that concept.

I would increase the minimum wage and put an end to the expensive, wasteful and totally redundant "earned income credits program". EIC's transfer tax dollars from middle class voters to minimum wage workers, in the most expensive way possible:
by having the federal government collect taxes from the middle class, and pay it out to the working class. It would be much cheaper to raise the minimum wage and have the employers way out the funds, eliminating the costs of calculating EIC's, collecting the money from the middle class, and paying it out to the working poor.

Ditto food stamps. There. We've eliminated most of the costs of these two programs, and reduced the size of government in doing so, But the thing is, that Democrats have been trying to do this for decades, but have been blocked from doing so by successive Republican Houses. Republicans want any program that prevents their corporate buddies have having to pay for the services they use to make a profit.

Middle class voters should not be subsidizing the wages of the most profitable corporations in America, especially considering that the 13% tax cut that these mega corporations received in no way resulted in any meaningful wage increases for their employees, and Trump actually cut the overtime increases they employees were about to get.
what does that have to do with upgrading ellis island thousands of miles away?....

it is not illegal to seek asylum or enter the US with permission.
what the fuck does that have to do with fucking ellis island?...
capitalism versus socialism on a national basis.
question....do you know what ellis island is and were its located?...
Capitalism; what is that, Sayeth the Right Wing.

We Want to ease pressure on our southern flank.
so you have no idea were and what Ellis island is......google Ellis island danny learn were it is at....
so i was right?.....there is way more illegals in S.Cal then any other area of the country?..and it is hitting the states budget pretty hard?..

It’s not only hitting the budget hard it’s degrading every single community inhabited by the human cockroaches into the same filthy shitholes they fled...it’s what thirdworlder, subhuman filth does, they can’t help themselves.
you would get more people paying attention to your shit if you were not such an asswipe....

Yeah, I’m not really into masking the truth in emotionally sensitive PC wordplay. I take great pride in having the courage to be blunt. I’ll let you nutless pussies spend the time thinking of the perfect words to sell your shit.
and assholes like you really help matters right?....im sure in a room with some Mexicans you come off as a little nutless pussy yourself, making sure you use the perfect words to get your point across...

so i was right?.....there is way more illegals in S.Cal then any other area of the country?..and it is hitting the states budget pretty hard?..

It’s not only hitting the budget hard it’s degrading every single community inhabited by the human cockroaches into the same filthy shitholes they fled...it’s what thirdworlder, subhuman filth does, they can’t help themselves.
you would get more people paying attention to your shit if you were not such an asswipe....

Yeah, I’m not really into masking the truth in emotionally sensitive PC wordplay. I take great pride in having the courage to be blunt. I’ll let you nutless pussies spend the time thinking of the perfect words to sell your shit.

Grab a phone and video yourself calling some Mexican people "wetbacks". Let's see that courage.

Hahaha...you homos can’t believe that folks aren’t as cowardly as yourselves...that’s funny.
Look pussies...I’m 6’5” 245lbs with a CCW and always packing....A room full of 5’5” silver tooth wetbacks never concerns me in the slightest bit.
Cue the internet tough guy bullshit...GO!
you can be anything on the internet dumbass....even a big guy.....

it is not illegal to seek asylum or enter the US with permission.
what the fuck does that have to do with fucking ellis island?...
capitalism versus socialism on a national basis.
question....do you know what ellis island is and were its located?...
Capitalism; what is that, Sayeth the Right Wing.

We Want to ease pressure on our southern flank.
so you have no idea were and what Ellis island is......google Ellis island danny learn were it is at....
Capitalism doesn't have to care; why do you?
what the fuck does that have to do with fucking ellis island?...
capitalism versus socialism on a national basis.
question....do you know what ellis island is and were its located?...
Capitalism; what is that, Sayeth the Right Wing.

We Want to ease pressure on our southern flank.
so you have no idea were and what Ellis island is......google Ellis island danny learn were it is at....
Capitalism doesn't have to care; why do you?
danny you have proved more than once in the threads around here that you aint that bright....you have done it here yet again....no idea were and what ellis island is and im sure you have no idea what capitalism is also....
The first program I would eliminate is the $1.4 trillion tax expenditure program. I'd kill it dead.

That would be supremely dumb. Federal revenue has risen substantially since the tax cuts took effect in January. Plus, the reduction in the corporate income tax and the offering of the reduced repatriated income tax has brought nearly $1 trillion in overseas American corporate money back into the country. Gee, isn't that a good thing? Furthermore, middle-income households that earn $80K per year have seen their federal income tax liability cut by at least $70 per month. Households that earn between $100K and $150K--the lower half of the third tax bracket--have seen their tax bill cut by at least $180 per month. I'm in that part of the third tax bracket, and the tax cuts have increased my monthly net pay by $220.

But you just don't care, do you? You don't care that the average corporate income tax rate in Europe and Asia is between 18% and 21%. No, you wanna jack up taxes on American companies back to 35%, just because you don't like big employers. And you wanna make millions of middle-income people lose the $80-$400 they are saving per month thanks to the tax cuts, because you want government to have that money.
Are you just that dumb, we can cut all of the taxes and have the government run on the dole entirely. Your logic is nonsense, your tax cut for business was at their highest profits in history, the highest percentage of gross that was profit in history and the fastest increase of profit in history making it just straight out stupid. Even the fed said it won't produce anything. Business was making 10 times the profit that they were making in 1981. Stock market went up 200% during the time Obama was in office. We had no problem competing in the world market, we are the 2nd biggest exporter in the world. Lets call a spade a spade if 3/4th of a tax cut goes to 20% of the population tell me what that is called.
capitalism versus socialism on a national basis.
question....do you know what ellis island is and were its located?...
Capitalism; what is that, Sayeth the Right Wing.

We Want to ease pressure on our southern flank.
so you have no idea were and what Ellis island is......google Ellis island danny learn were it is at....
Capitalism doesn't have to care; why do you?
danny you have proved more than once in the threads around here that you aint that bright....you have done it here yet again....no idea were and what ellis island is and im sure you have no idea what capitalism is also....
why should i believe You? even wo-men can gossip.
No problem at all, I'll pick where to cut those programs. They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy. Politicians are elected to decide these things. Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics .The browning of America will take care of much of our problems. They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.

I could not have written a better endorsement for the wall.
So I'll add you hate immigrants and Mexicans also, which of course doesn't surprise me. you nighty's hate everything.
question....do you know what ellis island is and were its located?...
Capitalism; what is that, Sayeth the Right Wing.

We Want to ease pressure on our southern flank.
so you have no idea were and what Ellis island is......google Ellis island danny learn were it is at....
Capitalism doesn't have to care; why do you?
danny you have proved more than once in the threads around here that you aint that bright....you have done it here yet again....no idea were and what ellis island is and im sure you have no idea what capitalism is also....
why should i believe You? even wo-men can gossip.
you dont have to believe me danny....just read the threads you are in....
Capitalism; what is that, Sayeth the Right Wing.

We Want to ease pressure on our southern flank.
so you have no idea were and what Ellis island is......google Ellis island danny learn were it is at....
Capitalism doesn't have to care; why do you?
danny you have proved more than once in the threads around here that you aint that bright....you have done it here yet again....no idea were and what ellis island is and im sure you have no idea what capitalism is also....
why should i believe You? even wo-men can gossip.
you dont have to believe me danny....just read the threads you are in....
i resort to the fewest fallacies.

Men have arguments. Wo-men gossip.
No problem at all, I'll pick where to cut those programs. They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy. Politicians are elected to decide these things. Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics .The browning of America will take care of much of our problems. They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.

They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy.
the righties say the same thing about you guys....
The browning of America will take care of much of our problems.
i hope its better than south of the boarder....
Gee I guess I have to give you a history lesson, the strongest most powerful country in the world was put together from immigrants. Bigots can't grasp that.
no shit Sherlock....you are no different than those righties you call bigots...they go overboard with their bullshit and you cant grasp why many are concerned about uncontrolled immigration....both of you are not helping the situation...
No that's not true I don't give a fuck what people like you think of the imagination situation.advice from a hate group is always ignored by me.
The problem is political and the democrats/deep state republicans/global marxists know it all too well.

Each program is designed to capture large swaths of people and PROGRAM them into programmed voters.

There is a reason each political party views social security as a political third rail. Well, that would for any and all PROGRAMS.

That, was why joe biden said passing obamacare was a big fucking deal. Cause, like social security, many many people (voters) are now reliant on it. Not just democrats. Makes it next to impossible to repeal.

It's what I call my Raccoon Theory.

You see a raccoon digging through your garbage can. So you go to the fridge and fetch him that leftover ham you were going to throw away anyway.

You give the ham bone to the raccoon and he eats in delight. Now give it about ten seconds and try to take that ham bone away and see what happens.

Democrat politicians are well aware of my theory although they may have different analogies to it. But the point is once you give something to somebody, it's then considered their own no matter who gave it to them or why. Democrats also know that if you try to take it away from people, you'll never get away with it.......at least not without getting your hand chewed up.
Your hate party con, tax cuts for everyone. Even when it adds trillions to the deficit, Then give 75% to less then 20% of the population. Ya you bet your way is so much better for this country. Your just another self righteous me only sellout of this country and when you leaders are gone and your party is dying . Ill be the one pointing you out every day for being one of this country's sell outs to anyone who is interested and by they time your hate group is done, there will be tons of interest in that point . You better learn to hide.
They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy.
the righties say the same thing about you guys....
The browning of America will take care of much of our problems.
i hope its better than south of the boarder....
Gee I guess I have to give you a history lesson, the strongest most powerful country in the world was put together from immigrants. Bigots can't grasp that.
no shit Sherlock....you are no different than those righties you call bigots...they go overboard with their bullshit and you cant grasp why many are concerned about uncontrolled immigration....both of you are not helping the situation...

We do not have uncontrolled immigration. Check the stats.
yea sure we dont...try living in S.Cal for a while.....or maybe they just get the majority coming across so it just looks like its uncontrolled.....but either way it was creating a financial burden...

Incorrect. We actually rely on undocumented immigrants as a key portion of our economy. They represent a net positive for our bottom line. Check the stats.
Actually a massive net positive for the economy. This could have been stopped in it's tracks decades ago but the right didn't want to do it. Simply go after the people who hired these immigrants, with big major penalties . Monetarily and criminally. Hell they are the ones offering them these jobs.
Gee I guess I have to give you a history lesson, the strongest most powerful country in the world was put together from immigrants. Bigots can't grasp that.
no shit Sherlock....you are no different than those righties you call bigots...they go overboard with their bullshit and you cant grasp why many are concerned about uncontrolled immigration....both of you are not helping the situation...

We do not have uncontrolled immigration. Check the stats.
yea sure we dont...try living in S.Cal for a while.....or maybe they just get the majority coming across so it just looks like its uncontrolled.....but either way it was creating a financial burden...

Incorrect. We actually rely on undocumented immigrants as a key portion of our economy. They represent a net positive for our bottom line. Check the stats.

Yeah, those stats have already been check, the only net positive is in the bottom line for illegals.
Boy is your name ridiculous . you are 100% wrong about your bullshit , you simply have no clue and your hate is showing.
no shit Sherlock....you are no different than those righties you call bigots...they go overboard with their bullshit and you cant grasp why many are concerned about uncontrolled immigration....both of you are not helping the situation...

We do not have uncontrolled immigration. Check the stats.
yea sure we dont...try living in S.Cal for a while.....or maybe they just get the majority coming across so it just looks like its uncontrolled.....but either way it was creating a financial burden...

Incorrect. We actually rely on undocumented immigrants as a key portion of our economy. They represent a net positive for our bottom line. Check the stats.

Yeah, those stats have already been check, the only net positive is in the bottom line for illegals.
The right wing alleges we are capitalists.

is there no capital way to solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis?
It's simple .They can stop it instantly, go after the pigs that hire them big time . Both criminally and monetarily. The right doesn't want to do that. They are the problem totally.
We do not have uncontrolled immigration. Check the stats.
yea sure we dont...try living in S.Cal for a while.....or maybe they just get the majority coming across so it just looks like its uncontrolled.....but either way it was creating a financial burden...

Incorrect. We actually rely on undocumented immigrants as a key portion of our economy. They represent a net positive for our bottom line. Check the stats.

Yeah, those stats have already been check, the only net positive is in the bottom line for illegals.
The right wing alleges we are capitalists.

is there no capital way to solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis?
It's simple .They can stop it instantly, go after the pigs that hire them big time . Both criminally and monetarily. The right doesn't want to do that. They are the problem totally.
sounds socialist. people are supposed to make money under Capitalism.
so you have no idea were and what Ellis island is......google Ellis island danny learn were it is at....
Capitalism doesn't have to care; why do you?
danny you have proved more than once in the threads around here that you aint that bright....you have done it here yet again....no idea were and what ellis island is and im sure you have no idea what capitalism is also....
why should i believe You? even wo-men can gossip.
you dont have to believe me danny....just read the threads you are in....
i resort to the fewest fallacies.

Men have arguments. Wo-men gossip.
most woman know were ellis island is....so whats your excuse?...
That's cool. Too bad your agenda's match up. tho.
no they dont.....i lived and worked around illegals and "brown" people for 50 years....i know too many that dont match up to losers descriptions of them,that happens when you get to actually know many of them....im saying i have witnessed up close what happens when NO ONE will monitor a situation and actually do something to keep it working the way it should, for fear of being called a racist or bigot by the activists and pro open border people out here.....lots of the problems in S.Cal are caused by the amount of people that live there....things cant change fast enough to accommodate how many move in...1-12 Education has suffered quit a bit...

Please name one influential open border person.

And...there is absolutely no reason to fear being called a racist or a bigot unless you are a racist or a bigot.
Please name one influential open border person.
any activists in s.cal with an audience......
there is absolutely no reason to fear being called a racist or a bigot unless you are a racist or a bigot.
or unless you are in S.California trying to fix the illegal immigration situation....anything you do that will put Americans in a separate pile than the non Americans....get ready for that label to get thrown your way....

You aren't doing so well with that answer.
how would you know?....do you live out here?....

Dude. I'm talking nation. You're talking neighborhood. Let me know when you want to discuss the same issue.

And....you gave me zero names of people who want OPEN BORDERS. Nobody I've ever met wants open borders. That's bullshit.

Capitalism doesn't have to care; why do you?
danny you have proved more than once in the threads around here that you aint that bright....you have done it here yet again....no idea were and what ellis island is and im sure you have no idea what capitalism is also....
why should i believe You? even wo-men can gossip.
you dont have to believe me danny....just read the threads you are in....
i resort to the fewest fallacies.

Men have arguments. Wo-men gossip.
most woman know were ellis island is....so whats your excuse?...
Prohibition is no form of solution. Seeking asylum can be considered a natural right. Ellis Island is more cost effective. There is no need for the current pressure on our southern border.
No problem at all, I'll pick where to cut those programs. They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy. Politicians are elected to decide these things. Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics .The browning of America will take care of much of our problems. They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.

They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy.
the righties say the same thing about you guys....
The browning of America will take care of much of our problems.
i hope its better than south of the boarder....
Gee I guess I have to give you a history lesson, the strongest most powerful country in the world was put together from immigrants. Bigots can't grasp that.
no shit Sherlock....you are no different than those righties you call bigots...they go overboard with their bullshit and you cant grasp why many are concerned about uncontrolled immigration....both of you are not helping the situation...
No that's not true I don't give a fuck what people like you think of the imagination situation.advice from a hate group is always ignored by me.
yea it is true....you are no different,you just operate at the other end.....anyone who thinks this immigration situation is an imaginary situation is just another person with their head up their ass....

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