I can agree with the rights idea of cutting programs to ballance our budget

No problem at all, I'll pick where to cut those programs. They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy. Politicians are elected to decide these things. Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics .The browning of America will take care of much of our problems. They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.
The right has been in control of government. I see spending increasing....
Spending has no correlation with revenue for the right wing.

The left wing thinks taxing 100% of peoples income is a spending reduction plan.
Spending has no correlation with revenue

Correct, but there is some empirical data on the subject.

In the 1990s, taxes and spending were both CUT, and the result was a balanced budget and a strong economy.

During W, taxes were cut and spending was massively INCREASED, and the result was a total disaster, a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and a cocksucking America hating bigoted lying kleptocratic coward as President for the next 8 years....
The left wing thinks taxing 100% of peoples income is a spending reduction plan

"Give up everything and follow me...."

Sounds like the LEFT isn't the only source of completely brainless surrender to authoritarian bullshit thieves....
No problem at all, I'll pick where to cut those programs. They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy. Politicians are elected to decide these things. Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics .The browning of America will take care of much of our problems. They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.
The right has been in control of government. I see spending increasing....
Spending has no correlation with revenue for the right wing.

The left wing thinks taxing 100% of peoples income is a spending reduction plan.
there is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine; the right wing has a problem with raising a Minimum wage.
No problem at all, I'll pick where to cut those programs. They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy. Politicians are elected to decide these things. Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics .The browning of America will take care of much of our problems. They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.
The right has been in control of government. I see spending increasing....
Spending has no correlation with revenue for the right wing.

The left wing thinks taxing 100% of peoples income is a spending reduction plan.
there is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine; the right wing has a problem with raising a Minimum wage.

What does that have to do with the price of apples in Arizona?
Indeed, there are more "Republicans" for legalizing marijuana than Democrats. But that still doesn't reflect the 65% of Americans who are for it.

The "disconnect" between the public and the "elected officials" on this issue ought to cause those with some ability to think to ask why....
No problem at all, I'll pick where to cut those programs. They hate our country, they hate our government and they hate democracy. Politicians are elected to decide these things. Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics .The browning of America will take care of much of our problems. They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.
The right has been in control of government. I see spending increasing....
Spending has no correlation with revenue for the right wing.

The left wing thinks taxing 100% of peoples income is a spending reduction plan.
there is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine; the right wing has a problem with raising a Minimum wage.

What does that have to do with the price of apples in Arizona?
priorities. discretionary spending has to go before entitlement spending.
Indeed, there are more "Republicans" for legalizing marijuana than Democrats. But that still doesn't reflect the 65% of Americans who are for it.

The "disconnect" between the public and the "elected officials" on this issue ought to cause those with some ability to think to ask why....
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror Which the right wing refuses to pay for with wartime tax rates only erode purchasing power for the Poor, with Tax Cut economics that benefit the Rich, the Most.
The right has been in control of government. I see spending increasing....
Spending has no correlation with revenue for the right wing.

The left wing thinks taxing 100% of peoples income is a spending reduction plan.
there is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine; the right wing has a problem with raising a Minimum wage.

What does that have to do with the price of apples in Arizona?
priorities. discretionary spending has to go before entitlement spending.


There are millions of people in Venezuala who were told they were entitled to a bunch of stuff which they never recieved.

Reality is that discretionary spending is going to zero. After paying interest on the debt, everything is negotiable.
Spending has no correlation with revenue for the right wing.

The left wing thinks taxing 100% of peoples income is a spending reduction plan.
there is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine; the right wing has a problem with raising a Minimum wage.

What does that have to do with the price of apples in Arizona?
priorities. discretionary spending has to go before entitlement spending.


There are millions of people in Venezuala who were told they were entitled to a bunch of stuff which they never recieved.

Reality is that discretionary spending is going to zero. After paying interest on the debt, everything is negotiable.
beats gunboat diplomacy every day of the Week. Even real Capitalists refuse to pay real times of War tax rates. Vaporware is more profitable.
erode purchasing power for the Poor,

The one variable that "erodes the purchasing power of the poor" the most is GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

The less the government spends, the better off the poor are. That is the truth of the 1990s.

The more the government spends/steals, the more low end jobs are "crowded out" by the cost of government. Government spending is almost all pure waste.
erode purchasing power for the Poor,

The one variable that "erodes the purchasing power of the poor" the most is GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

The less the government spends, the better off the poor are. That is the truth of the 1990s.

The more the government spends/steals, the more low end jobs are "crowded out" by the cost of government. Government spending is almost all pure waste.
Then why have trump and repubs increased deficits so dramatically? They must hate the poor.
Then why have trump and repubs increased deficits so dramatically?

The pre 1998 GOP led by Newt and Ronnie was fiscally conservative.

The post 1998 GOP is just 100% sold out to the ISRAEL LOBBY, which is extremely "liberal."

They must hate the poor

They hate America, since they only care about one country, and that country is NOT AMERICA....
erode purchasing power for the Poor,

The one variable that "erodes the purchasing power of the poor" the most is GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

The less the government spends, the better off the poor are. That is the truth of the 1990s.

The more the government spends/steals, the more low end jobs are "crowded out" by the cost of government. Government spending is almost all pure waste.
let's end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. talk is cheap, right wingers.
As a libertarian, I'm all for ending the bogus wars on drugs and terror.

Crime, however, needs to be confronted robustly....

Much has to be changed but the system is doing what is paid to do, just to many haters right now but they are on the way out because of demographics

I've heard that.......for the last 30 years.

The browning of America will take care of much of our problems.

You mean like they did in their own countries?

They will not vote for the group that has treated them like shit for decades. They can just look in the mirror and say good bye and that's a good thing.

Yes, then we can become another Socialist hellhole which is a liberals wet dream. And by treating them like shit, you mean not giving them things? Then you talk about cutting the budget? You people buy votes with taxpayer dollars, and yet you now say it's the only way of political survival.
Your socialist comment is stupid, there is no socialism in this country , in fact we are so far away from it that it makes your comment look like exactly what it is , not hitting on all cylinders.

Comprehension not your forte I see.
The smart move is to cut out redundant programs and programs that haven't worked for decades and programs that work against the interests of the people but democrats can't seem to figure out that concept.
I'll told you there is no problem cutting money distributed by the government but I get to choose. The right will always take away the money from the weak , the sick, the old , the vets the needy, teachers, government workers(they hate them) and anyone who isn't pure white.

I have two coworkers; both who retired from the government with pensions at the age of 55. If I had that ability in the private sector, I would have retired three years ago. But because I didn't work for government, I have to work 12 more years to retire.

Asking that government workers get pay (and benefits) equal to the private sector is not hate, it's equity. And WTF does the federal government have to do with teachers pay? Most teachers are funded by city or county taxpayers.

The problem with the "weak, the sick, the old" is that Democrats look to create more government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. It's not a coincidence that Commie Care created over 20 million more new government dependents, and that paled in comparison to DumBama's food stamp expansion. Together, Democrats created over 40 million more new government dependents, and they are proud as hell of it.

Yet if Republicans see these unnecessary needs and want to cut a bit, it's taking from those who need it the most.
Trouble is your trying to make a point with bullshit.

I am? Then point to one thing I said that's bullshit.
I'm now convinced that our foaming-at-the-mouth friend JBander was one of those people at Woodstock who took the infamous "brown acid."
sorry LL i dont snug up to the loser.....he knows what i think of him....we have had a few run ins...

That's cool. Too bad your agenda's match up. tho.
no they dont.....i lived and worked around illegals and "brown" people for 50 years....i know too many that dont match up to losers descriptions of them,that happens when you get to actually know many of them....im saying i have witnessed up close what happens when NO ONE will monitor a situation and actually do something to keep it working the way it should, for fear of being called a racist or bigot by the activists and pro open border people out here.....lots of the problems in S.Cal are caused by the amount of people that live there....things cant change fast enough to accommodate how many move in...1-12 Education has suffered quit a bit...

Please name one influential open border person.

And...there is absolutely no reason to fear being called a racist or a bigot unless you are a racist or a bigot.
Please name one influential open border person.
any activists in s.cal with an audience......
there is absolutely no reason to fear being called a racist or a bigot unless you are a racist or a bigot.
or unless you are in S.California trying to fix the illegal immigration situation....anything you do that will put Americans in a separate pile than the non Americans....get ready for that label to get thrown your way....

You aren't doing so well with that answer.
how would you know?....do you live out here?....

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