I Can Prove That YOU Trust Your "Government".

If you can't trust the people making decisions on behalf of the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, process and distribute those resources as wealth, and track the activity, the only other option is to trust the 'government' and the the people that You The People hire to regulate the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, create and distribute wealth, and track the activity.

Government is a tool that We, The People use to ensure that all the fine print on all the paperwork generated by 21st Century life in America is reasonable and fair. It's effectiveness and efficiency is up to Us.

Do you read and understand all of the fine print on everything you sign, or do you trust your government?


But that's not the MOTIVATION of the Federal Agencies. Which BTW "WE" don't hire and even Congress can't control. The Dept of Agriculture is not there to RUN HERD on farmers or corporate food producers. They are there to PROMOTE AND ASSIST that industry. The Dept of Commerce acts almost SOLELY as a marketing/sales force for business. Not in a role of oversight.

There are CONFLICTS in their motivations. And there is no real incentive to take RESPONSIBILITY for their outcomes. There are many private orgs that far more beloved than their Fed counterparts. Enviros prefer the methods and results of the Nature Conservancy over the Forestry service orr the BLM. UnderWriter Labs (UL) does far more effficient and timely specification writing than the ENTIRE consumer safety section of the Fed govt.

You have a gross OVERexpection of Govt protection, efficiency, accountability, and excellence. Too often this monstrous Minion of Morons is tasked to very silly political notions that sway in the breeze with each new "takeover" by the other party. They BIAS research grants by funding the conclusions they want to hear.

There are virtually NO NUMBERS PRODUCED ANYWHERE in the govt that are truly useful or honest or accurate without a political translator.

I don't know what govt YOU are under. But the one I see --- is a whole 'nother animal..
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Foolish little money, it's about control... The larger the government the more control they will have. Dip shit

No, you stupid dipshit, government is about running the country. About providing the infrastructure and services the people require to have security, safety, and do business, go to school, raise crops, and have the opportunity to succeed.

I am constantly amazed at what frightened little mice you conservatives are. Huddled behind your doors, clutching your guns, afraid of the government, the people who aren't white, and TERRORISTS. There are no more frightened people on the face of the earth than Americans.
If a bank loans me money and I say "fuck you I'm not paying it back", how is that any different than theft?

You don't go to jail.

It becomes the bank's fault for lending you the money in the first place. The burden is on the lender, not the borrower. That's why you have to "sell yourself" to get a loan.

It shouldn't be. It should be theft.

It can be. All you have to do is move to a place that protects it's oligarchs even better than the US does.

Can I suggest China?

This is th problem with you liberals. You can't see how it's theft, you always blame the victims.
It's not "our" federal government it's the career politicians "government"... No you can never trust it.

So... that's it? :eusa_eh:

We, The Peeps, is done?!? :disbelief:

Is there nothing we can do, folks?


The special interests stole trillions in 2006-2009 and wrecked the world's economy. How many of them are in prison?

And now you expect America to trust in government?

What did the Obama Administration Justice Dept do about it?

Nothing ...that I know of. His non action against the biggest thieves in human history is astonishing.
If you can't trust the people making decisions on behalf of the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, process and distribute those resources as wealth, and track the activity, the only other option is to trust the 'government' and the the people that You The People hire to regulate the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, create and distribute wealth, and track the activity.

Government is a tool that We, The People use to ensure that all the fine print on all the paperwork generated by 21st Century life in America is reasonable and fair. It's effectiveness and efficiency is up to Us.

Do you read and understand all of the fine print on everything you sign, or do you trust your government?


Gov in no way listens to or cares what you say.
If you can't trust the people making decisions on behalf of the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, process and distribute those resources as wealth, and track the activity, the only other option is to trust the 'government' and the the people that You The People hire to regulate the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, create and distribute wealth, and track the activity.

Government is a tool that We, The People use to ensure that all the fine print on all the paperwork generated by 21st Century life in America is reasonable and fair. It's effectiveness and efficiency is up to Us.

Do you read and understand all of the fine print on everything you sign, or do you trust your government?


You don't trust people who have to compete to get your business, you trust people who have no competition and a monopoly on guns to make your choices for you. Wow, a rocket scientist ... not.

Government makes things "reasonable and fair," :lmao: Yeah ...

If the government of the people, by the people and for the people is not making things fair and reasonable for people in the marketplace, who's fucking fault is that, People?

It's the people who think it's the job of the government or possible to make life "fair and reasonable" in anything.

Here's the 411, the government is made up of ... people. Shocking, isn't it? You give that them that power, they just want more power. It's what happens when people are not accountable. CEOs and businesses are accountable to the marketplace. That is unless government removes that accountability for $$$. Best thing you can do with government is keep it limited.

Here's the plan to keep CEOs in their place. They suck? Get off your lazy ass and walk across the street to their competitor. It's on you ...

I think that Wal-Mart ate the competitor, but I like the way that you're thinking!

And now Amazon has been beating WalMart. It's all competition. Government does nothing but make it worse

And whose fault is that in a democracy?

Even in a democracy that's prosecuted a bloody civil war against itself and then Gerrymandered itself in to a top-heavy republic that's being micro-managed from D.C. - it's ours.

And I disagree that government does nothing but make things worse. It may very well be far from perfect, but some of us are old enough to remember the path to poisoned that our environment was on in the 60's & 70's. Some of us are old enough to remember the path to poisoned that race relations were on in the 40's & 50's. A very few of us alive today were born before women had the right to vote.

Baby steps to the stars :thup:
If you can't trust the people making decisions on behalf of the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, process and distribute those resources as wealth, and track the activity, the only other option is to trust the 'government' and the the people that You The People hire to regulate the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, create and distribute wealth, and track the activity.

Government is a tool that We, The People use to ensure that all the fine print on all the paperwork generated by 21st Century life in America is reasonable and fair. It's effectiveness and efficiency is up to Us.

Do you read and understand all of the fine print on everything you sign, or do you trust your government?


But that's not the MOTIVATION of the Federal Agencies. Which BTW "WE" don't hire and even Congress can't control. The Dept of Agriculture is not there to RUN HERD on farmers or corporate food producers. They are there to PROMOTE AND ASSIST that industry. The Dept of Commerce acts almost SOLELY as a marketing/sales force for business. Not in a role of oversight.

There are CONFLICTS in their motivations. And there is no real incentive to take RESPONSIBILITY for their outcomes. There are many private orgs that far more beloved than their Fed counterparts. Enviros prefer the methods and results of the Nature Conservancy over the Forestry service orr the BLM. UnderWriter Labs (UL) does far more effficient and timely specification writing than the ENTIRE consumer safety section of the Fed govt.

You have a gross OVERexpection of Govt protection, efficiency, accountability, and excellence. Too often this monstrous Minion of Morons is tasked to very silly political notions that sway in the breeze with each new "takeover" by the other party. They BIAS research grants by funding the conclusions they want to hear.

There are virtually NO NUMBERS PRODUCED ANYWHERE in the govt that are truly useful or honest or accurate with a political translator.

I don't know what govt YOU are under. But the one I see --- is a whole 'nother animal..


I have a gross over-expectation of The People.

And I'm still long in every market and betting the farm that Momma's little bastards will reach the stars.

You Kids ROCK :rock:
Government is a tool of the people to organize society! Anti-government loserterians are at heart anti-civilization and all of its elements.

Unless you want to become a hunter gather, well, government is necessary.

Government is necessary to maintain the infrastructure required for an economy that includes air conditioning and ice cream.

I'm just glad I landed in one that I have a say in. :thup:
Foolish little money, it's about control... The larger the government the more control they will have. Dip shit

No, you stupid dipshit, government is about running the country. About providing the infrastructure and services the people require to have security, safety, and do business, go to school, raise crops, and have the opportunity to succeed.

I am constantly amazed at what frightened little mice you conservatives are. Huddled behind your doors, clutching your guns, afraid of the government, the people who aren't white, and TERRORISTS. There are no more frightened people on the face of the earth than Americans.

You do realize that you are an idiot?
I'll tell you what, I'll tell you where I am and you send me someone I should be afraid of....ummmmk?
If you can't trust the people making decisions on behalf of the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, process and distribute those resources as wealth, and track the activity, the only other option is to trust the 'government' and the the people that You The People hire to regulate the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, create and distribute wealth, and track the activity.

Government is a tool that We, The People use to ensure that all the fine print on all the paperwork generated by 21st Century life in America is reasonable and fair. It's effectiveness and efficiency is up to Us.

Do you read and understand all of the fine print on everything you sign, or do you trust your government?


I don't read it, I trust the companies I deal with. I do not trust the government. You failed.

You trust mysterious people making decisions behind the veil of corporate paperwork that can be bought and sold on a Hong Kong stock exchange or one in Quatar over a comparatively transparent organization that you have a vote in? :disbelief:

That's weird in my average opinion Bud, but if it helps you to sleep at night, I support your right to be weird. :thup:

You know what's even dumber? You trust politicians like Hillary!
Government is a tool of the people to organize society! Anti-government loserterians are at heart anti-civilization and all of its elements.

Unless you want to become a hunter gather, well, government is necessary.

Government is necessary to maintain the infrastructure required for an economy that includes air conditioning and ice cream.

I'm just glad I landed in one that I have a say in. :thup:

No it isn't. Prior to FDR industry maintained its own infrastructure.
Foolish little money, it's about control... The larger the government the more control they will have. Dip shit

No, you stupid dipshit, government is about running the country. About providing the infrastructure and services the people require to have security, safety, and do business, go to school, raise crops, and have the opportunity to succeed.

I am constantly amazed at what frightened little mice you conservatives are. Huddled behind your doors, clutching your guns, afraid of the government, the people who aren't white, and TERRORISTS. There are no more frightened people on the face of the earth than Americans.

Government has murdered hundreds of millions of people, just in the last century alone. Just ask American Indians if it's smart to trust the government.
Is government perfect? No! But at least here in America we can vote out a bad one and replace it with a good one.

It is as necessary for society as a CPU is to a computer... ;)
Unfortunately there are too many gullible dumbfucks like you who can vote for us to get a good one.
Government is a tool of the people to organize society! Anti-government loserterians are at heart anti-civilization and all of its elements.

Unless you want to become a hunter gather, well, government is necessary.
What if I don't want to be "organized" by a bunch of moron douche bags who don't know their asshole from a hole in the ground? Democracy is rule by the bottom 51%. That knowledge should scare anyone.
Democracy is a work in progress. Our government is a work in progress. Humans are a work in progress. All are still learning by trial and error what works or does not work and are evolving accordingly, and are doing so in a country consisting of many different ideologies, religious beliefs and with deeply embedded racial problems. In addition to this, and no small matter, there are the many countries beyond our borders that have to be dealt with.

There are no simple solutions to our problems, and for some of these problems there may never be a solution. What else should we expect from an imperfect world filled with imperfect people?

Our government may not be to your liking, but without it you would have much more to complain about.

Constructive dissent is a healthy thing for our country, but I do not see much of it here on these message boards. What I do see is a lot of useless and hateful rhetoric. Much of it, and from both sides of the so-called discussion, is nothing more than schoolyard name calling.

Fortunately, there are exceptions to this.
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If you can't trust the people making decisions on behalf of the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, process and distribute those resources as wealth, and track the activity, the only other option is to trust the 'government' and the the people that You The People hire to regulate the profit driven corporations that you've assembled to harvest the resources, create and distribute wealth, and track the activity.

Government is a tool that We, The People use to ensure that all the fine print on all the paperwork generated by 21st Century life in America is reasonable and fair. It's effectiveness and efficiency is up to Us.

Do you read and understand all of the fine print on everything you sign, or do you trust your government?


You don't trust people who have to compete to get your business, you trust people who have no competition and a monopoly on guns to make your choices for you. Wow, a rocket scientist ... not.

Government makes things "reasonable and fair," :lmao: Yeah ...

If the government of the people, by the people and for the people is not making things fair and reasonable for people in the marketplace, who's fucking fault is that, People?

It's the people who think it's the job of the government or possible to make life "fair and reasonable" in anything.

Here's the 411, the government is made up of ... people. Shocking, isn't it? You give that them that power, they just want more power. It's what happens when people are not accountable. CEOs and businesses are accountable to the marketplace. That is unless government removes that accountability for $$$. Best thing you can do with government is keep it limited.

Here's the plan to keep CEOs in their place. They suck? Get off your lazy ass and walk across the street to their competitor. It's on you ...

I think that Wal-Mart ate the competitor, but I like the way that you're thinking!

And now Amazon has been beating WalMart. It's all competition. Government does nothing but make it worse

And whose fault is that in a democracy?

Even in a democracy that's prosecuted a bloody civil war against itself and then Gerrymandered itself in to a top-heavy republic that's being micro-managed from D.C. - it's ours.

And I disagree that government does nothing but make things worse. It may very well be far from perfect, but some of us are old enough to remember the path to poisoned that our environment was on in the 60's & 70's. Some of us are old enough to remember the path to poisoned that race relations were on in the 40's & 50's. A very few of us alive today were born before women had the right to vote.

Baby steps to the stars :thup:

You mean it's your fault. It's not my fault. You vote scumbag politicians like Hillary and Nazi Pelosi. You can blame government for the poisoned environment and race relations. Government enforced Jim Crow and slavery. The air and water that were poisoned were all government property. Government allowed it.
Democracy is a work in progress. Our government is a work in progress. Humans are a work in progress. All are still learning by trial and error what works or does not work and are evolving accordingly, and are doing so in a country consisting of many different ideologies, religious beliefs and with deeply embedded racial problems. In addition to this, and no small matter, there are the many countries beyond our borders that have to be dealt with.

There are no simple solutions to our problems, and for some of these problems there may never be a solution. What else should we expect from an imperfect world filled with imperfect people?

Our government may not be to your liking, but without it you would have much more to complain about.

Constructive descent is a healthy thing for our country, but I do not see much of it here on these message boards. What I do see is a lot of useless and hateful rhetoric. Much of it, and from both sides of the so-called discussion, is nothing more than schoolyard name calling.

Fortunately, there are exceptions to this.

That's a pile of blather signifying nothing. Government has been getting steadily worse over the decades and people like you are to blame.

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