I can't breath... or think...or vote because of Trump pt. 1

Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
still not an excuse,,even after he was told there wasnt a pulse he stayed there for 3 more minutes,,,

this one isnt worth defending,,even though I think the worlds a better place without Floyd in it,,
Who knew he was dying? Its sad, really perps do this shit ALL the time, they pretend to be suffering, then do whatever to get out. Oldest ploy in the book Lets see here , over a million interactions every year. And less than a thousand are hurt, a fraction of them are black and even tiny fraction of them are black. Lets do the numbers.
Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
still not an excuse,,even after he was told there wasnt a pulse he stayed there for 3 more minutes,,,

this one isnt worth defending,,even though I think the worlds a better place without Floyd in it,,
You're hearing the people in the background talking about a pulse
Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
still not an excuse,,even after he was told there wasnt a pulse he stayed there for 3 more minutes,,,

this one isnt worth defending,,even though I think the worlds a better place without Floyd in it,,
You're hearing the people in the background talking about a pulse
from what I heard it was another cop,,,

facts are he stayed on him even after he dies,,,

sorry this isnt the one to hang your hat on,,,
Who knew he was dying? Its sad, really perps do this shit ALL the time, they pretend to be suffering, then do whatever to get out. Oldest ploy in the book Lets see here , over a million interactions every year. And less than a thousand are hurt, a fraction of them are black and even tiny fraction of them are black. Lets do the numbers.
but in this case it was true and they killed him instead of helping him,,,
Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
still not an excuse,,even after he was told there wasnt a pulse he stayed there for 3 more minutes,,,

this one isnt worth defending,,even though I think the worlds a better place without Floyd in it,,
You're hearing the people in the background talking about a pulse

Some cops carry a pulse oxymeter on them.
Who knew he was dying? Its sad, really perps do this shit ALL the time, they pretend to be suffering, then do whatever to get out. Oldest ploy in the book Lets see here , over a million interactions every year. And less than a thousand are hurt, a fraction of them are black and even tiny fraction of them are black. Lets do the numbers.
one death is a tragedy yet a thousand deaths are a statistic.
Enjoy your callous cold time before we say farewell
Who knew he was dying? Its sad, really perps do this shit ALL the time, they pretend to be suffering, then do whatever to get out. Oldest ploy in the book Lets see here , over a million interactions every year. And less than a thousand are hurt, a fraction of them are black and even tiny fraction of them are black. Lets do the numbers.
but in this case it was true and they killed him instead of helping him,,,

It could be argued that they were helping him a lot, considering the way his life was going.
Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
still not an excuse,,even after he was told there wasnt a pulse he stayed there for 3 more minutes,,,

this one isnt worth defending,,even though I think the worlds a better place without Floyd in it,,
You're hearing the people in the background talking about a pulse

Some cops carry a pulse oxymeter on them.
its called an index finger,,,
I used to be a liberal Democrat. They always demonize Trump. What has Trump done that is worse than say, sanctuary cities that has put millions of blue collar American workers out in the streets? It must be a HUGE coincidence in Democrat cities have this huge homeless issue. Oh, and the riots fighting racism, driving out business . They are burning down our cities. What has Trump that is worse?
Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
still not an excuse,,even after he was told there wasnt a pulse he stayed there for 3 more minutes,,,

this one isnt worth defending,,even though I think the worlds a better place without Floyd in it,,
You're hearing the people in the background talking about a pulse

Some cops carry a pulse oxymeter on them.
its called an index finger,,,

Palpating a pulse can give you heart rate and, if you're trained, detect an arrhythmia. A pulse oxymeter gives you a fairly accurate reading on how much oxygenated blood is getting to the extremities.
I used to be a liberal Democrat. They always demonize Trump. What has Trump done that is worse than say, sanctuary cities that has put millions of blue collar American workers out in the streets? It must be a HUGE coincidence in Democrat cities have this huge homeless issue. Oh, and the riots fighting racism, driving out business . They are burning down our cities. What has Trump that is worse?
since when did it need to be a sanctuary city for low wage Hispanics to cause all colors of blue collar workers to lose their jobs. They are hired by Repubs and Dems. And the funny thing is only Repubs complain about what they do to look innocent. I was a masonry contractor for 35 years I know what I am talking about.
Watch the Geo. Floyd video. And there where TWO autopsies, the last one somebody payed for to get certain results... George Floyd sitting uptight being cuffed: I cant breath! Floyd was a huge tweeker, he had a heart condition and had like 4x the drugs in his system that would kill healthy person? Yeah, the epitome of virtuousness, just a poor victim.
makes you wonder if he was complaining of breathing from the beginning why the cop knelt on his neck until he died instead of helping a dying man,,,
It's a delay tactic some use to delay the eventual ride in a police car
in this case it ended up being true,,,
Sad but people cannot see the future
still not an excuse,,even after he was told there wasnt a pulse he stayed there for 3 more minutes,,,

this one isnt worth defending,,even though I think the worlds a better place without Floyd in it,,
You're hearing the people in the background talking about a pulse

Some cops carry a pulse oximeter on them.
I never did and I was classified as a first responder then again that was before pulse oximeter and most cops don't have one.

I see LEOs not following proper procedure regarding custody leading to the unnecessary death of a suspect. Is that the point you're trying to make?

you see things that fit your views.
What is your Law enforcement experience?
What is the procedure for arresting and restraining a suspect who is resisting in the city of Minneapolis?
Floyd died for a lot of reasons his own, but he sure did get helped along by an overaggressive cop kneeling on his neck.

I don't think the cop planned on killing him, and there was no need to keep his knee on the neck like that. Floyd di himself no favors, as you suggest, and he also resisted minutes of effort by three officers trying to load him into the back of a cruiser.

Floyd was a scumbag, and the cops were scumbags to let things go the way it did. And yes, this BLM nonsense used a career criminal PoS to martyr for the ignition of their crusade, which has little to do with their true goal.. which is Marxism.
Floyd was no longer committing crimes. He didn't resist anything. And his death was the last straw of a string of human rights abuses that have lasted over 400 years. But we live in a nation where a career criminal is president and people are actually considering giving him a second term. George Floyd killed no one. trump has killed over 170,000 people. So I really think that whites in here such as you and Mary, really would do better by pulling that beam out of your eyes.
You are a fing lunatic................a long time ago many of us here said kneeling on the neck was wrong..........and that he may have very well killed him.........but the drugs in his system may have actually done it as well...............he was a criminal BTW...........no angel............Yet nut bags like you thought it was a license to BURN LOOT MURDER..........some tried that shit here..............didn't end well..........

Put your dang animals on a leash..........or someone else will..........the only racist here is your sorry ass.
I used to be a Democrat. I hate echo chambers, I want to know why liberals support looting and rioting?

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