I can’t imagine how Trump supporters are going to spin the next few months

According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

Thousands dead from virus over the course of 3 or 4 months? WOW. This would be a blessing. In most years (yes, even long before this "pandemic") there would normally be 10's of thousands dead from viruses like this SARS, especially during the cold and flu season that is approaching. The typical death range for influenza+cold+pnumonia ONLY has been 20-50 thousand per year. If you add in deaths WITH influenza+cold+pnumonia, it was hundreds of thousands of deaths per year, each year. They didn't keep good records about flu-as-a-secondary-cause until the start of this SARS-Covd-2 thing started.

Lets be realistic and compare these death counts to the total deaths in the USA, which is typically 2.5 MILLION per year, and which will be increasing rapidly over the next decade or so because of the aging Boomer generation.

The thing is, as ordinary people we just are not capable of understanding these numbers without having some experience looking at them. This is why the news programs don't break the pandemic numbers down by year, they STILL show the TOTAL case numbers since the start, two years ago: they make you get a bigger emotional response, so you'll keep tuned in.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus,

Incredible!!! Still blaming the orange man for a virus that was engineered by someone from the swamp (bio-weapons research funded by dr. fauci)? Wheew. I can't wait to read some more of this dump...

they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Their poll may show something like that, but it's probably made up bull crap using fake numbers (or at best, misleading questions by the pollsters). Besides, you have to subscribe to view it. Sorry, but I'm not paying the New York Times jack squat. I subscribed to their free newsletter last year, looking for a good source of real news. It had absolutely NO factual information in any of the free articles. Every article offered was clearly misleading opinion/propaganda. In the 6 months I viewed, there was NOT ONE objective, non-political observation.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Is that what they are still telling you? Unless we can get xiden out of the big chair, it might be true: he'll kill off another 2 million with the vax, and clearly his decisions have shaken the business sector and limited our ability to help ourselves: we may have tough times ahead.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.

I'll agree on your last point, even though we got there from different approaches.

Let's plan for the worst and hope for the best. Let's also keep in mind these news outlets want to keep us afraid of our own shadow so we'll keep paying them for the new news. Fuck 'em.

What will be will be.

Trump, con man, conned you, continues to con you, CULT. CULT. CULT.
Who stormed the Capitol?

I look forward to the SPIN.
Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!
Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!
Orange Man. Yes, LOLLLOLLLOL

I'm an American.

Yes, Origin (Orange Man) id=s bad,
What the fuck have you been listening to?
OAN, FOXNews, Newsmax?
Market Thoughts......................since 1985.

I'm well invested.
Still doing fine, beyond the fears of:

2007, the Bush.
2008, the Bush HM crash.
2009, the continuation of the failed Bush HM crash.
2010, Obama Rules, Stock Market Rises.
2011-2016 Obama Still the POTUS. Stock Market Still Rises.
2017. trump increases the Stock Market, takes credit for exponential growth. LOLLOL.
2018. Market continues up, thank you trump.
2020. Great Market until the COVID, Blames others.
2020. Continues and the Market Plunders and RWI blame anybody but trump. Not trump.
2020. SM rises, someone takes credit for market turnaround...LOOOLOOL.
2021. New Biden POTUS, Market Rises. duh.
2021. Sept 14th causes concerns about
2021..Sept 14th. (R) do everything they can to destroy the Market to harm Biden.

1). I'm lucky ( well not lucky, well planned) I can invest.
2). I'm able to adjust, because I can. Because I have $$$$$.
3). Why do (R) hate the poor? Because you (R) really HATE the poor.
Fuck the MAGA Agenda, Do any sabotage to HARM Biden (XiDen to you).

You leftists always use the same debate strategies: when losing a debate, switch subjects. So tell us, what did Dementia do to take credit for a market that's been growing for years? What policy was that?

And that's strategy number 2: give credit to our guy when he did absolutely nothing to deserve it.

Let's see your evidence the CDC's website is run by Liberals, ya paranoid nut......

The vast majority of all federal employees are Democrats aka Liberals. This is pretty much undisputable common knowledge.
it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative.

Can't give one shit about how either party "spins the narrative". Partisans are the reason our response to the pandemic has been such a clusterfuck.
Been there. Done that.
Translation: you can't prove it.

I already knew that, fucking moron.

Who's demanding anything of you, fucking moron? You already showed you can't prove it.
In one sentence he denies making any demands, and in the nest he confirms it.

You demanded that I prove the election wasn't free and fair, you fucking moron.
Last edited:
In one sentence he denies making any demands, and in the nest he confirms it.

You demanded that I prove the election wasn't free and fair, you fucking moron.

Fucking moron, I can't demand anything of you.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


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