I can’t imagine how Trump supporters are going to spin the next few months

And of course you support the LIARS, CHEATERS, INSURRECTIONISTS, fucking losers.
You clowns (20%) are killing our Nation.
We're putting up the last opposition to the Democrat Reich.

You are the liars, cheaters and insurrectionists.
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
Trump supporters?

You Stupid Fck informed Americans know what's going on here?
Leftist and Facts .....

LMAO @ you Stupid Dumbasses ......
It's like this LOSER.
Have you ever been correct outside of your 30%? Fuck NO.
Granted, 80% posting here are part of the 30%,

That doesn't make you superior, it makes you the tallest midget at the midget convention.
It's like this LOSER.
Have you ever been correct outside of your 30%? Fuck NO.
Granted, 80% posting here are part of the 30%,

That doesn't make you superior, it makes you the tallest midget at the midget convention.
I don't give a fuck about your psychobabble delusions ....

Go find your safe space psycho Leftist the Pony Rides are about to start.
Fuck You Ray.

It would be the best one you ever had.

I fucking hate the excuses to defend 45 and the attacks of 46.
Bring some FACTS.

Facts: The US consumers are paying over 30% more for gasoline than before this dementia patient took over. Because of his reversal of Trump's border policies, our border is in a crisis with people flying in to Mexico from over 100 other countries with God knows what new variant of covid for easy entry. The BP estimates is that we will have over 2 million more illegals in this country by the end of the year, and as they come in, this dementia patient is busing or flying them all over our country coast to coast. We have an extreme labor shortage amid a 5% unemployment rate which has never happened before in our history. Dementia leaving 83 billion dollars of US military equipment created the most well armed terrorist organization on this planet. Besides the border the worst it's been in 20 years, we also have the highest inflation in 20 years as well. Our Capital looks like a government building in a war torn foreign country all for political purposes. The commies want to put us 3.5 trillion more in debt mostly to fund even more Democrat pork.

This clown has not done one thing for the benefit of America. Everything he's done is to the disadvantage of most if not all of us.
It would be the best one you ever had.

Facts: The US consumers are paying over 30% more for gasoline than before this dementia patient took over. Because of his reversal of Trump's border policies, our border is in a crisis with people flying in to Mexico from over 100 other countries with God knows what new variant of covid for easy entry. The BP estimates is that we will have over 2 million more illegals in this country by the end of the year, and as they come in, this dementia patient is busing or flying them all over our country coast to coast. We have an extreme labor shortage amid a 5% unemployment rate which has never happened before in our history. Dementia leaving 83 billion dollars of US military equipment created the most well armed terrorist organization on this planet. Besides the border the worst it's been in 20 years, we also have the highest inflation in 20 years as well. Our Capital looks like a government building in a war torn foreign country all for political purposes. The commies want to put us 3.5 trillion more in debt mostly to fund even more Democrat pork.

This clown has not done one thing for the benefit of America. Everything he's done is to the disadvantage of most if not all of us.
Market Thoughts......................since 1985.

I'm well invested.
Still doing fine, beyond the fears of:

2007, the Bush.
2008, the Bush HM crash.
2009, the continuation of the failed Bush HM crash.
2010, Obama Rules, Stock Market Rises.
2011-2016 Obama Still the POTUS. Stock Market Still Rises.
2017. trump increases the Stock Market, takes credit for exponential growth. LOLLOL.
2018. Market continues up, thank you trump.
2020. Great Market until the COVID, Blames others.
2020. Continues and the Market Plunders and RWI blame anybody but trump. Not trump.
2020. SM rises, someone takes credit for market turnaround...LOOOLOOL.
2021. New Biden POTUS, Market Rises. duh.
2021. Sept 14th causes concerns about
2021..Sept 14th. (R) do everything they can to destroy the Market to harm Biden.

1). I'm lucky ( well not lucky, well planned) I can invest.
2). I'm able to adjust, because I can. Because I have $$$$$.
3). Why do (R) hate the poor? Because you (R) really HATE the poor.
Fuck the MAGA Agenda, Do any sabotage to HARM Biden (XiDen to you).
Biden can’t convince the RWI crowd to get the jab or simply wear a mask.
As you know, the masks are a propaganda tool and the Democrat base are are the group with the lowest rate of innoculations.

I wonder why that happened? Could it be that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both told their followers that they do not trust the coming vaccine for nearly all of 2020.

President Joe Biden hasn't made a good foreign policy decision in his fifty years in Washington.

Beyond that, Biden has a catastrophe in both Afghanistan and our Southern border. On top of that we have inflation taking off like a rocket along with the price of gas and energy.

Should you trust anyone with such a record with your health?
Last edited:
I wonder why that happened? Could it be that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both told their followers that they do not trust the coming vaccine for nearly all of 2020
Of course, you would BUY into the Fox, OAN, etc, FAKE NEWS.
They CLEARLY said they would TRUST the specialists. but not trust the trump word.

It's easy dude.

You can't TRUST trump, you can only follow.
Market Thoughts......................since 1985.

I'm well invested.
Still doing fine, beyond the fears of:

2007, the Bush.
2008, the Bush HM crash.
2009, the continuation of the failed Bush HM crash.
2010, Obama Rules, Stock Market Rises.
2011-2016 Obama Still the POTUS. Stock Market Still Rises.
2017. trump increases the Stock Market, takes credit for exponential growth. LOLLOL.
2018. Market continues up, thank you trump.
2020. Great Market until the COVID, Blames others.
2020. Continues and the Market Plunders and RWI blame anybody but trump. Not trump.
2020. SM rises, someone takes credit for market turnaround...LOOOLOOL.
2021. New Biden POTUS, Market Rises. duh.
2021. Sept 14th causes concerns about
2021..Sept 14th. (R) do everything they can to destroy the Market to harm Biden.

1). I'm lucky ( well not lucky, well planned) I can invest.
2). I'm able to adjust, because I can. Because I have $$$$$.
3). Why do (R) hate the poor? Because you (R) really HATE the poor.
Fuck the MAGA Agenda, Do any sabotage to HARM Biden (XiDen to you).
Failed former President Obama gave us the slowest recovery in history. It brought back the word used to describe the economy of the failed Jimmy Carter era, malaise.
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.

We can only hope you are on the list.

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