I despise Trump

Everyone with a conscience despises Trump. Only sociopaths, degenerates, lowlifes, cretins and conservative scumbags like him.
Did you overdose on Fruit Loops this morning?

What can I say? Like attracts like. Show me someone who voted for Trump, and I'll show you a soulless ghoul.
If you really believe this and it's not just an act for attention, you are the worst judge of character I've ever seen.

Who a person votes for does not define their character in life. Their actions do. There are good people in all walks of life & in all political spectrums.

Yours is an attitude of absolute intolerance
Oh Edward, calm down. No one cares what you think. I think the woman should not have done what she did, and she is paying the price. i didn't see it as a threat but something done in very poor taste. Now clean out a corner and go stand in it. Adults are talking here.

I'll give Edward credit for not being a complete two faced lwinger. Sure he does not like Trump and slams the GOP most of time, fine that goes with the territory. Besides I am familiar with him from another message board going back a dozen years. He at least has some level of consistency some of the other lefty board members lack.

Yeah, he's consistent all right...
VH I call for toilet paper and you roll out ?
What is VH?
Everyone with a conscience despises Trump. Only sociopaths, degenerates, lowlifes, cretins and conservative scumbags like him.
Did you overdose on Fruit Loops this morning?

What can I say? Like attracts like. Show me someone who voted for Trump, and I'll show you a soulless ghoul.
If you really believe this and it's not just an act for attention, you are the worst judge of character I've ever seen.

Who a person votes for does not define their character in life. Their actions do. There are good people in all walks of life & in all political spectrums.

Yours is an attitude of absolute intolerance

There is no better judge of character than discovering if someone voted for Trump. Just that one thing tells me more about that person's character than any other piece of information.
Some of my best friends are leftists, some are righties. We joke about politics but I've never placed judgment on them for their vote as it pertains to their character.
Oh Edward, calm down. No one cares what you think. I think the woman should not have done what she did, and she is paying the price. i didn't see it as a threat but something done in very poor taste. Now clean out a corner and go stand in it. Adults are talking here.

I'll give Edward credit for not being a complete two faced lwinger. Sure he does not like Trump and slams the GOP most of time, fine that goes with the territory. Besides I am familiar with him from another message board going back a dozen years. He at least has some level of consistency some of the other lefty board members lack.

Yeah, he's consistent all right...
VH I call for toilet paper and you roll out ?
What is VH?

If memory serves someone from the old message board Edward and were involved with for a number of years.
Everyone with a conscience despises Trump. Only sociopaths, degenerates, lowlifes, cretins and conservative scumbags like him.
Did you overdose on Fruit Loops this morning?

What can I say? Like attracts like. Show me someone who voted for Trump, and I'll show you a soulless ghoul.
If you really believe this and it's not just an act for attention, you are the worst judge of character I've ever seen.

Who a person votes for does not define their character in life. Their actions do. There are good people in all walks of life & in all political spectrums.

Yours is an attitude of absolute intolerance

There is no better judge of character than discovering if someone voted for Trump. Just that one thing tells me more about that person's character than any other piece of information.
That makes you a VERY shallow person imo.
Some of my best friends are leftists, some are righties. We joke about politics but I've never placed judgment on them for their vote as it pertains to their character.

I wouldn't either, except in this particular case. There is literally nothing more revealing than a vote for a fascist piece of shit.
Oh Edward, calm down. No one cares what you think. I think the woman should not have done what she did, and she is paying the price. i didn't see it as a threat but something done in very poor taste. Now clean out a corner and go stand in it. Adults are talking here.

I'll give Edward credit for not being a complete two faced lwinger. Sure he does not like Trump and slams the GOP most of time, fine that goes with the territory. Besides I am familiar with him from another message board going back a dozen years. He at least has some level of consistency some of the other lefty board members lack.

Yeah, he's consistent all right...
VH I call for toilet paper and you roll out ?
What is VH?
HIs worst nightmare, from another board
Oh Edward, calm down. No one cares what you think. I think the woman should not have done what she did, and she is paying the price. i didn't see it as a threat but something done in very poor taste. Now clean out a corner and go stand in it. Adults are talking here.

I'll give Edward credit for not being a complete two faced lwinger. Sure he does not like Trump and slams the GOP most of time, fine that goes with the territory. Besides I am familiar with him from another message board going back a dozen years. He at least has some level of consistency some of the other lefty board members lack.

Yeah, he's consistent all right...
VH I call for toilet paper and you roll out ?
What is VH?
a handle used by a poster here, on another board ,,a while ago
I despise Trump, but what Kathy did was NOT okay. Just as bad as all the friggin' lynching photos of my beloved Barack Obama. But whoaaaa, nobody said shit about those photos, those ACTIONS - burning his lynched likeness in effigy. So, I'm not going to get all up in arms about what Kathy did. Stupid, disgusting - yep. And she's paying the price. One difference? Obama rose ABOVE it. He didn't tweet about how awful it was for his little girls to see images of him lynched. He didn't throw a tempertantrump* when people called him names, called Michelle vile names. Ted Nugent called POTUS Barack Obama a "chimpanzee" and a "sub-human mongrel," and the ignorant Cheeto invited that same racist asshat bigot to the Oval Office. So fuck everyone's righteous indignation

What are you 5 years old? Either you have standards or you don't. I'm a Trump supporter and I spoke out against the lynching in effigy of Obama, and I've defended the First Lady and their daughters. I would not change my standards based on how many you Liberals call out Kathy Griffen.
I despise Trump, but what Kathy did was NOT okay. Just as bad as all the friggin' lynching photos of my beloved Barack Obama. But whoaaaa, nobody said shit about those photos, those ACTIONS - burning his lynched likeness in effigy. So, I'm not going to get all up in arms about what Kathy did. Stupid, disgusting - yep. And she's paying the price. One difference? Obama rose ABOVE it. He didn't tweet about how awful it was for his little girls to see images of him lynched. He didn't throw a tempertantrump* when people called him names, called Michelle vile names. Ted Nugent called POTUS Barack Obama a "chimpanzee" and a "sub-human mongrel," and the ignorant Cheeto invited that same racist asshat bigot to the Oval Office. So fuck everyone's righteous indignation

What are 5 years old? Either you have standards or you don't? I'm a Trump supporter and I spoke out against the lynching in effigy of Obama, and I've defended the First Lady and their daughters. I would not change my standards based on how many you Liberals call out Kathy Griffen.
then you seem like a standout among your repub friends here
I despise Trump, but what Kathy did was NOT okay. Just as bad as all the friggin' lynching photos of my beloved Barack Obama. But whoaaaa, nobody said shit about those photos, those ACTIONS - burning his lynched likeness in effigy. So, I'm not going to get all up in arms about what Kathy did. Stupid, disgusting - yep. And she's paying the price. One difference? Obama rose ABOVE it. He didn't tweet about how awful it was for his little girls to see images of him lynched. He didn't throw a tempertantrump* when people called him names, called Michelle vile names. Ted Nugent called POTUS Barack Obama a "chimpanzee" and a "sub-human mongrel," and the ignorant Cheeto invited that same racist asshat bigot to the Oval Office. So fuck everyone's righteous indignation

What are you 5 years old? Either you have standards or you don't. I'm a Trump supporter and I spoke out against the lynching in effigy of Obama, and I've defended the First Lady and their daughters. I would not change my standards based on how many you Liberals call out Kathy Griffen.

lol, a Trump voting cretin is lecturing others about "having standards."
I despise Trump, but what Kathy did was NOT okay. Just as bad as all the friggin' lynching photos of my beloved Barack Obama. But whoaaaa, nobody said shit about those photos, those ACTIONS - burning his lynched likeness in effigy. So, I'm not going to get all up in arms about what Kathy did. Stupid, disgusting - yep. And she's paying the price. One difference? Obama rose ABOVE it. He didn't tweet about how awful it was for his little girls to see images of him lynched. He didn't throw a tempertantrump* when people called him names, called Michelle vile names. Ted Nugent called POTUS Barack Obama a "chimpanzee" and a "sub-human mongrel," and the ignorant Cheeto invited that same racist asshat bigot to the Oval Office. So fuck everyone's righteous indignation
Edward what lynching photos? What celebrity? some random guy on the internet posts that, who we don't know anything about. What do you want to do with them?
I don't recall any conservative celebrities even D list ones doing mock lynchings of President Obama. I do recall Ted Nugent getting into some trouble over something he did at a concert and got a Secret Service visit over it he did not to the best of memory hold a press conference and claim he was the victim of bullying. Some idiots in a large protest or some 9-5 average person will never get the same attention that a celebrity even a low rent one gets when they do something like this we all know this so lets stop pretending otherwise.
Everyone with a conscience despises Trump. Only sociopaths, degenerates, lowlifes, cretins and conservative scumbags like him.
Did you overdose on Fruit Loops this morning?

What can I say? Like attracts like. Show me someone who voted for Trump, and I'll show you a soulless ghoul.
You are as goofy as some here on the Alt Right.

Oh noes! An insult from Fakey!
I despise Trump, but what Kathy did was NOT okay. Just as bad as all the friggin' lynching photos of my beloved Barack Obama. But whoaaaa, nobody said shit about those photos, those ACTIONS - burning his lynched likeness in effigy. So, I'm not going to get all up in arms about what Kathy did. Stupid, disgusting - yep. And she's paying the price. One difference? Obama rose ABOVE it. He didn't tweet about how awful it was for his little girls to see images of him lynched. He didn't throw a tempertantrump* when people called him names, called Michelle vile names. Ted Nugent called POTUS Barack Obama a "chimpanzee" and a "sub-human mongrel," and the ignorant Cheeto invited that same racist asshat bigot to the Oval Office. So fuck everyone's righteous indignation

What are you 5 years old? Either you have standards or you don't. I'm a Trump supporter and I spoke out against the lynching in effigy of Obama, and I've defended the First Lady and their daughters. I would not change my standards based on how many you Liberals call out Kathy Griffen.

I bitched to no end at the dumbfucks who had avatars portraying the first family as monkeys.

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