I didn't vote in this election or last. Will that be enough to protect me?

Marŝi tra la Cindro

Active Member
Nov 6, 2020
It's become increasingly clear that Kamala is going to win this. I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch, but I have come out publicly against her and her running mate. Many of my friends did vote for Trump both times, and most of them are preparing their BOBs and safe places to now. I don't think I have to go quite that far since I've never directly associated myself with Trump or his movement and can prove my lack of voting record, but I am worried about reprisal for refusing to vote for the correct choice even if not for voting for the wrong one. I really don't want to have to dig up the gun. It might be too late by the time I need to anyway. Is it possible for me to stay off the radar if I delete everything now? If not, then how will reprisal go down and how can I avoid getting caught up in it?
I didn't vote either, but I always move to a red state that supports my views..

I really feal bad I voted for bush Jr .the first time
One of the few things I have going for me here is that this is a red state. I don't think the local police would willingly cooperate with that kind of order, especially when it likely applies to many of them as well.
I live in a gun sanctuary county in a gun friendly state.

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