I dislike homosexuals and their agenda, but I absolutely despise non-gender people


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
So, I first learned about this when I was watching a very stupid show called "Two Broke Girls"

A man showed up, and clearly he was a man, and announced to the two broke girls (it should be called "Two Broke Bimbos" because that's how dumb the show is), he announced that he was not a man or a woman, but indeed, lacked any specific gender.

And these two bimbos just look at this guy and said something like, "OK."

And this was the network's portrayal of the whole situation, that we should just accept it when a strange man walks up to us and makes an obviously false statement that he is not a man, though he is obviously a man.

The point of this is this is what happens when people reject God, they reject the notion there is such a thing as true and false, so they can decide for themselves that they are not a man when they clearly are.
What have people and their genders ever done to you?

Dear bodecea the problem is
when LGBT lobbyists want to take their faith based beliefs
and implement these through govt; but then complain about
Christians doing this with THEIR beliefs and demanding
that those be REMOVED from govt.
What have people and their genders ever done to you?
Where do you want this stupidity to go? People have specific genders and those are limited to one of two options. How far are you willing to twist those two options in order to feed your insanity?
In 1984, George Orwell predicted that the government would control language so as to force people to think a certain way in conformity with officially permitted thought, and that is exactly what the LGBTQ movement is doing.
I'm so sick of sexual agendas......can't we talk for food for a change?? :biggrin: :up:
What have people and their genders ever done to you?

Dear bodecea the problem is
when LGBT lobbyists want to take their faith based beliefs
and implement these through govt; but then complain about
Christians doing this with THEIR beliefs and demanding
that those be REMOVED from govt.

LGBT lobbyists don't have religious beliefs that determine their goals. I'll bet you think atheism is a religion too.
Its funny how assholes like you like to use the government to force your narrow belief system down everyones throat. But, when it helps people like having single payer, educating our population or investing in science you whine about every tiny thing being unconstutional.

Both are either unconsitutional or they're constutional. can't have it both ways.
Every time I think that Blackrook has scraped the very last of the congealed muck and hatred off of the bottom of his barrel of his self righteous bigotry, he manages to come up with yet another reason to marginalize other human beings who do not fit into his tiny world of judgmental condemnation. Never, have I seem a better fit between a voter and Trump. I wholeheartedly recommend him as the next chairperson of the GOP.
There's a lot of things about religion that I dislike and how it treats people.

I dislike that you're a soulless piece of shit Blackrook.
So, I first learned about this when I was watching a very stupid show called "Two Broke Girls"

A man showed up, and clearly he was a man, and announced to the two broke girls (it should be called "Two Broke Bimbos" because that's how dumb the show is), he announced that he was not a man or a woman, but indeed, lacked any specific gender.

And these two bimbos just look at this guy and said something like, "OK."

And this was the network's portrayal of the whole situation, that we should just accept it when a strange man walks up to us and makes an obviously false statement that he is not a man, though he is obviously a man.

The point of this is this is what happens when people reject God, they reject the notion there is such a thing as true and false, so they can decide for themselves that they are not a man when they clearly are.

Oh my. You make sweeping decisions on an entire class of people based on one episode of one of the dumbest shows ever made. At least your reasoning ability is consistent with all the other dumb stuff you've posted.
I dislike that you hate critical thinking and science
I dislike that you promote idioicy on our population
I dislike that you want our society to become poor and backwards

I dislike you

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