I dislike homosexuals and their agenda, but I absolutely despise non-gender people

I do believe in G-d.

I don't believe in your story about what G-d is. But given that you ostensibly do, please point out where Jesus says to denigrate others whom G-d made in his image.... just because they don't fit what you want them to be.
You believe in God so much you can't even type out his name.

well, ignorant twit, my religion doesn't spell out G-d's name.h

but then again, someone as stupid as you wouldn't know that.

but I do hope your drive-by troll helps answer the question I asked.

You don't spell out God's name because you are afraid someone might throw out the paper in the garbage and therefore blaspheme God's name.

If you are refusing to spell God's name, you believe in God.

I said I believe in G-d. I don't believe in your story about what G-d is.

now let me ask the question again....maybe another way

if G-d is perfect and he creates someone. then that person perfectly represents what he wanted... and he has everything planned out for that person.

so I don't understand why you would denigrate G-d's work even if that work isn't what you would wish it to be

Dear jillian yes and no.
God's PLAN for our lives is perfect but that doesn't make people perfect in our given states.

Let's take for example a friend of mine who suffers OCD and post trauma after a rape.
The rape isn't perfect behavior, and NOT It is NOT God's ideal plan. But the process of spiritual
healing and recovery from the rape ends up bringing that person to fuller development.
In the meantime the OCD, PTSD and other symptoms after the rape aren't perfect either in themselves.
They are the natural reaction that occurs when the body and mind are recovering from the
traumatic injuries and attack.

God may USE the wrongful actions and consequences to help that person overcome
problems inside and out, and to help OTHERS in society to overcome the same.
These wrong imperfect "sinful" actions against God's ideal will
are still part of God's GREATER PLAN to bring about spiritual perfection.

So that's how we can still accept God's plan and each person's role as perfect,
even if the conditions or actions and consequences are the opposite of God's ideals.

I'm not going to debate this with you since you're entitled to your view of G-d.

but you don't know his plan. if you believe there is one, then all of his children are part of it.

and it certainly isn't your place to decide who fits in that plan or not as long as they're not hurting anyone else.
As I predicted years ago. More states are joining the movement to eliminate gender 'box' off birth certificates. No more blue or pink stocking caps in maternity

I hope God comes in my lifetime (I'm 57) and judgement follows
So, I first learned about this when I was watching a very stupid show called "Two Broke Girls"

A man showed up, and clearly he was a man, and announced to the two broke girls (it should be called "Two Broke Bimbos" because that's how dumb the show is), he announced that he was not a man or a woman, but indeed, lacked any specific gender.

And these two bimbos just look at this guy and said something like, "OK."

And this was the network's portrayal of the whole situation, that we should just accept it when a strange man walks up to us and makes an obviously false statement that he is not a man, though he is obviously a man.

The point of this is this is what happens when people reject God, they reject the notion there is such a thing as true and false, so they can decide for themselves that they are not a man when they clearly are.
Which God has been rejected?
As I predicted years ago. More states are joining the movement to eliminate gender 'box' off birth certificates. No more blue or pink stocking caps in maternity

I hope God comes in my lifetime (I'm 57) and judgement follows
God is gender neutral...
As I predicted years ago. More states are joining the movement to eliminate gender 'box' off birth certificates. No more blue or pink stocking caps in maternity

I hope God comes in my lifetime (I'm 57) and judgement follows
God is gender neutral...

Duh, that's because he's God

Parents who do this kind of evil are not

What have people and their genders ever done to you?

He probably made a pass at one and they rejected his advances. Usually when there is such hatred that is the case or latent homsexuality.
Too bad you're too stupid to spell "homosexuality."
I thought your complaint was about non-gender people, not gays.

He just hates everyone. Must get that from the bible.
So, I first learned about this when I was watching a very stupid show called "Two Broke Girls"

A man showed up, and clearly he was a man, and announced to the two broke girls (it should be called "Two Broke Bimbos" because that's how dumb the show is), he announced that he was not a man or a woman, but indeed, lacked any specific gender.

And these two bimbos just look at this guy and said something like, "OK."

And this was the network's portrayal of the whole situation, that we should just accept it when a strange man walks up to us and makes an obviously false statement that he is not a man, though he is obviously a man.

The point of this is this is what happens when people reject God, they reject the notion there is such a thing as true and false, so they can decide for themselves that they are not a man when they clearly are.
There are asexual people; there always have been. Why do you concern yourself with other people's sexuality? Seems a waste of energy. Just live your own life and mind your own busness.


without sexual feelings or associations
a person who has no sexual feelings or desires

And BTW, your god makes these people asexual. And he expects you to love all his children. We are all one under God.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

Dear Esmeralda
The argument that is being made Constitutionally, is that these references to:
asexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender
describe BEHAVIOR and not labels on people like a subclass.

Now, if you don't agree that orientation is behavior but believe otherwise,
and others likewise don't agree with your beliefs either,
THAT is why I recommend treating these BELIEFS as faith based
preferences. So it's our BELIEFS that are protected and treated equally by law,
not the CONTENT of our beliefs which govt is not supposed to regulate.

JakeStarkey bodecea is this explanation better?

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