I Do Not Want You To Solve This During An Election Year

They currently are released pending a court date.

This bill would put them on detention centers where they wait either deportation or a court hearing (after which most of those would be deported)

So you want the status quo ,,, just release them


Considering the court cases are being put out til…2026? Or longer. They are intending on allowing almost 2 million each year…2026 is 2 years away…where exactly are they going to “detain” 3.6 million people?
Also…that bill had funding for border security, that didn’t have to be spent until 2028…..well gee..what else is happening in 2028? Oooh that’s an election year…so, provided that Biden wins re election, he would have already set up funding to make the dems look like hero’s next election cycle by having last minute border funding available…
Considering the court cases are being put out til…2026? Or longer. They are intending on allowing almost 2 million each year…2026 is 2 years away…where exactly are they going to “detain” 3.6 million people?
Oh. You were unaware that there was big money on this bill for more courts and judges to fix THAT problem too.

Apparently the Senators crafting this bill considered things like that huh?

It mandates that Thor o don’t qualify for a hearing (most of them) get detained and returned to Mexico within 90 days. Which also alleviates the court backlog which will now be weeks to months rather than years… with the applicants waiting again… in detention centers

I’ll bet you relieved now huh?
Also…that bill had funding for border security, that didn’t have to be spent until 2028…..well gee..what else is happening in 2028? Oooh that’s an election year…so, provided that Biden wins re election, he would have already set up funding to make the dems look like hero’s next election cycle by having last minute border funding available…
Document those claims. This is Lankford’s bill not Biden’s .
I asked you to name a law and that’s your reply?

There is a law. It’s called Title 8

And it mandates that anyone can apply for asylum and get a court hearing

This bill changes that but you don’t want it
You didn’t ask me to name a law, you asked someone else. I simply interjected by saying he doesn’t need a law.
well looky here,, biden is going to do something and he didnt need a new law to do it,,

now dont you feel like a fucking idiot,,
Let’s see what he does.

Let’s see how happy it makes you

Let’s see what effect it has
any discussion on this is useless,, biden is now using current laws to solve the problems,,
If he does… that will make you happy? I highly doubt it
Let’s see what he does.

Let’s see how happy it makes you

Let’s see what effect it has
If he does… that will make you happy? I highly doubt it
you shouldnt be so embarrassed,, we both knew we didnt need a new law to deal with the problem,,

but of course we will wait and see if he does just enough to satisfy the sactuary city mayors or goes all the way to solve the problem,,,

but fact remains he has all he needs to fix the problem,,
you shouldnt be so embarrassed,, we both knew we didnt need a new law to deal with the problem,,

but of course we will wait and see if he does just enough to satisfy the sactuary city mayors or goes all the way to solve the problem,,,

but fact remains he has all he needs to fix the problem,,
Let’s see what this is and then watch you bitch that it’s not enough
I asked you to name a law and that’s your reply?

There is a law. It’s called Title 8

And it mandates that anyone can apply for asylum and get a court hearing

This bill changes that but you don’t want it
What are they applying for asylum from? Is their government oppressing them? If it’s not that, then it’s not asylum.

If it is, then we can’t simply just take every single person that wants to enter. If their government is oppressing their citizens, the we need to engage in diplomacy. But it’s not even that. What you all are calling asylum is simply economical migration..and your hopes that they will all be fast tracked to citizenship, so you’ll have more votes.

And, you want those illegals in Texas for a reason. Flip Texas blue, and at the same time increase the number of seats in the house. This is why you all are so furious that abbot is sending them out of Texas.
That is why the border crisis will continue to fester into the foreseeable future. MAGA does not want a solution or a fix. They want the crisis to continue for political purposes. So while MAGA fiddles, the border burns.
This is a Biden problem .. not a Republican problem, and the pile of steaming crap of a bill that was proposed did not address securing the border. All Biden has to do is enforce current laws to secure the border. No new legislation needed.
Oh. You were unaware that there was big money on this bill for more courts and judges to fix THAT problem too.

Apparently the Senators crafting this bill considered things like that huh?

It mandates that Thor o don’t qualify for a hearing (most of them) get detained and returned to Mexico within 90 days. Which also alleviates the court backlog which will now be weeks to months rather than years… with the applicants waiting again… in detention centers

I’ll bet you relieved now huh?
Scam. They aren't refugees.
The. You haven’t read the bill or the summary. And haven’t been paying attention to what’s been pointed out in this forum

It allows UP TO 5,000 to apply for asylum. Of those 5,000 most will be rejected out of hand and placed on detention awaiting deportation

Those that have something resembling a chance to win a court hearing (most won’t under the new criteria) THEY TOO are put in detention until their court hearing and if they lose THEY get deported

So basically NONE are subject to be current “catch and release@ that exists now.

and that 5,000 includes ALL border crossers whether at points of entry or remote points

So don’t tell that lie any more


The 5000 per day refers to people who will get an asylum interview. If they pass their asylum interview, they will be alllwed to stay a further 90 days until their asylum case is decided.

First, I thought the courts were back logged for years so that an asylum hearing was like almost 4 years…now they can do it in 90 days?

What do you want to bet the majority of those will pass their asylum hearing. We’ve had tens of thousands of crossings every week, and Biden has been just showing them the red carpet, and now all of the sudden he wants to get tough on the border? I’m not buying it.

These immigrants will have asylum interviews and I’d say that they will probably all be approved, pending an asylum decision…which most will also be approved.
Oh. You were unaware that there was big money on this bill for more courts and judges to fix THAT problem too.

Apparently the Senators crafting this bill considered things like that huh?

It mandates that Thor o don’t qualify for a hearing (most of them) get detained and returned to Mexico within 90 days. Which also alleviates the court backlog which will now be weeks to months rather than years… with the applicants waiting again… in detention centers

I’ll bet you relieved now huh?

They will all be approved for asylum, that’s just how this works. Also, you’re not even considering the numbers that they don’t catch.

They need to close the border and erect fencing, electronic measures and more outposts. If they don’t have enough deference to monitor the whole border or close it off, then who knows how many are getting through and not being caught.

I’ll bet you relieved now huh?

I have no problem with LEGAL immigration, so, being relieved isn’t even part of the equation. What I don’t want is for there to be a further mass influx of potential future democrat voters, which is really what this is all about, right? Just fast track them to citizenship, and get them registered to vote!

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