I Do Not Want You To Solve This During An Election Year

They will all be approved for asylum, that’s just how this works. Also, you’re not even considering the numbers that they don’t catch.

They need to close the border and erect fencing, electronic measures and more outposts. If they don’t have enough deference to monitor the whole border or close it off, then who knows how many are getting through and not being caught.

I have no problem with LEGAL immigration, so, being relieved isn’t even part of the equation. What I don’t want is for there to be a further mass influx of potential future democrat voters, which is really what this is all about, right? Just fast track them to citizenship, and get them registered to vote!
You say they will be approved for asylum… and ignore the fact that this bill changes the criteria for asylum such that very few will even get a hearing and of those few will be successful
Document those claims. This is Lankford’s bill not Biden’s .

Tucked inside the new Senate border deal is language allowing President Biden to postpone wall building and avoid erecting more barriers during this term.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in wall money that Congress approved in the Trump years are sitting unused. Under the law, Mr. Biden was supposed to use the money to build the wall over the next year or two.

The deal senators released Sunday pushed that spending deadline until late 2028, allowing Mr. Biden to avoid more construction in his current term.

So, money that was allocated to build the wall that was supposed to be used recently was allowed to be pushed back until 2028, just in time to ride in like like a hero with border security!

The deal was negotiated by Sens. Christopher Murphy, Connecticut Democrat; Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona independent; and James Lankford, Oklahoma Republican.
And as far as “who knows how many are getting through “

I have documented numerous times that they HAVE the capability to monitor how many get through at remote points

What they don’t have is the resources to respond.

They know how many “gotaways “ there are

So, money that was allocated to build the wall that was supposed to be used recently was allowed to be pushed back until 2028, just in time to ride in like like a hero with border security!
So let’s see.

You bitch that it takes years to go through the hearing process but don’t provide a dime for courts to make that happen at a reasonable speed… BUT, you want to spend money on the boondoggle wall that can’t possibly work.

Look at how well the Gaza wall worked. THAT was not 2000 miles. It was only dozens of miles and it failed spectacularly
You say they will be approved for asylum… and ignore the fact that this bill changes the criteria for asylum such that very few will even get a hearing and of those few will be successful

So it raises the credible fear standard? If these people are in fear of their government, then the US needs to step in with diplomacy. But we don’t even have to go that far because these people are not coming here for fear from their government, they are coming for a better economic future…which is fine if done legally, but it’s not a legitimate asylum claim.
So let’s see.

You bitch that it takes years to go through the hearing process but don’t provide a dime for courts to make that happen at a reasonable speed… BUT, you want to spend money on the boondoggle wall that can’t possibly work.

Look at how well the Gaza wall worked. THAT was not 2000 miles. It was only dozens of miles and it failed spectacularly

Do you expect that the illegal crossings are going to blow up the wall if we build it?

You bitch that it takes years to go through the hearing process but don’t provide a dime for courts to make that happen at a reasonable speed…

Because they are trying to speed up the process for processing asylum claims that are not legitimate claims…
So it raises the credible fear standard? If these people are in fear of their government, then the US needs to step in with diplomacy. But we don’t even have to go that far because these people are not coming here for fear from their government, they are coming for a better economic future…which is fine if done legally, but it’s not a legitimate asylum claim.
And this deal you are against does JUST WHAT YOU WANT.

It changes the criteria for asylum so that they can’t succeed with those kinds of claims.

It does just wha you resisting yo want
And as far as “who knows how many are getting through “

I have documented numerous times that they HAVE the capability to monitor how many get through at remote points

What they don’t have is the resources to respond.

They know how many “gotaways “ there are
you havent documented shit,,
Do you expect that the illegal crossings are going to blow up the wall if we build it?

Because they are trying to speed up the process for processing asylum claims that are not legitimate claims…
Will they blow holes in the wall? Of course the people who profit off of moving them will. And they’ll dig tunnels. And they’ll take torches to it.

And this bill LIMITS the types of claims they can make. How many times do II need to be told that
And this deal you are against does JUST WHAT YOU WANT.

It changes the criteria for asylum so that they can’t succeed with those kinds of claims.

It does just wha you resisting yo want

The entire interview process is all determined based on the assessment of a person. Basically it’s a judgment call, and if the person doing the interview is pro illegal immigration, they will be more inclined to allow the interview to pass

What needs to happen first is to determine if there is a legitimate issue with the Mexican (or Honduran) government persecuting their people. If that cannot be found, then no asylum claims can be approved, because the claim for asylum is not legitimate.

If they determine that there is a credible fear from the Mexican government, then the US needs to step in with diplomatic measures. What we don’t need is tens of thousands of immigrants showing up at our borders each week trying to claim asylum if there is no legitimate reason to claim asylum.
The entire interview process is all determined based on the assessment of a person. Basically it’s a judgment call, and if the person doing the interview is pro illegal immigration, they will be more inclined to allow the interview to pass

What needs to happen first is to determine if there is a legitimate issue with the Mexican (or Honduran) government persecuting their people. If that cannot be found, then no asylum claims can be approved, because the claim for asylum is not legitimate.

If they determine that there is a credible fear from the Mexican government, then the US needs to step in with diplomatic measures. What we don’t need is tens of thousands of immigrants showing up at our borders each week trying to claim asylum if there is no legitimate reason to claim asylum.
Jesus you are stupid.

The bill yoi are against does JUST WHAT YOU CLAIM TO WANT


Jesus you are stupid.

The bill to are against does JUST WHAT YOU CLAIM TO WANT


it has a lot more that has nothing to do with securing the border thats the problem,, but you knew that,,
Will they blow holes in the wall? Of course the people who profit off of moving them will. And they’ll dig tunnels. And they’ll take torches to it.

And this bill LIMITS the types of claims they can make. How many times do II need to be told that

Will they blow holes in the wall? Of course the people who profit off of moving them will. And they’ll dig tunnels. And they’ll take torches to it.

Just curious if you could estimate how many people are being smuggled in per day that someone would risk blowing up a United States border wall to do it.
Just curious if you could estimate how many people are being smuggled in per day that someone would risk blowing up a United States border wall to do it.
You just keep rolling along

Did you understand that the bill limits asylum claims?
Jesus you are stupid.

The bill yoi are against does JUST WHAT YOU CLAIM TO WANT


No, it doesn’t, Lesh….what the bill does ALLOW up to 5000 asylum claims per day to be processed when there hasn’t even been determined if any legitimate reason to claim asylum exists.

If they look at the situation and determine that the South American governments are not persecuting their people, then they can just tell everyone coming to the border that all asylum claims will be denied and they will stop coming.

I know that sounds harsh but look at reality. If they believe they have a legitimate shot at entering the United States because of asylum, they will make the dangerous trek to get here. If they arrive and are denied asylum, they have made that LONG trek for nothing.

Biden has seriously screwed those people over by, for so long, allowing anyone and everyone who wants to come, entry into the U.S., so that they are surging to the border by the tens of thousands. Making a very long and dangerous journey to do it, NOW Biden is saying that they are going to toughen the requirements for asylum?

Better to just tell them not to even make the dangerous journey, unless evidence of government persecution can be found.
Oh. You were unaware that there was big money on this bill for more courts and judges to fix THAT problem too.

Apparently the Senators crafting this bill considered things like that huh?

It mandates that Thor o don’t qualify for a hearing (most of them) get detained and returned to Mexico within 90 days. Which also alleviates the court backlog which will now be weeks to months rather than years… with the applicants waiting again… in detention centers

I’ll bet you relieved now huh?
Cristy has a bridge to nowhere he can sell you!! Hahaha con job demofks ploy

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