I Do Not Want You To Solve This During An Election Year

You’re actually arguing against yourself now.

You’re “concerned “ about the humanitarian aspect of turning people away when you ADVOCATE TURNING PEOPLE AWAY


A WORDY TROLL… but a troll nonetheless

You have nothing, you're nothing but a pathetic troll. You get angry when you've been bested, and he kicked your ass all over the place.
Not even Lysol, claims to kill more than 99% of the germs.

So if it doesn't kill 100%, you would go with no disinfectant at all?
Great analogy. OK, I accept your proposal that we should cut 99% of illegal immigration to let in the least amount of germs over the border. Write up the legislation and I will sign off on that.
I think 'lesh' is Ukranian. It's all it ever goes on about, it definitely cares far more about funding for Ukraine than anything else.

Or it's a recipient of the cash cow that is sent over there with every 'funding' bill. No one else really cares about Ukraine. :dunno:
I don't care about Ukraine, like Europe didn't care about Poland in WWII.

But history taught us an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The perfect should not be the enemy of the good.
Letting in 5,000 illegals per day adds up to about 1.5 million per year. That is unacceptable. Give us a better deal and we'll take it. One of your lefty friends suggested cutting illegal immigration by 99%. I'll sign off on that unless there is trickery in the bill. Send us that proposal.
Great analogy. OK, I accept your proposal that we should cut 99% of illegal immigration to let in the least amount of germs over the border. Write up the legislation and I will sign off on that.
How about getting rid of all the illegals the way that Ronald Reagan did it?
Letting in 5,000 illegals per day adds up to about 1.5 million per year.
'Up to 5k per day'......some days less, maybe a lot less. Some days (Sundays?) maybe none.

Too, once any of those 5 thousand have entered an ICE facility they are no longer "illegals"...they are applicants. And would go through the vetting process and verified future domicile and released as 'legal' applicants subject to the laws of the United States.

I get the impression from some of our more xenophobic posters that they believe every Hispanic citizen from whatever country and travelling within 200 miles of the border ---north or south of it-----is an "illegal".

Our immigration system is sprawling and complex. Folks wisdom tells us to eat an elephant .... you do it one bite at a time.
The current bill presented to the Senate was one good bite out of a very big elephant. And the Republicans refused to even take a nibble. Thus that elephant will never be consumed. Republicans own whatever mess that exists on our border.
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I don't care about Ukraine, like Europe didn't care about Poland in WWII.

But history taught us an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Not the tune of sending billions to a war we're not personally engaged in, especially when that money is sent to one of the most corrupted countries on the planet with no accountability as to where it is going.
How about getting rid of all the illegals the way that Ronald Reagan did it?
Reagan got screwed over by Democrats who didn't hold up their end of the bargain, which is at the very heart of Republican's distrust of Democrats now. Reagan made a deal which required the border to be closed. Democrats accepted Reagan's deal and then didn't follow through with closing the border. Republicans aren't going to fall for that nonsense anymore, which is why they want the border closed now in a way that Democrats can't back out of the deal.
Letting in 5,000 illegals per day adds up to about 1.5 million per year. That is unacceptable. Give us a better deal and we'll take it. One of your lefty friends suggested cutting illegal immigration by 99%. I'll sign off on that unless there is trickery in the bill. Send us that proposal.

What is your "acceptable" number?

According to the 2016 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, the United States admitted a total of 1.18 million legal immigrants

Since 2007, the United States has approved around one million green cards per year

10-15% of the US population, are foreign born.
Not the tune of sending billions to a war we're not personally engaged in, especially when that money is sent to one of the most corrupted countries on the planet with no accountability as to where it is going.
Did you learn NOTHING from WWII?

What do you think "lend lease" was all about?

Read a history book.
Reagan got screwed over by Democrats who didn't hold up their end of the bargain, which is at the very heart of Republican's distrust of Democrats now. Reagan made a deal which required the border to be closed. Democrats accepted Reagan's deal and then didn't follow through with closing the border. Republicans aren't going to fall for that nonsense anymore, which is why they want the border closed now in a way that Democrats can't back out of the deal.
Re: Reagan made a deal which required the border to be closed. Democrats accepted Reagan's deal and then didn't follow through with closing the border.

The current republican talking point is that it's the president job to close the border. That he could do it by executive order, all by himself.

You need to check with your previous talking points, before asserting the opposite being true now.
What is your "acceptable" number?

According to the 2016 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, the United States admitted a total of 1.18 million legal immigrants

Since 2007, the United States has approved around one million green cards per year

10-15% of the US population, are foreign born.

You're conflating legal immigration with illegal.
With the increase in courts and judges the wait is not years but rather weeks

Well that’s if the bill passes

So yeah… it remains years
Yeah? Who is going to determine if asylum claims are legitimate? Biden's handpicked people?

He wants to greenlight the acceptance of 2 million illegals per year. Thats not going to happen. We wont allow it.
Is that why we are helping Ukraine?

We're 'helping' Ukraine in order to launder millions of the billions that are sent to end up in the pockets of those who need paybacks or kickbacks, nothing more, nothing less.

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