I Do Not Want You To Solve This During An Election Year

Cwe can start with the constitution where it says protect the states from invasion
I demand the CiC repel the invasion and destroy the enemies beachheads before they start moving inland.

They're sitting ducks

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Reagan made a deal which required the border to be closed. Democrats accepted Reagan's deal and then didn't follow through with closing the border.
Why were the employer restrictions so ineffective? During the debate in Congress, the bill's sponsors ended up watering down the sanctions on employers to attract support from the business community, explains Wayne Cornelius of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at U.C. San Diego. "The end result was that they essentially gutted the employer sanctions," he says.
Under the final law, all employers had to do to avoid sanctions was to make sure their workers had paperwork that "reasonably appears on its face to be genuine." If the documents were decent fakes, that wasn't the boss's problem.

Why were the border restrictions ineffective? Poor funding, for one. Congress didn't provide enough money to ramp up Border Patrol hiring until the mid-1990s:

So the 1986 law didn't work? Not quite. The number of unauthorized immigrants in the country rose from roughly 5 million in 1986 to 11.1 million today. Part of that was due to flimsy enforcement measures. But a major conceptual flaw in the bill, says Doris Meissner, was that the authors of the bill simply misjudged the high demand for immigrant labor in the United States.

One more time

It does NOT


Just keep blowing past that fact
yep, I even posted the language in here. But hey, keep ignoring that. It's what they want. stupid fks like you.
I think 'lesh' is Ukranian. It's all it ever goes on about, it definitely cares far more about funding for Ukraine than anything else.

Or it's a recipient of the cash cow that is sent over there with every 'funding' bill. No one else really cares about Ukraine. :dunno:
she be fighting harder for Ukraine than America. Funny these traitors huh?
Why were the employer restrictions so ineffective? During the debate in Congress, the bill's sponsors ended up watering down the sanctions on employers to attract support from the business community, explains Wayne Cornelius of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at U.C. San Diego. "The end result was that they essentially gutted the employer sanctions," he says.
Under the final law, all employers had to do to avoid sanctions was to make sure their workers had paperwork that "reasonably appears on its face to be genuine." If the documents were decent fakes, that wasn't the boss's problem.

Why were the border restrictions ineffective? Poor funding, for one. Congress didn't provide enough money to ramp up Border Patrol hiring until the mid-1990s:

So the 1986 law didn't work? Not quite. The number of unauthorized immigrants in the country rose from roughly 5 million in 1986 to 11.1 million today. Part of that was due to flimsy enforcement measures. But a major conceptual flaw in the bill, says Doris Meissner, was that the authors of the bill simply misjudged the high demand for immigrant labor in the United States.

All creepy needs to do is enforce the laws on the books. You know this right?
Lankford , on the Senate floor , said that a popular media host (Hannity?) threatened to destroy him if he tried to bring a border bill to a voter James Lankford Says 'Popular Commentator' Threatened To 'Destroy' Him Over Immigration Bill

Republicans don’t want this solved. Ever. It’s how they rile up the base and get donations
The Biden senate bill foes not solve the illegal alien invasion

All it does is codify the numbers deemed acceptable by libs at 5000 per day
The Biden senate bill foes not solve the illegal alien invasion

All it does is codify the numbers deemed acceptable by libs at 5000 per day
along with money laundering for creepy with Ukraine.
'Up to 5k per day'......some days less, maybe a lot less. Some days (Sundays?) maybe none.

Too, once any of those 5 thousand have entered an ICE facility they are no longer "illegals"...they are applicants. And would go through the vetting process and verified future domicile and released as 'legal' applicants subject to the laws of the United States.

I get the impression from some of our more xenophobic posters that they believe every Hispanic citizen from whatever country and travelling within 200 miles of the border ---north or south of it-----is an "illegal".

Our immigration system is sprawling and complex. Folks wisdom tells us to eat an elephant .... you do it one bite at a time.
The current bill presented to the Senate was one good bite out of a very big elephant. And the Republicans refused to even take a nibble. Thus that elephant will never be consumed. Republicans own whatever mess that exists on our border.
We know damn well that Biden would go back to open borders with a lot more money to process illegals faster.

The best option is for states to seal the border until Trump gets in and gets back to zero illegals getting in.
Joe Biden, will go down in history as the man who flooded America with the third-world.

Try all you like to shift the blame, but it is an undeniable FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Solve what? Tater and Thumbhead Mayorkis insist the border is secure and closed.
Closed? Quote them saying that.

You wouldn’t be lying again would you?
Joe Biden, will go down in history as the man who flooded America with the third-world.

Try all you like to shift the blame, but it is an undeniable FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!
The problem is not much different than it was in the early 2000s … so he’d have plenty of company
The Biden senate bill foes not solve the illegal alien invasion

All it does is codify the numbers deemed acceptable by libs at 5000 per day
You know that’s not true but zombie lies never die
You know that’s not true but zombie lies never die
It is very true

If biden can shut down the border at 5000 a day he can do it at zero per day

But he does not want to

And without the wall it will be very difficult to keep the foreigners from coming here illegally

But thats what libs are implying they can do
We know damn well that Biden would go back to open borders with a lot more money to process illegals faster.

Well, your strawman really doesn't have a clue in his cluebag. I mean by that, there never have been "open borders", poster kyzer alleges.

Otherwise, we would not have 20,000 agents working to guard and administer our border. 20,000 ain't nothing. Yet, poster 'kyzr' hyperbolizes those 20,000 into --- nobody is doing anything, or everybody is doing nothing...... to secure the border.

It is partisan nonsense. A canard. An untruth used to advance a polemic. It ain't true.

ps....poster kyzr, if more money was spent to 'process' entrants....well, they wouldn't be 'illegal'.
They'd be 'applicants'. And if approved, subject to the laws and accountability of the United States.

Joe Biden, will go down in history as the man who flooded America with the third-world.

Try all you like to shift the blame, but it is an undeniable FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Benedict Donald's do nothing policy of bad faith negotiations supports the current situation at the border, supports Russia's takeover of The Ukraine, supports Hamas and the baby killing Terrorists, and support the expansionists in CHA-EYE-NAH.

It is very true

If biden can shut down the border at 5000 a day he can do it at zero per day

But he does not want to

And without the wall it will be very difficult to keep the foreigners from coming here illegally

But thats what libs are implying they can do
The wall ain’t stopping shit. The border is 2000 miles long

Israel could not secure the Gaza border with a wall and what was that? 50 miles?

We’ve already spent 12 billion on 450 miles of border. Do the math.

Put money into courts and detention facilities and change the asylum loop hole and you’ll get a much better result

But you don’t really want that

You just want to scream about it

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