I don’t like to tell people when I’m in need, I like to help other people.



Broke and ashamed: Many won't take handouts despite need

Ashyle Horton had volunteered in the past for the program that runs the University of Arkansas campus food pantry, but showing up as a client was an entirely different experience.

“I was very fearful and nervous,” said Horton, 22. “It felt so weird going to a food pantry to get help.”

The graduating senior says she desperately needed the pasta, rice and other staples on the food bank shelves, but she worried that others might judge her, that they would think she ought to be able to get by on her own.

Still, 1 in 4 people who are eligible for food stamps don't sign up, on average, the USDA says. Participation drops sharply in certain subgroups, as well. Only 34 percent of seniors and 60 percent of working poor households who could receive food stamps actually do, the USDA says.

That’s largely because of the perceived shame of taking a hand-out, researchers say.

“It remains a program that discourages work, rewards idleness and promotes long-term dependence,” the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley wrote last summer.

Other critics argue that it should be the role of churches and charities, not the government, to provide food to people in need.


On one hand, the article is rather odd. Remember the federal faith-based infrastructure put together by George Bush and the Republicans? Even stimulus money found it's way to religious charitable organizations. Doesn't Catholic Charities receive billions from the government?

So it's odd to say, " it should be the role of churches and charities, not the government, to provide food to people in need."

Hungry people don't get jobs. If you make yourself sick from malnutrition, you have a pre-existing condition.

It's too bad this stigma has been invented and "American helping American" has become socialism. I don't like what the right wing has done to this country. All the needless shame for what used to be considered "Christian". Making sure people are fed as they work their way out of poverty is a good thing. I don't know anyone who is satisfied with just a little food.
That’s largely because of the perceived shame of taking a hand-out, researchers say.

“It remains a program that discourages work, rewards idleness and promotes long-term dependence,” the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley wrote last summer.
Don't worry Dean, we'll have that "Independent American Spirit" completely wiped out soon enough.

The goal is to have everyone on some form of Gov't assistance as well as prescription drugs to control them even better than just through TV alone.
That’s largely because of the perceived shame of taking a hand-out, researchers say.

“It remains a program that discourages work, rewards idleness and promotes long-term dependence,” the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley wrote last summer.
Don't worry Dean, we'll have that "Independent American Spirit" completely wiped out soon enough.

The goal is to have everyone on some form of Gov't assistance as well as prescription drugs to control them even better than just through TV alone.

Speaking of Prescription Drugs:

Republicans created $1 trillion prescription drug plan without paying for it
so this was posted to slam the right I guess?

what is the purpose?

because someone has something, called PRIDE

That seems to surprise some of you, how sad is that
Yes, lets wipe out any reason to not be on welfare... Buy as many votes as you can Dems, that way when you help crash the economy again you can keep blaming the Reps and strike fear into the hearts of all those dependent on some form on welfare that if they don't vote for you they might lose something Progressives still can'tr figure out how to afford to give them.
Seriously though, progressives love to show thread after thread about how the rich are making record profits off the markets under Obama and through dumping an endless supply of money on the rich, but then come out with stories of how more "common" people need welfare just to make it by.

You guys might want to pick a side of your story and stick to it.
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I am a widow. I have a terminal illness. I did not quit work and go on disability when I got the diagnosis. I paid my own way through college except for a scholarship for the master's. I raised my children alone, and paid their way through college. I have worked off 4 pensions for when I retire in May. I should hang my head in shame because I was just too damn proud to take a handout and chose to work instead. Silly me! :cuckoo:
we have picked our sides.

were on the side of the majority of Americans.

you guys already chose the 1% as your Gods
I am a widow. I have a terminal illness. I did not quit work and go on disability when I got the diagnosis. I paid my own way through college except for a scholarship for the master's. I raised my children alone, and paid their way through college. I have worked off 4 pensions for when I retire in May. I should hang my head in shame because I was just too damn proud to take a handout and chose to work instead. Silly me! :cuckoo:

Sorry to hear about your trials in life.

Im glad you got it done on your own.

Some people dont have the same opportunities you had.
You know hardships make some people more compassionate.

A few folks have no compassion for the trials of others
I would pick up dog shit with my bare hands for a penny a pile before I ever went on the dole. and I don't have much sympathy for anyone who wouldn't do the same.
You know hardships make some people more compassionate.

A few folks have no compassion for the trials of others



It's hard to have compassion for people who won't even try to help themselves.

As i said I don't expect anyone to do any more than i would do. i sure as hell don't expect them to do less.
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but the right says all americans who need help are scumbags

The leftist fools like you say, "the right says all americans who need help are scumbags", while the conservatives say nothing of the sort.

I'm so far to the right that I see the republican party as nothing but a bunch of leftist liberal weenies, and I've never said anything remotely like what you claim.
I'm getting sick and tired of the leftist sheep screaming about the 1%'ers not paying "their fair share". If you live in the USA, you are a 1%'er on the worldwide stage. Quit bleating and go do something about it you damn 1%'er.
but the right says all americans who need help are scumbags

The leftist fools like you say, "the right says all americans who need help are scumbags", while the conservatives say nothing of the sort.

I'm so far to the right that I see the republican party as nothing but a bunch of leftist liberal weenies, and I've never said anything remotely like what you claim.
I'm getting sick and tired of the leftist sheep screaming about the 1%'ers not paying "their fair share". If you live in the USA, you are a 1%'er on the worldwide stage. Quit bleating and go do something about it you damn 1%'er.

That is true. But beyond that, because of this country, more people in the world have the highest standard of living the world has ever known.
Broke and ashamed: Many won't take handouts despite need

Ashyle Horton had volunteered in the past for the program that runs the University of Arkansas campus food pantry, but showing up as a client was an entirely different experience.

“I was very fearful and nervous,” said Horton, 22. “It felt so weird going to a food pantry to get help.”

The graduating senior says she desperately needed the pasta, rice and other staples on the food bank shelves, but she worried that others might judge her, that they would think she ought to be able to get by on her own.

Still, 1 in 4 people who are eligible for food stamps don't sign up, on average, the USDA says. Participation drops sharply in certain subgroups, as well. Only 34 percent of seniors and 60 percent of working poor households who could receive food stamps actually do, the USDA says.

That’s largely because of the perceived shame of taking a hand-out, researchers say.

“It remains a program that discourages work, rewards idleness and promotes long-term dependence,” the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley wrote last summer.

Other critics argue that it should be the role of churches and charities, not the government, to provide food to people in need.


On one hand, the article is rather odd. Remember the federal faith-based infrastructure put together by George Bush and the Republicans? Even stimulus money found it's way to religious charitable organizations. Doesn't Catholic Charities receive billions from the government?

So it's odd to say, " it should be the role of churches and charities, not the government, to provide food to people in need."

Hungry people don't get jobs. If you make yourself sick from malnutrition, you have a pre-existing condition.

It's too bad this stigma has been invented and "American helping American" has become socialism. I don't like what the right wing has done to this country. All the needless shame for what used to be considered "Christian". Making sure people are fed as they work their way out of poverty is a good thing. I don't know anyone who is satisfied with just a little food.

Benjamin Franklin said:
I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.

Thomas Jefferson said:
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition
James Madison said:
Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.

Well over 200 years ago people saw what you fail to see today.

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