I don’t like to tell people when I’m in need, I like to help other people.

so this was posted to slam the right I guess?

what is the purpose?

because someone has something, called PRIDE

That seems to surprise some of you, how sad is that

There is pride in helping people. It's not socialism as those of your ilk call it.
Yes, lets wipe out any reason to not be on welfare... Buy as many votes as you can Dems, that way when you help crash the economy again you can keep blaming the Reps and strike fear into the hearts of all those dependent on some form on welfare that if they don't vote for you they might lose something Progressives still can'tr figure out how to afford to give them.

Remember when Romney lied about Obama ending the work requirement for welfare that Clinton put into place? What do you think the lie was about?
I am a widow. I have a terminal illness. I did not quit work and go on disability when I got the diagnosis. I paid my own way through college except for a scholarship for the master's. I raised my children alone, and paid their way through college. I have worked off 4 pensions for when I retire in May. I should hang my head in shame because I was just too damn proud to take a handout and chose to work instead. Silly me! :cuckoo:

Good for you. So you got a scholarship? Glad to know you want that same help for others. Look how it helped you.
I am a widow. I have a terminal illness. I did not quit work and go on disability when I got the diagnosis. I paid my own way through college except for a scholarship for the master's. I raised my children alone, and paid their way through college. I have worked off 4 pensions for when I retire in May. I should hang my head in shame because I was just too damn proud to take a handout and chose to work instead. Silly me! :cuckoo:

Sorry to hear about your trials in life.

Im glad you got it done on your own.

Some people dont have the same opportunities you had.

Except for a scholarship. Even a little help means so much.
but the right says all americans who need help are scumbags

Shut up........

The problem is programs that are available for people who don't need the help and many people that really need help aren't eligible.

Regardless how hard up I've been in my life I've never been "qualified" for aide of any kind. It's why I don't give to Army Emergency Relief. The Army screwed up my pay and I didn't get paid for a couple of months (this seemed to happen every single time I was reassigned to another duty station) but Army Emergency Relief wouldn't help me because I was an E5. No SGT or above needs help according to them.

And to think that it used to be you couldn't live off post until you made E5, and privates can now and they can't pay their bills. So they apply for AER and get it.
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I am a widow. I have a terminal illness. I did not quit work and go on disability when I got the diagnosis. I paid my own way through college except for a scholarship for the master's. I raised my children alone, and paid their way through college. I have worked off 4 pensions for when I retire in May. I should hang my head in shame because I was just too damn proud to take a handout and chose to work instead. Silly me! :cuckoo:

Good for you. So you got a scholarship? Glad to know you want that same help for others. Look how it helped you.

you are just a babbling idiot now..It's the guys STORY not yours..you are just pissed because you wanted to use it to slam others with
I would pick up dog shit with my bare hands for a penny a pile before I ever went on the dole. and I don't have much sympathy for anyone who wouldn't do the same.

"Work requirement". It's real.
Liberals have little grasp of the idea of pride, that much is obvious.

Right wingers are proud. Proud they tricked the country into war. Proud the US is number one in gun deaths. Proud our infrastructure is falling apart. Proud the super wealthy pay a fraction in taxes as a percentage of what they make. Proud American companies have moved jobs to China. Proud they are not qualified for better jobs. Proud their party is 90% white. Proud they have done more damage to the country than al Qaeda.

Their problem is they are proud of failure and not success.
You are a complete idiot. And what's worse is you get paid to be one and to post your silly shit all day and all night.

Lying wont cover up your lack of compassion for the trials of others

It's hard to have compassion for people who won't even try to help themselves.

As i said I don't expect anyone to do any more than i would do. i sure as hell don't expect them to do less.

Why do you just assume that people won't help themselves? Is that how you are?
but the right says all americans who need help are scumbags

The leftist fools like you say, "the right says all americans who need help are scumbags", while the conservatives say nothing of the sort.

I'm so far to the right that I see the republican party as nothing but a bunch of leftist liberal weenies, and I've never said anything remotely like what you claim.
I'm getting sick and tired of the leftist sheep screaming about the 1%'ers not paying "their fair share". If you live in the USA, you are a 1%'er on the worldwide stage. Quit bleating and go do something about it you damn 1%'er.

Check out the quotes from the Republican leaderhip:

Republicans Think The Unemployed Are Lazy, Drug Addict Hobos

Republicans block unemployment benefits extension for lazy drug addicted breeding hobos

What is sad is that many of those unemployed are unemployed because of Republican policies. Scew 'em good, them fuck them over. Works every time.

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008
Does it make economic sense? If not then we will become poorer for it. Do you understand?

Look at Greece for a case of what I'm saying.

Educating Americans, rebuilding aging infrastructure, helping people get started. Makes sense. Keeping them ignorant, hungry, without health care or education. It's called the "road to ruin".
I am a widow. I have a terminal illness. I did not quit work and go on disability when I got the diagnosis. I paid my own way through college except for a scholarship for the master's. I raised my children alone, and paid their way through college. I have worked off 4 pensions for when I retire in May. I should hang my head in shame because I was just too damn proud to take a handout and chose to work instead. Silly me! :cuckoo:

Good for you. So you got a scholarship? Glad to know you want that same help for others. Look how it helped you.

you are just a babbling idiot now..It's the guys STORY not yours..you are just pissed because you wanted to use it to slam others with

I paid my own way through college except for a scholarship

Babbling? Yes, I can see how you think that's babbling. Course, you said you were just keeping your lips moist when everyone else said you were drooling.
Pride is essentially a self-centered concept. Liberal dogma is incapable of supporting it because it largely replaces the victimology they champion.

Even the Republican base need protection from their masters. Someone has to do it. Why they look to be victimized escapes me. But clearly, they are victimized.

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Lying wont cover up your lack of compassion for the trials of others

You know what, you fucking stupid bitch, you don't know what I do in my life. One thing is for sure though, I have contributed one hell of a lot more to this country and the low income people in it than some cannabis soaked druggy posting on a chicken shit message board all day, day in and day out, year in and year out.

You are so right. Kill the low income. Down with low income. Make the fuckers starve. Kick them to the curb.

Yea, you sure helped the country. I can see by how much.

That's not what she said... and if you had a half way decent education, you would know that.

Your problem, dweebie, is that you are so driven by hatred of anyone who disagrees with you that you have lost all reason.... that is assuming you ever had the ability to reason. I have no evidence for it but I am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm nice like that.
You know what, you fucking stupid bitch, you don't know what I do in my life. One thing is for sure though, I have contributed one hell of a lot more to this country and the low income people in it than some cannabis soaked druggy posting on a chicken shit message board all day, day in and day out, year in and year out.

You are so right. Kill the low income. Down with low income. Make the fuckers starve. Kick them to the curb.

Yea, you sure helped the country. I can see by how much.

That's not what she said... and if you had a half way decent education, you would know that.

Your problem, dweebie, is that you are so driven by hatred of anyone who disagrees with you that you have lost all reason.... that is assuming you ever had the ability to reason. I have no evidence for it but I am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm nice like that.

and as we see he will use anything and anyone for his hate, even this guy in the article

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