I don’t like to tell people when I’m in need, I like to help other people.

Lying wont cover up your lack of compassion for the trials of others

It's hard to have compassion for people who won't even try to help themselves.

As i said I don't expect anyone to do any more than i would do. i sure as hell don't expect them to do less.

Why do you just assume that people won't help themselves? Is that how you are?

People who go on the dole are not helping themselves are they?

Sorry but there is no way I would ever go on the fucking take. i would find a way to get by on my own as I have my entire life.
hating hungry babies is a bad political move guys

Republicans think hungry children work harder. I wonder if any starve their own children to make sure it works.

Your hyperbole is running away with itself.

I wonder how many children are really starving in this country considering the way Michelle constantly harps about how fat they are.

I see you love being on both sides of an argument which is like arguing for argument's sake.
hating hungry babies is a bad political move guys

Republicans think hungry children work harder. I wonder if any starve their own children to make sure it works.

Your hyperbole is running away with itself.

I wonder how many children are really starving in this country considering the way Michelle constantly harps about how fat they are.

I see you love being on both sides of an argument which is like arguing for argument's sake.

I wonder when was the last time TDM and rduffus brought home a hungry child and fed him/her.
hating hungry babies is a bad political move guys

Republicans think hungry children work harder. I wonder if any starve their own children to make sure it works.

I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?
hating hungry babies is a bad political move guys

Republicans think hungry children work harder. I wonder if any starve their own children to make sure it works.

I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?

They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.
Republicans think hungry children work harder. I wonder if any starve their own children to make sure it works.

I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?

They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.
We live in the USA, that makes us all 1%'ers on the worldwide stage.
Liberals/progressives don't like to admit that about themselves.
I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?

They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.
We live in the USA, that makes us all 1%'ers on the worldwide stage.
Liberals/progressives don't like to admit that about themselves.

Ah yes, their never ending existential guilt!
hating hungry babies is a bad political move guys

Republicans think hungry children work harder. I wonder if any starve their own children to make sure it works.

I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?

Yup.....you know what I really hate is clean air and clean water. Jesus.....they turn my stomach.

And CHILDREN........they really suck. Republicans don't have them. We just love shooting them for sport.

And black folks......don't get me started.
For all those Libs who say they love this country.
I say prove it.All of you who have not filed your taxes yet.
When you do make sure you overpay by $100.00 and make sure the Feds
know you did this on purpose.You probably wont because you know damm well the government
will blow that money on some ridiculous something or other.
Like who looks hotter in a thong.
A young lipstick lesbian or a 50+ year old 300 lb transgender biker dude.
Yes, that's the problem with the Obama economy, there aren't enough people on Food Stamps
Republicans think hungry children work harder. I wonder if any starve their own children to make sure it works.

I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?

They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.

WTF are you talking about?

Don't you guys ever get tired of imagining stupid shit? Guess not.
I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?

They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.

WTF are you talking about?

Don't you guys ever get tired of imagining stupid shit? Guess not.

Guess you have never heard of Social Security widow's benefits. I didn't have to work after my husband died, I could have lived on the SS. But I didn't draw those benefits. I went to school and to work. You are such a stupid fuck you don't even know the policies you argue on here day in and day out.
so this was posted to slam the right I guess?

what is the purpose?

because someone has something, called PRIDE

That seems to surprise some of you, how sad is that

I know, right?

Back in the day, you were looked down if you were on food stamps. Now I cut on the radio and hear advertisements to come on down and get your foodstamps AND cell phones.

And I work with plenty that are all too happy to oblige.. Then brag about their spending sprees.
so this was posted to slam the right I guess?

what is the purpose?

because someone has something, called PRIDE

That seems to surprise some of you, how sad is that

I know, right?

Back in the day, you were looked down if you were on food stamps. Now I cut on the radio and hear advertisements to come on down and get your foodstamps AND cell phones.

And I work with plenty that are all too happy to oblige.. Then brag about their spending sprees.

Those caseworkers need the clients!
Broke and ashamed: Many won't take handouts despite need

Ashyle Horton had volunteered in the past for the program that runs the University of Arkansas campus food pantry, but showing up as a client was an entirely different experience.

“I was very fearful and nervous,” said Horton, 22. “It felt so weird going to a food pantry to get help.”

The graduating senior says she desperately needed the pasta, rice and other staples on the food bank shelves, but she worried that others might judge her, that they would think she ought to be able to get by on her own.

Still, 1 in 4 people who are eligible for food stamps don't sign up, on average, the USDA says. Participation drops sharply in certain subgroups, as well. Only 34 percent of seniors and 60 percent of working poor households who could receive food stamps actually do, the USDA says.

That’s largely because of the perceived shame of taking a hand-out, researchers say.

“It remains a program that discourages work, rewards idleness and promotes long-term dependence,” the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley wrote last summer.

Other critics argue that it should be the role of churches and charities, not the government, to provide food to people in need.


On one hand, the article is rather odd. Remember the federal faith-based infrastructure put together by George Bush and the Republicans? Even stimulus money found it's way to religious charitable organizations. Doesn't Catholic Charities receive billions from the government?

So it's odd to say, " it should be the role of churches and charities, not the government, to provide food to people in need."

Hungry people don't get jobs. If you make yourself sick from malnutrition, you have a pre-existing condition.

It's too bad this stigma has been invented and "American helping American" has become socialism. I don't like what the right wing has done to this country. All the needless shame for what used to be considered "Christian". Making sure people are fed as they work their way out of poverty is a good thing. I don't know anyone who is satisfied with just a little food.

Dumbshit, most food pantries are run by and funded by churches.

Try again.
I wonder if you ever think about what is real.

dontcha know, all republicans are rich, even the children. In fact, the republican children are so rich they can afford filet and lobster for lunch and dinner, it's all due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, including the rich republican children. Them there rich republican children just ain't paying their fair share, are they?

They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.
We live in the USA, that makes us all 1%'ers on the worldwide stage.
Liberals/progressives don't like to admit that about themselves.

They think if they can just convert enough people to entitlement status, nobody will notice they're the slave owners.
They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.
We live in the USA, that makes us all 1%'ers on the worldwide stage.
Liberals/progressives don't like to admit that about themselves.

They think if they can just convert enough people to entitlement status, nobody will notice they're the slave owners.

I owe you rep for that. All those people living on entitlements they did not earn are the oppressed. They will never be free!
They think we are ALL the 1%.

We are not all in that group, but for those of us who work the conservative policies serve us best. I remember being a single mother working to raise and educate my children. Sure, liberal policies would have let me stay home after my husband's death. But if I had when I turned 50, I wouldn't have had a way to support myself, nor anywhere to turn. Liberal policies oppress. Conervative policies liberate.
We live in the USA, that makes us all 1%'ers on the worldwide stage.
Liberals/progressives don't like to admit that about themselves.

They think if they can just convert enough people to entitlement status, nobody will notice they're the slave owners.

Come June 1, I'm going to be drawing my SS, if it is still around! I'm not betting any money on it, thought.

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