I dont believe Trump can win a general election

I'll start off by saying he was a pretty good potus.

With that out of the way let's dive in.

Trump is now a known commodity and that commodity was rejected last election. Rejected because he lacks the ability to control his mouth. His base loves the insults and quips and I'll admit they are entertaining but the base can't carry him past the primaries. That childish shit is a huge turn off to moderates, you know, the ones required to win.
Moderate voters are tired of the woke shit the left pushes so the next election should be a gimme considering how awful Biden is but if it's Trump, Biden will win. Nearly any other candidate and Biden gets blown out.

I feel bad for Trump because of the weaponized DOJ bullshit but no way I vote out of pity. We need a different person to lead our party. TRUMP IS TOO TOXIC
No other GOP candidate is worth voting for.
I'll start off by saying he was a pretty good potus.

With that out of the way let's dive in.

Trump is now a known commodity and that commodity was rejected last election. Rejected because he lacks the ability to control his mouth. His base loves the insults and quips and I'll admit they are entertaining but the base can't carry him past the primaries. That childish shit is a huge turn off to moderates, you know, the ones required to win.
Moderate voters are tired of the woke shit the left pushes so the next election should be a gimme considering how awful Biden is but if it's Trump, Biden will win. Nearly any other candidate and Biden gets blown out.

I feel bad for Trump because of the weaponized DOJ bullshit but no way I vote out of pity. We need a different person to lead our party. TRUMP IS TOO TOXIC
He can win again with the electoral college, particularly if there is a third party or two diluting the vote from Biden, which is very possible. I did some high powered math one day and came to the conclusion that in a two way contest, Biden would have to win by 3% just in order to have a 50/50 shot in the electoral college. Recent polls are anywhere from a tie to Biden with a 4% lead.
He can win again with the electoral college, particularly if there is a third party or two diluting the vote from Biden, which is very possible. I did some high powered math one day and came to the conclusion that in a two way contest, Biden would have to win by 3% just in order to have a 50/50 shot in the electoral college. Recent polls are anywhere from a tie to Biden with a 4% lead.
Trump has a 2% lead over Biden.
He can win again with the electoral college, particularly if there is a third party or two diluting the vote from Biden, which is very possible. I did some high powered math one day and came to the conclusion that in a two way contest, Biden would have to win by 3% just in order to have a 50/50 shot in the electoral college. Recent polls are anywhere from a tie to Biden with a 4% lead.
Hard to believe anyone in this country could vote for this 50 year career criminal who used his office to become a millionaire.
If the Dimtards were not making such an illegal showing of their hatred and persecution, and simply leaving Trump alone to run, I would agree with you.
But their idiotic actions, along with the truths coming out about the Biden Crime Family, will get him the nomination and the presidency in my opinion. Even independents arent stupid enough to vote for the Dim wackos anymore.
When it comes to the all important Independents, most of them are leaning more right than left and believe Democrats are abusing their power to get Trump.
Still a long way off, and I hope Trump makes a deal with DeSantis.

"I endorse you, you give me a special prosecutor to look into all the shit they threw at me"
Yeah, unless something drastic changes, that will be the ticket and it's not a bad one. I really don't see Desantis saying no to VP, especially when it would be his turn in just 4 years.
Yeah, unless something drastic changes, that will be the ticket and it's not a bad one. I really don't see Desantis saying no to VP, especially when it would be his turn in just 4 years.

Was talking about Trump bowing out in return for an agreement to let Trump be part of an investigation into the shit thrown at him. Never will happen, but it's the smart move.

DeSantis needs a Midwest VP to shore up the swing states out there.
Trump can’t win in 2024, he doesn’t have approval rating to win. Biden is a joke. If the Democrats or Republicans can move away from Biden or Trump, they can win the election going away.
Well, Biden's approval is dismal. And, there could very well be at least one third party, maybe even two, with both probably taking more votes from Biden than from Trump. Recent polls have them running neck and neck and, with the electoral college, we can once again see Biden getting more popular votes and Trump winning the election.
He can’t win, the Republicans are split and more are jumping ship, the Dems have Biden and unless Trump is out of the picture, the GOP can’t win.
I think you are discounting the impact of the blatant attacks on Trump.
Anyway, we hope another candidate steps up, pushes back, and wins the nomination. The idiot left thinks all we do is follow Trump like they do their Reich.
Pretty much why all Republicans who aren't part of Trump's base are rejecting him. Even former mega donors who supported him for his first election are saying they won't give him any donations, and the reasons are pretty much what you stated.
Well, that's not really what the polls actually say. In any event, who needs megadonors when Trump supporters are sending in record dollars.
Not even a third of Trump supporters made it to the ballot box in 2020... had all of us made the effort to vote there would have been no way the dems could have made up enough fraudulent ballots...
Stop listening to the RINO swampers.... the same people that said he had no chance in 2016....

By all means, go ahead and nominate him

Not even a third of Trump supporters made it to the ballot box in 2020... had all of us made the effort to vote there would have been no way the dems could have made up enough fraudulent ballots...

So you're not voting next year?

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