I don't get it


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I'll state, up front, I ain't smart- if I were I'd be monetarily well off- I get by that's it. But, my wants and desires have become more utilitarian in my old age- but, I digress.

What I don't get: why are so many distracted by the shenanigans in DC? It's just a shit show. The entire fiasco, not just the impeachment kabuki theater.

In other threads people complain about Amazon (in particular), education in another, native americans in another, Trump in several threads- the pure as the driven snow Democrats in others- partisan bickering. Period.

Partisan being key. Why? I want evidence of what Democrats OR Republicans have done to address your concerns, enhance your liberty or protect your natural rights- for over 200 years our civil liberties have been chipped away and we argue about Democrats or Republicans?! We even had a thread about Liberty and very few participated- SMH- I don't get it.

I watched nancy pelosi a little bit ago explaining the impeachment reasons- SMH- she had the audacity to actually reference the Declaration of Independence- good lord- that almost made me throw up.

This country, through the Constitution, was established, to help prevent a tyrannical, official, gov't oppression of it's citizens- the Bill of Rights clearly states lines that are not to be crossed by the fed gov't- yet, here we are with the Homeland Security Act having obliterated the 4th amendment- there are empty suit idiots who refuse to acknowledge "shall not be infringed"-

We allegedly have a representative republican form of governance, yet, empty suits, talking heads, "partisan hacks" and fools continually refer to the US as a democracy- nancy pelosi, in her stupid commentary even said their job was their oath of office to defend and protect the constitution- uh, that is a representative republic, nancy- the constitution clearly states what power the fed gov't has, and where the lines are drawn (the Bill of Rights) -

I don't get it-
You seem pretty smart to me, Gdjjr. I agree completely.

My view on it is simple. The biggest and most unrecognized threat to liberty in America today is the gradual erosion of public virtue. The same weaknesses in human nature that exist in government (think love of power and proneness to abuse it) is equally existent in society itself.
I'd add that the anti-federalists have been proven correct in their predictions time and time and time and time again.
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The biggest and most unrecognized thread to liberty in America today is the erosion of public virtue.
Perhaps- but, in "the land of the free" how does that happen? Liberty and Justice for all- etc., so, I still don't get it.

In defense of "it" (that I don't get) I'll admit that when I was younger I took a lot for granted- life in general. But, the people here ain't "younger"- my acquaintances (and family) ain't younger- they claim to be astute, or at least aware, yet still choose a side Democrat or Republican and neither side has done a damn thing to reverse, or repeal, or change a damn thing to ensure Liberty or Natural Rights are protected- they pay lip service. Period. 30 second sound bites for fodder.
Perhaps- but, in "the land of the free" how does that happen? Liberty and Justice for all- etc., so, I still don't get it.

In defense of "it" (that I don't get) I'll admit that when I was younger I took a lot for granted- life in general. But, the people here ain't "younger"- my acquaintances (and family) ain't younger- they claim to be astute, or at least aware, yet still choose a side Democrat or Republican and neither side has done a damn thing to reverse, or repeal, or change a damn thing to ensure Liberty or Natural Rights are protected- they pay lip service. Period. 30 second sound bites for fodder.

Freedom just isn't understood, I don't think. As a consequence it simply isn't popular. Nor is it guarded. The reality is this. People who participate in coercion understand very little of their participation in its function. And absolutely nothing of its consequence.

First they came for the _________ .... but I was not a ________.....

Know what I mean?
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I'm going to use this as a daily rant thread- for me.

A few years ago I had an idea for a political logo t-shirt- a close friend suggested I use American made t-shirts-
I thought about it, but my point(s) aren't inclined in that direction necessarily- they are to the extent that our founding was based on protecting citizens from an official tyranny-

But, my thought was why use American made t-shirts? I didn't write the rules but I'm FORCED to play by them.
At the time I was tired of listening to people (usual suspects) vilify wealthy people- it seems to me the rules written, by the usual suspects, are intentionally written to limit competition- you know, you have to pass it so you can read it types- the rule writers insured (and ensured) that foreign made t-shirts were less expensive- so, why not beat them at their own game? Use foreign made t-shirts- and maybe I could be an officially vilified person :) -
I think far more are growing tired of what you note than the politicians realize. I have a sticker on the back of my van. It was created by a local gay rights group but what it states is "No hate in my holler". Now one needs the reference that this is in WV so it makes sense.

Anecdotal stories don't mean much but I was told the last two days by people that they like the sticker. Both noted that they are growing tired of all the hate being stirred out of Washington. Neither really associated the sticker from the original source but I think many are growing tired of the crap.
I think there a number of parts to it.
Some want less government intervention. They see government regulation as interferance.
Some want the government controlling every aspect. The more oversight in their lives the better.
Some look at whatever is easier. Unless it is broke to the point of no repair don't rock the boat.
No one likes to think that they are wrong.
No one minds if something costs others more as long as it is not them.

Put all that together and that is why things are the way they are. Basic human nature.
Some want less government intervention. They see government regulation as interferance.
Ok- that is THE why this Country was founded- where's the problem?

Some want the government controlling every aspect. The more oversight in their lives the better.
Some look at whatever is easier. Unless it is broke to the point of no repair don't rock the boat.
No one likes to think that they are wrong.
No one minds if something costs others more as long as it is not them.

Put all that together and that is why things are the way they are. Basic human nature.

Well, my basic human nature is (and has always been) to advocate for the under dog- politically that is the rights of the Individual- acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence- and our gov't was established to help protect those rights- yes, I realize I'm an anomaly, but still-
I watched nancy pelosi a little bit ago explaining the impeachment reasons- SMH- she had the audacity to actually reference the Declaration of Independence- good lord- that almost made me throw up.
It was truly cartoonish...As though there was more evidence needed to demonstrate the total lack of self-awareness of the moonbat left.
Some want less government intervention. They see government regulation as interferance.
Ok- that is THE why this Country was founded- where's the problem?

Some want the government controlling every aspect. The more oversight in their lives the better.
Some look at whatever is easier. Unless it is broke to the point of no repair don't rock the boat.
No one likes to think that they are wrong.
No one minds if something costs others more as long as it is not them.

Put all that together and that is why things are the way they are. Basic human nature.

Well, my basic human nature is (and has always been) to advocate for the under dog- politically that is the rights of the Individual- acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence- and our gov't was established to help protect those rights- yes, I realize I'm an anomaly, but still-
As you said you might be an anomaly
It's not as bad as the drama that the 24/7 media has poisoned the collective brains to thinking. You are hearing the most hyped-up versions of damn near everything, under the sun. Put the devices down, walk outside and you'll see the trees look like trees...the lawn-mower still cuts grass and you can still visit your local baseball fields and see baseball being played.

The folks generally drawn to partisan politics, in my opinion, are giving it too much power over their lives by even engaging in such a dire way...it's actually rather ridiculous, in perspective. In reality, their taxes are not crazy different than at ANY point in their entire adult lives...their freedom to shit, shave and shower and hit the butcher shop or the mall is not impeded and the whole entire narrative is truly childish, insecure and self-defeating. Learn how to weigh rhetoric vs. reality & day to day life. Be happy to be a-fucking-live, and in the wealthiest Nation in the history of the planet Earth while STATISTICALLY (not "dramatically" i.e. 24/7 media), STATISTICALLY...its the safest time EVER....to be alive.

Ain't that some shit.
It's not as bad as the drama that the 24/7 media has poisoned the collective brains to thinking. You are hearing the most hyped-up versions of damn near everything, under the sun. Put the devices down, walk outside and you'll see the trees look like trees...the lawn-mower still cuts grass and you can still visit your local baseball fields and see baseball being played.

The folks generally drawn to partisan politics, in my opinion, are giving it too much power over their lives by even engaging in such a dire way...it's actually rather ridiculous, in perspective. In reality, their taxes are not crazy different than at ANY point in their entire adult lives...their freedom to shit, shave and shower and hit the butcher shop or the mall is not impeded and the whole entire narrative is truly childish, insecure and self-defeating. Learn how to weigh rhetoric vs. reality & day to day life. Be happy to be a-fucking-live, and in the wealthiest Nation in the history of the planet Earth while STATISTICALLY (not "dramatically" i.e. 24/7 media), STATISTICALLY...its the safest time EVER....to be alive.

Ain't that some shit.
Wow- I assume the 4th amendment means nothing- trust me when I say; I'll never board another commercial airline- trust me again when I say; I'll never trust another politician, or any authoritarian for that matter. Why? because that was not the intent of the founding of this country- the 4th amendment in particular was put in there for a reason- there are no caveats allowing whatever- but, here we are- asset forfeiture- official groping to board a plane- unwarranted spying, cameras everywhere, license plate readers- yeah, everything is fine- ain't that some shit?
It's not as bad as the drama that the 24/7 media has poisoned the collective brains to thinking. You are hearing the most hyped-up versions of damn near everything, under the sun. Put the devices down, walk outside and you'll see the trees look like trees...the lawn-mower still cuts grass and you can still visit your local baseball fields and see baseball being played.

The folks generally drawn to partisan politics, in my opinion, are giving it too much power over their lives by even engaging in such a dire way...it's actually rather ridiculous, in perspective. In reality, their taxes are not crazy different than at ANY point in their entire adult lives...their freedom to shit, shave and shower and hit the butcher shop or the mall is not impeded and the whole entire narrative is truly childish, insecure and self-defeating. Learn how to weigh rhetoric vs. reality & day to day life. Be happy to be a-fucking-live, and in the wealthiest Nation in the history of the planet Earth while STATISTICALLY (not "dramatically" i.e. 24/7 media), STATISTICALLY...its the safest time EVER....to be alive.

Ain't that some shit.
Wow- I assume the 4th amendment means nothing- trust me when I say; I'll never board another commercial airline- trust me again when I say; I'll never trust another politician, or any authoritarian for that matter. Why? because that was not the intent of the founding of this country- the 4th amendment in particular was put in there for a reason- there are no caveats allowing whatever- but, here we are- asset forfeiture- official groping to board a plane- unwarranted spying, cameras everywhere, license plate readers- yeah, everything is fine- ain't that some shit?

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