I Don't have to Work?


^That could be you cons :thup:

You mean before the Democratic Party taxed, legislated and used their pen and phone to rip the freedoms from us, correct...:eusa_whistle:

I have 5 speedboats now. 1 for every election I've voted Democrat. Turns out you cons were right about us getting free stuff! Join the dark side Lumpy!

1 more recruit and I get a white Bengal Tiger!!!
I don't have to work and I have 6 sources of income. Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. Sonsabitches. Now if I could get that 4 pints of blood back and the feeling in my leg, I'd be sitting on easy street. But I got up this morning and the weather man said 85 so I jumped in my car and headed for the beach. It's a hard life but someones gotta live it.

"Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. " All payed for by the American taxpayer, the military, the best socialist system around
You couldn't be further from the truth. Military active personnel and Veterans are providing and have provided service to us and our country, and at their own risk and peril. Any income they receive, they have earned and so richly deserve.
Yeah, Republicans sure care about veterans.
Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Benefits Bill - ABC News
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters
GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Nearly half of homeless veterans are from Vietnam.

Maybe this should be enough to show that neither party actually cares about soldiers once they've served their purpose.
I don't have to work and I have 6 sources of income. Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. Sonsabitches. Now if I could get that 4 pints of blood back and the feeling in my leg, I'd be sitting on easy street. But I got up this morning and the weather man said 85 so I jumped in my car and headed for the beach. It's a hard life but someones gotta live it.

"Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. " All payed for by the American taxpayer, the military, the best socialist system around

Did you ever put your life in the hands of a soldier. Have him put his life in yours?
Have you ever served in a forward unit?
Have you ever worked in the bowels of a battleship?
Ever fired a rifle at someone who's face you could see?
Done PT until you felt like puking?
Ever worn the uniform?
Did you have a loved one of friend who made the ultimate sacrifice?
Save for the last item, neither have I. But then again, I was not the one making idiotic statements regarding the military.
You have some set of balls...
If the Democrat Parties unofficial platform is why work, vote for us and everything is free.

Just how much longer do you think America will last?

This long, sweetheart: The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money. ----Margaret Thatcher

The UK economy grew by 1.9% in 2013, its strongest rate since 2007, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
I don't have to work and I have 6 sources of income. Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. Sonsabitches. Now if I could get that 4 pints of blood back and the feeling in my leg, I'd be sitting on easy street. But I got up this morning and the weather man said 85 so I jumped in my car and headed for the beach. It's a hard life but someones gotta live it.

"Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. " All payed for by the American taxpayer, the military, the best socialist system around

I have an 18 inch scar and an entry wound the size of a 50 cent piece. I EARNED it you commie sonofabitch.

Don't let that cocksucker get under your skin...He's a flyspeck in the ocean.
"Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. " All payed for by the American taxpayer, the military, the best socialist system around
You couldn't be further from the truth. Military active personnel and Veterans are providing and have provided service to us and our country, and at their own risk and peril. Any income they receive, they have earned and so richly deserve.
Yeah, Republicans sure care about veterans.
Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Benefits Bill - ABC News
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters
GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Nearly half of homeless veterans are from Vietnam.

Maybe this should be enough to show that neither party actually cares about soldiers once they've served their purpose.
Paul Ryan's plan to cut spending by 5 trillion dollars over 10 years in order to balance the budget, includes increased spending for veterans. Under his plan, defense spending will increase by $273 billion more than was requested by Obama.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan renewed a fight with Democrats over spending cuts and deficit reduction, unveiling an updated Republican budget plan Tuesday that aims to cut spending by more than $5 trillion over a decade and balance the budget in that time.

As in the past, Ryan has steered clear of cuts to Social Security and promises steady increases for veterans.


House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan calls for increasing defense spending over 10 years by roughly $273 billion more than Obama's request

Ryan Budget - NationalJournal.com
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Democracies always self-destruct when the non-productive majority realizes that it can vote itself handouts from the productive minority by electing the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury. To maintain their power, these candidates must adopt an ever-increasing tax and spend policy to satisfy the ever-increasing desires of the majority. As taxes increase, incentive to produce decreases, causing many of the once productive to drop out and join the non-productive. When there are no longer enough producers to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse, always to be followed by a Dictatorship.

That would be why our Founders created a Republic.
You couldn't be further from the truth. Military active personnel and Veterans are providing and have provided service to us and our country, and at their own risk and peril. Any income they receive, they have earned and so richly deserve.
Yeah, Republicans sure care about veterans.
Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Benefits Bill - ABC News
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters
GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Nearly half of homeless veterans are from Vietnam.

Maybe this should be enough to show that neither party actually cares about soldiers once they've served their purpose.
Paul Ryan's plan to cut spending by 5 trillion dollars over 10 years in order to balance the budget, includes increased spending for veterans. Under his plan, defense spending will increase by $273 billion more than was requested by Obama.

As in the past, Ryan has steered clear of cuts to Social Security and promises steady increases for veterans.


House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan calls for increasing defense spending over 10 years by roughly $273 billion more than Obama's request

Ryan Budget Calls for Return to Pre-Sequester Defense Spending - NationalJournal.com
Yes, more money for the war machine is a good thing. Cheer for more NSA bullshit. Republicans love freedom. Let's build more prisons and a giant wall around our country.

And of course, our beloved Paul Ryan will end the piece of shit drug war, right?
If the Democrat Parties unofficial platform is why work, vote for us and everything is free.

Just how much longer do you think America will last?

It's not.

It's like saying the Republicans unoffical platform is kill. Is it?
I don't have to work and I have 6 sources of income. Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. Sonsabitches. Now if I could get that 4 pints of blood back and the feeling in my leg, I'd be sitting on easy street. But I got up this morning and the weather man said 85 so I jumped in my car and headed for the beach. It's a hard life but someones gotta live it.

"Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. " All payed for by the American taxpayer, the military, the best socialist system around

Did you ever put your life in the hands of a soldier. Have him put his life in yours?
Have you ever served in a forward unit?
Have you ever worked in the bowels of a battleship?
Ever fired a rifle at someone who's face you could see?
Done PT until you felt like puking?
Ever worn the uniform?
Did you have a loved one of friend who made the ultimate sacrifice?
Save for the last item, neither have I. But then again, I was not the one making idiotic statements regarding the military.
You have some set of balls...

Not so sure of that. I think the men who serve have the balls. Guno just has his head up his @$$.
Another myth for hater dupes...People on welfare half to look for work, get screened for drugs/alcohol, have to work menial jobs and sell cars worth over 2500 to get any cash...nobody wants it except criminals....There is no new ''class''- it's the victims of the Pub meltown and obstruction....
Yeah, Republicans sure care about veterans.
Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Benefits Bill - ABC News
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters
GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Nearly half of homeless veterans are from Vietnam.

Maybe this should be enough to show that neither party actually cares about soldiers once they've served their purpose.
Paul Ryan's plan to cut spending by 5 trillion dollars over 10 years in order to balance the budget, includes increased spending for veterans. Under his plan, defense spending will increase by $273 billion more than was requested by Obama.

Rep. Ryan unveils House GOP plan to balance budget, cut $5T in spending | Fox News

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan calls for increasing defense spending over 10 years by roughly $273 billion more than Obama's request

Ryan Budget Calls for Return to Pre-Sequester Defense Spending - NationalJournal.com
Yes, more money for the war machine is a good thing. Cheer for more NSA bullshit. Republicans love freedom. Let's build more prisons and a giant wall around our country.

And of course, our beloved Paul Ryan will end the piece of shit drug war, right?
No...A nation spends to build it's military so it does not have to go to war..
If the Democrat Parties unofficial platform is why work, vote for us and everything is free.

Just how much longer do you think America will last?
Not long - it is now what your country can do for you :evil:

Because everyone talks about rights and not about responsibilities, neither the right or the left.

Now, the right are more selfish, they're about individualism, and don't bother so much with responsibilities.
The left do want to help people too much, so it's not about responsibilities.

So, both parties contribute to this problem.

Get PR, then you can have democracy and actually vote for your choice, not the choice of two.
Paul Ryan's plan to cut spending by 5 trillion dollars over 10 years in order to balance the budget, includes increased spending for veterans. Under his plan, defense spending will increase by $273 billion more than was requested by Obama.

Rep. Ryan unveils House GOP plan to balance budget, cut $5T in spending | Fox News

Ryan Budget Calls for Return to Pre-Sequester Defense Spending - NationalJournal.com
Yes, more money for the war machine is a good thing. Cheer for more NSA bullshit. Republicans love freedom. Let's build more prisons and a giant wall around our country.

And of course, our beloved Paul Ryan will end the piece of shit drug war, right?
No...A nation spends to build it's military so it does not have to go to war..
Yeah, that's it. "America does everything that it can to avoid war." Tell that to Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, the rest of Africa, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia. How about the drug war here within US borders? 2m prisoners in the Land of the Free, and heavily armored police in every major city, domestic warrantless illegal unconstitutional spying, and George HW Bush in 1990 even went so far as to send US Army soldiers on a domestic drug raid during Operation Green Sweep in Humboldt County, CA. If it's a "war" on drugs, George HW Bush sent the US Army to "war" against the American people on American soil.

The drug war was started after a government report told Nixon to legalize marijuana. Explain how America doesn't seek out constant war to justify an ever-increasing "defense" budget.
Paul Ryan's plan to cut spending by 5 trillion dollars over 10 years in order to balance the budget, includes increased spending for veterans. Under his plan, defense spending will increase by $273 billion more than was requested by Obama.

Rep. Ryan unveils House GOP plan to balance budget, cut $5T in spending | Fox News

Ryan Budget Calls for Return to Pre-Sequester Defense Spending - NationalJournal.com
Yes, more money for the war machine is a good thing. Cheer for more NSA bullshit. Republicans love freedom. Let's build more prisons and a giant wall around our country.

And of course, our beloved Paul Ryan will end the piece of shit drug war, right?
No...A nation spends to build it's military so it does not have to go to war..

Exactly, it's about deterrence. Right now, we are ripe to be bullied.
"Received my welcome packet to the veterans healthcare system today. No copay for healthcare. $8 copay for prescriptions. " All payed for by the American taxpayer, the military, the best socialist system around
You couldn't be further from the truth. Military active personnel and Veterans are providing and have provided service to us and our country, and at their own risk and peril. Any income they receive, they have earned and so richly deserve.
Yeah, Republicans sure care about veterans.
Senate GOP Blocks Veterans Benefits Bill - ABC News
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters
GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Nearly half of homeless veterans are from Vietnam.

Maybe this should be enough to show that neither party actually cares about soldiers once they've served their purpose.

From your links:

Republicans said the spending authorized in the bill violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee.
GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Republicans also raised budget concerns, forcing another key procedural vote that ended up killing the bill. By a vote of 56-41, the Senate failed to waive budget rules that would have allowed the bill to proceed. Sixty votes were needed and 41 of the chamber's 45 Republicans voted against the waiver.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

Unauthorized spending... :cuckoo:

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