I don't know it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia.

I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie, probably why Nuñes cancelled the investigation meetings, all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.
View attachment 141807
Butt hurt Jc still thinks this is about the election. Funny.
He's another one that doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.
The only evidence is proving how corrupt your party is. So keep up the good work. You watch fake news, so you don't know what's really going on.
What news do you watch?
Now run away.
I get it from various sources, not CNN. Comedy news network.
Too embarrassed to name your " sources" I see.
I have seen the complete off the wall sources you dopes use. I can understand your apprehension not to name them..
View attachment 141810
Trump refuses to say a single unkind word about Putin. Even after Putin ejected American diplomats from Russia, Trump couldn't find anything harsh to say about it. He was dead silent.

No, wait. Fatso wasn't entirely silent. On the same day Putin kicked out the Americans, Trump tweeted, "It's a great day at the White House!"

Trump must have bigly assets in Russian. The Comrade is terrified Putin will freeze his assets in Russia if he criticizes Putin.

That's why the naked emperor won't release his tax returns, and that's why he takes it up the ass from Putin without complaint.
Should Trump steal Obama's red crayon?
Trump has his own set of crayons.
Lol, your desperate. Merkel has ruined germany, just like Obama was doing. View attachment 141811
And you use Darth Vader as a source?
Wow I guess you gained a point on your iq on that one. What it's about 70 now? Tell me, how did Putin convince you to vote for Trump?
All last summer and fall, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the Russian meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that you tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, you are trying to pretend it had NO impact. But you sure as shit thought so BEFORE you knew the Russian were behind it.

Sorry, but I'm not as stupid or as forgetful as you are.
View attachment 141810
Trump refuses to say a single unkind word about Putin. Even after Putin ejected American diplomats from Russia, Trump couldn't find anything harsh to say about it. He was dead silent.

No, wait. Fatso wasn't entirely silent. On the same day Putin kicked out the Americans, Trump tweeted, "It's a great day at the White House!"

Trump must have bigly assets in Russian. The Comrade is terrified Putin will freeze his assets in Russia if he criticizes Putin.

That's why the naked emperor won't release his tax returns, and that's why he takes it up the ass from Putin without complaint.
Should Trump steal Obama's red crayon?
Trump has his own set of crayons.
Lol, your desperate. Merkel has ruined germany, just like Obama was doing. View attachment 141811
And you use Darth Vader as a source?
Wow I guess you gained a point on your iq on that one. What it's about 70 now? Tell me, how did Putin convince you to vote for Trump?
^^ thinks I voted for Trump.
A new survey by the Pew Research Centre of 40,447 people in 37 countries shows that trust in Mr Trump pales in comparison with Barack Obama’s final ratings. Whereas 64% of those surveyed had confidence in Mr Obama to do the right thing, just 22% are similarly optimistic about his successor, whom they described as “arrogant” (75%), “intolerant” (65%) and “dangerous” (62%). Citizens in Western Europe put no more stock in Mr Trump—who took office just five months ago—than they did in George W. Bush, the architect of the highly unpopular war in Iraq, when he limped out of the White House in 2008. Respondents’ approval rating for America overall has also slumped, from 64% to 49%.
No shit, for some reason they were scared of being called a racist by you loons. If they didn't support your chocolate Jesus.
I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie, probably why Nuñes cancelled the investigation meetings, all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.
View attachment 141807
Tell it to Putin
View attachment 141810
Should Trump steal Obama's red crayon?
Trump has his own set of crayons.
Lol, your desperate. Merkel has ruined germany, just like Obama was doing. View attachment 141811
And you use Darth Vader as a source?
Wow I guess you gained a point on your iq on that one. What it's about 70 now? Tell me, how did Putin convince you to vote for Trump?
All last summer and fall, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the Russian meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that you tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, you are trying to pretend it had NO impact. But you sure as shit thought so BEFORE you knew the Russian were behind it.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you are.
So Russia made Hillary use an illegal email server. Putin bitched slapped her into giving him classified information? Lol, it was Hillary's fault she was proven to be an untrustworthy liar. It was HER FAULT NOT RUSSIA'S. Get over it.
View attachment 141812
View attachment 141810
Should Trump steal Obama's red crayon?
Trump has his own set of crayons.
Lol, your desperate. Merkel has ruined germany, just like Obama was doing. View attachment 141811
And you use Darth Vader as a source?
Wow I guess you gained a point on your iq on that one. What it's about 70 now? Tell me, how did Putin convince you to vote for Trump?
^^ thinks I voted for Trump.
That just might be worse than the tards who think I voted for Clinton!
A new survey by the Pew Research Centre of 40,447 people in 37 countries shows that trust in Mr Trump pales in comparison with Barack Obama’s final ratings. Whereas 64% of those surveyed had confidence in Mr Obama to do the right thing, just 22% are similarly optimistic about his successor, whom they described as “arrogant” (75%), “intolerant” (65%) and “dangerous” (62%). Citizens in Western Europe put no more stock in Mr Trump—who took office just five months ago—than they did in George W. Bush, the architect of the highly unpopular war in Iraq, when he limped out of the White House in 2008. Respondents’ approval rating for America overall has also slumped, from 64% to 49%.
No shit, for some reason they were scared of being called a racist by you loons. If they didn't support your chocolate Jesus.
Choc Jesus wasn't really a citizen. I learned that from Trump.
Trumpies have a choice. Use news services with the best journalists in the world with respected and much used news agencies thruout the world or....
Use sources with bloggers.

They'll stick with the 300 pound blogger living in his mother's basement..
View attachment 141810 Trump has his own set of crayons.
Lol, your desperate. Merkel has ruined germany, just like Obama was doing. View attachment 141811
And you use Darth Vader as a source?
Wow I guess you gained a point on your iq on that one. What it's about 70 now? Tell me, how did Putin convince you to vote for Trump?
All last summer and fall, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the Russian meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that you tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, you are trying to pretend it had NO impact. But you sure as shit thought so BEFORE you knew the Russian were behind it.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you are.
So Russia made Hillary use an illegal email server. Putin bitched slapped her into giving him classified information? Lol, it was Hillary's fault she was proven to be an untrustworthy liar. It was HER FAULT NOT RUSSIA'S. Get over it.
If an enemy of our nation chose to undermine the Republican party, you think they couldn't find a mountain of dirt and crimes?

All they would have to do is hack Trump's tax returns and release them. Trump would have been finished.

Putin was working for Trump. If he decided to work for Clinton, she would probably be president now.
A new survey by the Pew Research Centre of 40,447 people in 37 countries shows that trust in Mr Trump pales in comparison with Barack Obama’s final ratings. Whereas 64% of those surveyed had confidence in Mr Obama to do the right thing, just 22% are similarly optimistic about his successor, whom they described as “arrogant” (75%), “intolerant” (65%) and “dangerous” (62%). Citizens in Western Europe put no more stock in Mr Trump—who took office just five months ago—than they did in George W. Bush, the architect of the highly unpopular war in Iraq, when he limped out of the White House in 2008. Respondents’ approval rating for America overall has also slumped, from 64% to 49%.
No shit, for some reason they were scared of being called a racist by you loons. If they didn't support your chocolate Jesus.
Choc Jesus wasn't really a citizen. I learned that from Trump.
That's how Trump started his political career..He knew if he could harness the bottom feeders' racism he'd be able to sell them anything..
And indeed he did..
Lol, your desperate. Merkel has ruined germany, just like Obama was doing. View attachment 141811
And you use Darth Vader as a source?
Wow I guess you gained a point on your iq on that one. What it's about 70 now? Tell me, how did Putin convince you to vote for Trump?
All last summer and fall, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the Russian meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that you tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, you are trying to pretend it had NO impact. But you sure as shit thought so BEFORE you knew the Russian were behind it.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you are.
So Russia made Hillary use an illegal email server. Putin bitched slapped her into giving him classified information? Lol, it was Hillary's fault she was proven to be an untrustworthy liar. It was HER FAULT NOT RUSSIA'S. Get over it.
If an enemy of our nation chose to undermine the Republican party, you think they couldn't find a mountain of dirt and crimes?

All they would have to do is hack Trump's tax returns and release them. Trump would have been finished.

Putin was working for Trump. If he decided to work for Clinton, she would probably be president now.
If the dem nominee wore pants instead of pants suits she'd be president.
Butt hurt Jc still thinks this is about the election. Funny.
He's another one that doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.
The only evidence is proving how corrupt your party is. So keep up the good work. You watch fake news, so you don't know what's really going on.
What news do you watch?
Now run away.
I get it from various sources, not CNN. Comedy news network.
Too embarrassed to name your " sources" I see.
I have seen the complete off the wall sources you dopes use. I can understand your apprehension not to name them..
Lol, I don't have cable, so run along little one. Can't wait to see what is on ole Debbie's hard drives, you know the ones they tried to destroy. What would you say if Trump did the same. Oh I forget the bitch you wanted to be president did the equivalent, with your support. Quit being a hypocrite.
Trump talked to Putin..............."Reasonable" conclusion, Trump is a traitor.

Say "Reasonable", what are you resisting most, your mother's demand you start paying rent or losing healthcare on someone else's dime?
Last edited:
View attachment 141812
View attachment 141810
Should Trump steal Obama's red crayon?
Trump has his own set of crayons.
Lol, your desperate. Merkel has ruined germany, just like Obama was doing. View attachment 141811
And you use Darth Vader as a source?
Wow I guess you gained a point on your iq on that one. What it's about 70 now? Tell me, how did Putin convince you to vote for Trump?
^^ thinks I voted for Trump.
Your the one that States Putin affected the election. Since voting machines aren't connected the internet and liberals have little minds, I figured he convinced you to vote for Trump. How else could he do it?
A new survey by the Pew Research Centre of 40,447 people in 37 countries shows that trust in Mr Trump pales in comparison with Barack Obama’s final ratings. Whereas 64% of those surveyed had confidence in Mr Obama to do the right thing, just 22% are similarly optimistic about his successor, whom they described as “arrogant” (75%), “intolerant” (65%) and “dangerous” (62%). Citizens in Western Europe put no more stock in Mr Trump—who took office just five months ago—than they did in George W. Bush, the architect of the highly unpopular war in Iraq, when he limped out of the White House in 2008. Respondents’ approval rating for America overall has also slumped, from 64% to 49%.
No shit, for some reason they were scared of being called a racist by you loons. If they didn't support your chocolate Jesus.
Choc Jesus wasn't really a citizen. I learned that from Trump.
I know he was your messiah for eight years.

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