I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

No, it doesn't even work in NYC or other areas. When they tried to unionize and set a minimum wage for car-wash employees in NYC, it wiped out dozens of car washes. The ones that didn't get wiped out, were the ones that replaced people with automated car washes.

The minimum wage is ALWAYS a negative. Always. No exception. It wipes out jobs in rural Iowa, and in urban NYC. There is no example where it doesn't damage people.
$15 an hour for a 16 year old burger flipper is absurd.
How about for the guy who picks up your garbage?

Fixes your car?

Does your plumbing?

So wait.... are you are trying to claim.... that flipping a burger over, has the same value to you a customer, as having your car fixed, or your leaking plumbing repaired?

Really? Seriously, you are making that claim?

Because I would wager that you personally, are able to flip a burger over quite easily by yourself. Try and fix your car, or your plumbing by yourself. Slight difference in skill requirement, don't you think?

And by the way, flipping burgers over at McDonalds, is significantly easier than you flipping them over at home. Because you actually have to make the whole burger for yourself. Burger flippers don't. All they do...... their entire job.... is to flip over the burger.

How do I know this? I worked both McDonald's AND Wendy's back in the day. I remember myself, thinking I was over paid, given how little I did.

In fact, you would actually have to make the burger itself. At either McDonald's or Wendy's, all I did was throw pre-made patties on the grill. So I didn't even have to use my hands to make a patty.

But... you want to compare that, to fixing a car and repairing a leaking plumbing? Really?

If you are trying to be absurd... Success. If you are trying to be serious... Idiot. Not trying to be insulting... but there is no other way to describe someone trying to compare those. Just idiotic.
Responding to the OP directly, the Democrats have a constant, persistent, never-ending basic policy which is to BUY VOTES USING OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY. Whether it's a new addition to the social safety net, "free" college, loan forgiveness, or whatever, they want as many individuals to get "something for nothing" as possible, knowing that gullible voters will "thank" Democrat politicians for the benefits.

An increase to the minimum wage is PERFECT for this overall strategy. Millions of individuals will get an hourly pay increase or see others getting one, and will THANK DEMOCRATS for the "gift," ignoring or not realizing that the Democrats haven't given them anything. The money comes from business owners and business customers, or putting it another way, OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY!

Later, when the actual analyses are published, showing that part timers had their hours cut and full timers lost their jobs or were shifted to part time, and the overall impacts were negative, the story will be either suppressed or ignored, as always.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

Alabama, Mississippi and West Virginia are 3 of the states most heavily dependent on government handouts. A $15 minimum wage will eliminate food stamps, Section 8 Housing, and earned income credits for all workers in these states. A $15 minimum replaces these programs with actual wages - eliminating the federal government infrastructure which supports them, and thus reducing the size of government.

Last but not least, in eliminating all wage subsidies, and making corporations pay their own damn workers, you are reducing both wage and wealth inequity.
Yeah... no.
Obviously you paid no attention to west coast cities/states that already did this. Some even rescinded after so many businesses laid people off, and others went out of business.
Raising the min. wage to this degree will ABSOLUTELY result in massive layoffs.
What.... you think money grows on trees???
You think these businesses just have $millions stuffed in desk drawers??
The vast majority of businesses that pay min. wage operate on razor thin margins. They cannot BEGIN to increase their wages like that.

You guys are too funny...well... not really... your group think fantasy land now have a President just as out of it as you are.

I searched and could not find a single city which has rescinded minimum wages due to businesses closing. Not one. But I found a WHOLE bunch of articles about the success of the $15 minimum wage, whereever it has been tried.

$15 an hour for a 16 year old burger flipper is absurd.
How about for the guy who picks up your garbage?

Fixes your car?

Does your plumbing?

So wait.... are you are trying to claim.... that flipping a burger over, has the same value to you a customer, as having your car fixed, or your leaking plumbing repaired?

Really? Seriously, you are making that claim?

Because I would wager that you personally, are able to flip a burger over quite easily by yourself. Try and fix your car, or your plumbing by yourself. Slight difference in skill requirement, don't you think?

And by the way, flipping burgers over at McDonalds, is significantly easier than you flipping them over at home. Because you actually have to make the whole burger for yourself. Burger flippers don't. All they do...... their entire job.... is to flip over the burger.

How do I know this? I worked both McDonald's AND Wendy's back in the day. I remember myself, thinking I was over paid, given how little I did.

In fact, you would actually have to make the burger itself. At either McDonald's or Wendy's, all I did was throw pre-made patties on the grill. So I didn't even have to use my hands to make a patty.

But... you want to compare that, to fixing a car and repairing a leaking plumbing? Really?

If you are trying to be absurd... Success. If you are trying to be serious... Idiot. Not trying to be insulting... but there is no other way to describe someone trying to compare those. Just idiotic.

Where are you finding a mechanic or a plumber who works for less than $50 an hour? Seriously man! You flipped burgers "back in the day". That makes you an expert.
This same argument was probably going on in pre civil war days. Right winger say 'hells bells, if the darkies get set free they'll starve. Boss man barely making it now as it is'.
Posted Above

"So wait.... are you are trying to claim.... that flipping a burger over, has the same value to you a customer, as having your car fixed, or your leaking plumbing repaired?

Really? Seriously, you are making that claim?

Because I would wager that you personally, are able to flip a burger over quite easily by yourself. Try and fix your car, or your plumbing by yourself. Slight difference in skill requirement, don't you think? "

It's not about skill level so much as TIME. If you need to USE another human to make money you need to compensate that person. If you value their skill and time as of such little value that you don't want to pay them a reasonable amount...then do the work yourself.

How much money you gonna make then huh?

And I OWN a small business and wouldn't think of paying less than $15/hr
Posted Above

"So wait.... are you are trying to claim.... that flipping a burger over, has the same value to you a customer, as having your car fixed, or your leaking plumbing repaired?

Really? Seriously, you are making that claim?

Because I would wager that you personally, are able to flip a burger over quite easily by yourself. Try and fix your car, or your plumbing by yourself. Slight difference in skill requirement, don't you think? "

It's not about skill level so much as TIME. If you need to USE another human to make money you need to compensate that person. If you value their skill and time as of such little value that you don't want to pay them a reasonable amount...then do the work yourself.

How much money you gonna make then huh?

And I OWN a small business and wouldn't think of paying less than $15/hr
You're a liar. Just so you know.
So corporate farms can get billions but working stiffs shouldn't be able to make enough to survive on?


I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

No, it doesn't even work in NYC or other areas. When they tried to unionize and set a minimum wage for car-wash employees in NYC, it wiped out dozens of car washes. The ones that didn't get wiped out, were the ones that replaced people with automated car washes.

The minimum wage is ALWAYS a negative. Always. No exception. It wipes out jobs in rural Iowa, and in urban NYC. There is no example where it doesn't damage people.
NYC and Seattle both have $15 Minimum wage.

They are both doing as well (pandemic adjusted) as any place in the nation...better before the pandemic

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

No, it doesn't even work in NYC or other areas. When they tried to unionize and set a minimum wage for car-wash employees in NYC, it wiped out dozens of car washes. The ones that didn't get wiped out, were the ones that replaced people with automated car washes.

The minimum wage is ALWAYS a negative. Always. No exception. It wipes out jobs in rural Iowa, and in urban NYC. There is no example where it doesn't damage people.
NYC and Seattle both have $15 Minimum wage.

They are both doing as well (pandemic adjusted) as any place in the nation...better before the pandemic

Both are doing well? NYC is nearly in crisis.

The rich of both are doing well. The big corporations in both are doing well.

But to say the people who are most affected by the minimum wage are doing well?

No. Fact contradict that. Both have a homelessness crisis, and I would say likely very much due to the fact they can't find jobs, because the low-wage jobs they relied on for income, have disappeared.

No, they are most certainly not doing well. Sorry. Not a factually true.
Amazing how passionate Republicans are about keeping wages low.

It's like a religion for them

No, by all means destroy your own jobs. Go for it.

We just understand how economics works, and oppose things that harm people.

Now if you want to just swap spit... I can accommodate you....

Amazing how passionate Democrats are about keeping people unemployed and homeless.

It's like a religion for them.

(the difference of course is, my statement is based on emiricle fact.)
Amazing how passionate Republicans are about keeping wages low.

It's like a religion for them
It's amazing just how clueless Democrats are about the world that they can't see if it's not right in front of them. How their lives are lived there is the only way everybody lives. Hell.... Most of them likely think that paying rent with a comma in it is just normal for everybody in the good'ol US of A

Edit: To actual sane Democrats: This is tongue in cheek to the stupid comment quoted. I know for a fact not all of you are this braindead.

Suggestion: When you flat out lie like that there are three good options.

The first is own it and just don't do it anymore. Very very few people have the character to do this. It's actually more rare than people who try like hell to tell the truth all the time. Sad really.

Second: Lay low. Let it pass and hope it's forgotten about. Certainly don't double down in the same thread and try to insult the people who know you just made a fuck'n fool of yourself.

Third: Delete it.
One reason PROGS desire minimum wage is because they reject science. Heck, they probably don't even know economics is a science.

That and they believe what were once high school jobs are careers now, because their standards are so high :smoke:

A person deserves certain wages when they lack any skill & desire. This way they can maintain a life of no skill & desire :clap:

The wealthy end up paying for it anyway, because everyone knows they'd never increase prices or lay people off when they're forced to do something they don't want to or can't:auiqs.jpg:

Since you're forced to live where the govt. says so, you must be paid a reasonable amount so long as you're there. Thus $30 @ McDonalds so you can survive in a once beautiful since PROG bitten San Francisco:cool:
NYC and Seattle both have $15 Minimum wage.

They are both doing as well (pandemic adjusted) as any place in the nation...better before the pandemic

Malarkey, both cities are going downhill like an out of control roller coaster.

In both cities, there were no jobs that paid less than $15.00 an hour before they passed feel-good ordinances.

How is Seattle doing?






Why do you believe that this is great for our country?
So if you're against a $15 minimum wage...how much do YOU make.

Wanna bet they won't say?

Wanna bet it's a hell of a lot more than $15/ hour?

Please be specific. What does how much a responsible person earns as compared to one with no experience, no trade, and no ambition have to do with anything?

Here, I'll be specific. Do you not believe that the wise words of Thomas Sowell are true?

Responding to the OP directly, the Democrats have a constant, persistent, never-ending basic policy which is to BUY VOTES USING OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY. Whether it's a new addition to the social safety net, "free" college, loan forgiveness, or whatever, they want as many individuals to get "something for nothing" as possible, knowing that gullible voters will "thank" Democrat politicians for the benefits.

An increase to the minimum wage is PERFECT for this overall strategy. Millions of individuals will get an hourly pay increase or see others getting one, and will THANK DEMOCRATS for the "gift," ignoring or not realizing that the Democrats haven't given them anything. The money comes from business owners and business customers, or putting it another way, OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY!

Later, when the actual analyses are published, showing that part timers had their hours cut and full timers lost their jobs or were shifted to part time, and the overall impacts were negative, the story will be either suppressed or ignored, as always.
DGS49, responding to you and the OP directly:
... all federal minimum wage rates were passed by U.S. congresses and signed by U.S. Presidents. The federal minimum wage rate limits the extents that a lower rate state is able to undermine other states minimum wage rates. Paradoxically, the poorer economies, (which are of those states, (and particularly employees within those states) more opposed to the federal minimum laws, derive more than other states net benefits due to those same laws. ...
82 million workers over 16 make minimum wage. That's over HALF the work force.

We ain't talking about kids making sneaker money. We're talking about people trying to survive...on poverty wages

Oh please, show us your reliable source and working link supporting that outrageous statement. You should be ashamed of yourself, but, far-left liberals have no shame.

Minimum Statistics about Minimum Wage (Editor’s Choice)
  • The minimum wage today is worth 17% less than it was a decade ago.
  • The average minimum wage in Canada rose by 3.5% yearly from 1998 to 2018.
  • Just 20.8% of minimum wage earners are spouses that are working full time.
  • 13% of American workers earned the minimum wage in 1980, compared to 2% that do so today.
  • Almost 1.3 million jobs will be lost if the federal minimum wage is increased to $9.5/hour.
  • 11% of those in hospitality and leisure earn the federal minimum wage or lower.
General Minimum Wage Statistics
1 . Almost 1.3 million jobs will be lost if the federal minimum wage is increased to $9.5/hour.
(Source: VCU)
As alarming as it may sound, a lot of employers cannot afford to pay $9.5/hour to their workers, which would lead to the loss of more than a million jobs. This figure also includes up to 168,000 jobs that are presently held by the working poor.
These minimum wage stats come from research that investigates whether increasing the federal minimum wage will help the working poor.
2 . 13% of American workers earned the minimum wage in 1980, compared to 2% that do so today.
(Source: usafacts)
The number of workers who earn the federal minimum wage has seen a steady decrease since 1980. Back then, the number of minimum wage workers was about 7.7 million people, whereas in 2018, it was just 1.7 million people.
Statistics show that this is in part because some states have set minimum wages that are higher than those set by the federal government.
3. 3% of hourly wage workers at a minimum age of 16 without a high school diploma earned the federal minimum wage.


(Source: BLS)
Minimum wage studies show that there is a slight correlation between income and education.
2% of hourly paid workers who are at least 16 years with a high school diploma earned the federal minimum wage or lower than that.
This figure compares with 1% of college graduates and 2% of those with an associate’s degree or some college degree.
4. The minimum wage in the US has been raised 3x since 1938 and currently stands at $7.25.

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