I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

It's an option for many because no one enforces the law.

They do in civilized parts of the country. I don't know WTF goes on in red America.

They don't anywhere. It's why millions come here illegally. You can make up all the lame excuses you want. Now when those here illegally are made legal, they will lose their jobs, go on welfare and millions more will come to replace them.

Yeah, I see your point. The sky is falling.

Think I'll take a nap, you keep a look out on that sky for me.

You see it that way, not me. If we aren't going to address the businesses it's exactly what I want to happen.
It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

It's typical leftwing elitism that nobody is capable of taking care of themselves, hence their constant push for a nanny state.
well I said it should be more of a state issue. I don't think people at the bottom of a wage market have much bargaining power.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

Minimum wage has not been touched in eleven years. Increases are long overdue.
Why should the lowest skilled worker bear the burden of supporting corporate profits?
Haha.... thanks, I knew I could count on some nonsense from you.
Corporate profits?? You do realize that these corporate profits you speak of are not companies that pay min. wage.... right?
They pay much less than that.
They have their shit made in Chinese slave labor camps. They would be uneffected by $1000 min wage.
People who work min. wage, work in retail and restaurants. Both extremely thin margin industries. Whatever wage increases they have will immediately result in higher prices. Companies like this are already REELING from Covid.
Have you paid any attention??? Macy's, JC Penney, Bed Bath and Beyond.... closed down everywhere... the fuck all they can afford to pay what stores they have left to double their wage costs.

You are old enough to be an adult now. Playtime fantasies are for children.
That's what was said about Seattle and NYC. Didn't happen. Never does
So if you're against a $15 minimum wage...how much do YOU make.

Wanna bet they won't say?

Wanna bet it's a hell of a lot more than $15/ hour?
When you're on a fixed income, it makes a big difference. Maine has gone from 7.50 to 12.15 in the past five years and yes, it does cause a rise in consumer prices. I supported it, but enough is enough. $15 is overkill for Maine; if areas have such a high cost of living that $15 is necessary to get by, let them institute it there, not here.
Hmm... well now is not the time for good sense, you realize you voted for two people who are absolutely going to say "damn the cost, we're doing it anyway"... you know that right? Same here in Indiana, $15 an hour for a 16 year old burger flipper is absurd. Stupid.
Pumping up wages for beginner jobs is not an answer to the complete loss of manufacturing jobs that the corporate Democrats (like Biden) were all too happy to lay a red carpet to China for investors into their slave labor. (Yes - Republicans are equally guilty)
82 million workers over 16 make minimum wage. That's over HALF the work force.

We ain't talking about kids making sneaker money. We're talking about people trying to survive...on poverty wages

Where are you getting these figures?

Minimum wage in America: How many people are earning $7.25 ...

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 1.6 million workers, or 1.9% of all hourly paid, non-self-employed workers, earned wages at or below the federal minimum wage in 2019. That year, 82.3 million people were paid hourly rates, making up 58.1% of all wage and salary workers in the United States.

In 1980, when the federal minimum wage was $3.10 ($9.86 in 2019 dollars), 13% of hourly workers earned the federal minimum wage or less. Today, only 1.9% of hourly workers do. The number of federal minimum wage workers has decreased from 7.7 million in 1980 to 1.6 million in 2019. This is partly due to states establishing higher minimum wages than the federal level.
The government paying for our food,

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

So corporate farms can get billions but working stiffs shouldn't be able to make enough to survive on?
Increasing the minimum wage won't give people more money to survive on for very long... In about a year they'll be right back to the same boat they were in. It'll just cause inflation to the point to where they are in the same boat they were in before the wage hike.

Question: Where to people who make minimum wage go to buy stuff?
Answer: Where they can afford to. Which is places where they pay people minimum wage.

Paying people is a cost of business. If that cost goes up, the prices of those goods go up. It's not like the business is going to operate without profit. So... Ok... You have more money now, but everything you buy costs more to set it back to "normal". What's the point?

I don't understand how people don't understand this. Do you WANT the American dollar to be like the yen or peso?

Ok, you have a point about bailing out corporations. I take no issue with that. Lets not do that. But that hardly justifies making things worse elsewhere because of it.
82 million workers over 16 make minimum wage. That's over HALF the work force.

We ain't talking about kids making sneaker money. We're talking about people trying to survive...on poverty wages

Where are you getting these figures?

Minimum wage in America: How many people are earning $7.25 ...

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 1.6 million workers, or 1.9% of all hourly paid, non-self-employed workers, earned wages at or below the federal minimum wage in 2019. That year, 82.3 million people were paid hourly rates, making up 58.1% of all wage and salary workers in the United States.

In 1980, when the federal minimum wage was $3.10 ($9.86 in 2019 dollars), 13% of hourly workers earned the federal minimum wage or less. Today, only 1.9% of hourly workers do. The number of federal minimum wage workers has decreased from 7.7 million in 1980 to 1.6 million in 2019. This is partly due to states establishing higher minimum wages than the federal level.
Yes... States should control their own minimum wage. If anyone controls it.
Dems do symbolic gestures...they don't improve a damn thing in fact we will soon get the new normal speech from Joe....symbolism over substance....and the media makes this possible....
The government paying for our food,

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

So corporate farms can get billions but working stiffs shouldn't be able to make enough to survive on?
Increasing the minimum wage won't give people more money to survive on for very long... In about a year they'll be right back to the same boat they were in. It'll just cause inflation to the point to where they are in the same boat they were in before the wage hike.

Question: Where to people who make minimum wage go to buy stuff?
Answer: Where they can afford to. Which is places where they pay people minimum wage.

Paying people is a cost of business. If that cost goes up, the prices of those goods go up. It's not like the business is going to operate without profit. So... Ok... You have more money now, but everything you buy costs more to set it back to "normal". What's the point?

I don't understand how people don't understand this. Do you WANT the American dollar to be like the yen or peso?

Ok, you have a point about bailing out corporations. I take no issue with that. Lets not do that. But that hardly justifies making things worse elsewhere because of it.

We give the markets billions. I'm not interested in your arguments to keep the poor down.
Okay its time to BITCH SLAP Dems. Lets start with where this suspiciously even figure of $15 a hour came from? Dems pulled this number out of their ass, thin air, finger in the wind. Not 15.25 not 14.75 not based on an analysis of any kind, Just broad brushing $15 an hour across the entire country, it's f'ing retarded. Where's the science and math libtards hmmm?

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

Minimum wage has not been touched in eleven years. Increases are long overdue.
Why should the lowest skilled worker bear the burden of supporting corporate profits?

The vast majorities of employers pay more than minimum wage.
This blows 99% of your tired old leftists arguements out of the water.
The government paying for our food,

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

So corporate farms can get billions but working stiffs shouldn't be able to make enough to survive on?
Increasing the minimum wage won't give people more money to survive on for very long... In about a year they'll be right back to the same boat they were in. It'll just cause inflation to the point to where they are in the same boat they were in before the wage hike.

Question: Where to people who make minimum wage go to buy stuff?
Answer: Where they can afford to. Which is places where they pay people minimum wage.

Paying people is a cost of business. If that cost goes up, the prices of those goods go up. It's not like the business is going to operate without profit. So... Ok... You have more money now, but everything you buy costs more to set it back to "normal". What's the point?

I don't understand how people don't understand this. Do you WANT the American dollar to be like the yen or peso?

Ok, you have a point about bailing out corporations. I take no issue with that. Lets not do that. But that hardly justifies making things worse elsewhere because of it.

We give the markets billions. I'm not interested in your arguments to keep the poor down.

The main factor keeping the poor down is leftism.
We give the markets billions.
I agree we shouldn't do that.

I'm not interested in your arguments to keep the poor down.
I'm interested in actually doing something to help the poor. I would hope you would too. It *seems* you want to, but are clueless as to how to do it. Because raising the minimum wage across the board doesn't help the poor, it makes more people poor. The opposite of what you seem to want to do.

You know those people who right now make 20 dollars an hour? Unless they get a 8 dollar an hour raise at the same time the price of living went up but their wage didn't. All you did was move the bar to what's poor, or more to the point, making the middle class closer to being poor. Literally all raising the minimum wage would do is create a LARGER gap between the rich and the poor.

You SHOULD be interested in my arguments, given your chosen arguments here don't do what you think they'll do. Or if I'm wrong PLEASE by all means tell me where and how. I've been wrong before, I'm absolutely sure it'll happen again. Help me understand why you think the price of living won't go up with the minimum wage. If you give me an "oh shit I didn't think of that" I will absolutely thank you for it.
They always make a big deal about this when their hemorrhoids act up, even though Biden is a perfect asshole.

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