I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

Amazing how passionate Republicans are about keeping wages low.

It's like a religion for them

No, by all means destroy your own jobs. Go for it.

We just understand how economics works, and oppose things that harm people.

Now if you want to just swap spit... I can accommodate you....

Amazing how passionate Democrats are about keeping people unemployed and homeless.

It's like a religion for them.

(the difference of course is, my statement is based on emiricle fact.)
How did I forget the 'p' in empirical? Oh well. Long day.
So if you're against a $15 minimum wage...how much do YOU make.

Wanna bet they won't say?

Wanna bet it's a hell of a lot more than $15/ hour?

Please be specific. What does how much a responsible person earns as compared to one with no experience, no trade, and no ambition have to do with anything?

Here, I'll be specific. Do you not believe that the wise words of Thomas Sowell are true?


Brilliant. And so true, it bears repeating.

Screenshot_2021-01-29 I don't really understand the Dems' need, for lack of a better word, for...png

And that is the truth. The value of your labor, is not determined by law. It is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for that labor.

If you make a law that you can't pay someone less than $100/hour... that only means someone whose labor is not worth $100/hour will simply not be employed.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
Fifty years ago, minimum wage buying power was considerably stronger. One hour of work would buy five gallons of gasoline. Today, one hour of work at federal minimum wage about a gallon-and-a-half.

Fifty years ago, minimum wage, one hour of work would buy five loaves of bread and get back change. Today, one hour of work at federal minimum wage, a little over two loaves.

Fifty years ago, minimum wage, working forty hour a week, one income could support a family of three (That would be a married couple with one child).

Fifty years ago, minimum wage, a teenager, working part-time, living with his/her parents, attending college classes could buy a muscle car. Today, the same situation, the teenager buys a used bicycle.

The list goes on, but, the RWNJs are convinced, in the good old days minimum wage workers had life much too good. They want minimum wage workers to rely on social programs to survive, so they can b!tch about how lazy the working poor have become.

If you want to appear relatively knowledgeable about any subject, you would be well served to do some research ahead of time. Otherwise, you just look ignorant and like every other liberal who knows their ideas are garbage. Only lies can make them sound reasonable.

That is simply a foolish waste of everyone's time.

What is the typical household income for a household where one of the workers earns the minimum wage?

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to the point where employers will choose to automate their businesses, reduce staff, or eliminate low-wage workers altogether. We're already seeing this in the fast food and hospitality industries.

The Democrats' goal is, of course, to drive low-wage workers to unemployment and then onto welfare, where they can be more easily controlled. If the government is paying for your food rather than your employer, wouldn't you be more "willing" to go along with things like mandatory vaccines, only "approved" content on your social media, not questioning what your kids are being taught in school, etc.?

The government paying for our food,

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

So corporate farms can get billions but working stiffs shouldn't be able to make enough to survive on?

if you are a "working stiff" and the best you can do is a minimum wage job, you made some serious mistakes in your life.

Yeah, like not demanding the government stop the businesses from shipping the jobs overseas.
So you don't believe in freedom

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
The left is sick of companies moving to red states for cheaper labor, they want everyone to suffer.
So if you're against a $15 minimum wage...how much do YOU make.

Wanna bet they won't say?

Wanna bet it's a hell of a lot more than $15/ hour?
I make $21 an hour , if it's $15 an hour I am screwed I won't get a raise to $42 an hour
I watched an interview this morning in which an XL pipeline employee reported the minimum wage for them was reportedly just over $21. If that is, if they were to allow the Democrats to set their minimum wage they would lose approx. $17 an hour.
That's ridiculous. It's not a MAXIMUM wage dumbass...it's a MINIMUM. You see the difference right?
1990, and it was $4.25 when I started.
So you think you could survive on $8/ hr now?

How can you expect someone else to?

Of course you can in south Carolina, Mississippi, alabama, north Carolina, southern georgia ... Not that hard where rent is $400 bucks and smokes are $4 bucks a pack.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

Minimum wage has not been touched in eleven years. Increases are long overdue.
Why should the lowest skilled worker bear the burden of supporting corporate profits?
Haha.... thanks, I knew I could count on some nonsense from you.
Corporate profits?? You do realize that these corporate profits you speak of are not companies that pay min. wage.... right?
They pay much less than that.
They have their shit made in Chinese slave labor camps. They would be uneffected by $1000 min wage.
People who work min. wage, work in retail and restaurants. Both extremely thin margin industries. Whatever wage increases they have will immediately result in higher prices. Companies like this are already REELING from Covid.
Have you paid any attention??? Macy's, JC Penney, Bed Bath and Beyond.... closed down everywhere... the fuck all they can afford to pay what stores they have left to double their wage costs.

You are old enough to be an adult now. Playtime fantasies are for children.
That's what was said about Seattle and NYC. Didn't happen. Never does
Apples and oranges , New York , Seattle should be $35 bucks an hour
$15 an hour for a 16 year old burger flipper is absurd.
How about for the guy who picks up your garbage?

Fixes your car?

Does your plumbing?

You've not had your car repaired or any plumbing done in many decades, have you?

As for the guy picking up garbage, he's probably doesn't have a stellar record of great decisions, does he?
Amazing how passionate Republicans are about keeping wages low.

It's like a religion for them
Transcribed from the Economics forum:
Minimum wage is an issue of character. The essence of personal and political opposition to the FMW rate.

The federal minimum wage, (FMW) rate is of net social and economic benefit to our nation. It has never been among the major causes of the U.S. dollar’s inflation; on the contrary, it’s certainly among inflations’ victims.

No employees are poorer and no enterprises suffer any competitive disadvantage to any USA enterprises due to the FMW rate.

[there’s no doubt that USA’s higher wage rates are a cause of our products’ price disadvantages in comparison to products from lower-wage nations; but although the elimination of our FMW rate laws would be greatly detrimental to our nation’s net social and economic well-being, eliminating it would accomplish extremely little to remedy our products’ global price disadvantages.
[Refer to Wikipedia’s “Import Certificates” article.]

I suppose most USA’s population, (significantly more than a 10% plurality) to some extent approve of federal minimum rate’s existence. There are few among wealthy or competent people that are opposed to the federal minimum rate.

A great proportion of minimum rate opponents lack self-esteem. They need whatever affirmation of their own worth that they can derive by being able to look down upon people experiencing lesser financial conditions. They cannot acknowledge even to themselves their fears of improving the financial conditions of others would consequentially reduce their own social status. That’s the essence of personal and political opposition to the FMW rate.

Respectfully, Supposn

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

Each State can raise their minimum wage accordingly to their cost of living, so there is no need to raise the wage through the Federal Government...

The main reason why the left is wanting to do this is to use the one size fit all approach while forcing States like Texas to pay it employees the same minimum amount as California to stop industries from leaving for lower paying States in the Union...
The rich of both are doing well. The big corporations in both are doing well.

Big corporations and the wealthy both are fleeing New York and California alike.

Actually everyone is fleeing, who has the money to flee.

In fact, the only people who are not fleeing those places, are A: the people one welfare and government rolls, and B: the people who do not believe they can leave.

Nearly everyone can actually leave if they really had to. They just don't believe they have the ability. I know people who worked McDonald's, and were able to move to a new city and start over. It's only that so many think they can't, and feel trapped. But really they are only trapped in a prison of their own mind.
Amazing how passionate Republicans are about keeping wages low.

It's like a religion for them
Transcribed from the Economics forum:
Minimum wage is an issue of character. The essence of personal and political opposition to the FMW rate.

The federal minimum wage, (FMW) rate is of net social and economic benefit to our nation. It has never been among the major causes of the U.S. dollar’s inflation; on the contrary, it’s certainly among inflations’ victims.

No employees are poorer and no enterprises suffer any competitive disadvantage to any USA enterprises due to the FMW rate.

[there’s no doubt that USA’s higher wage rates are a cause of our products’ price disadvantages in comparison to products from lower-wage nations; but although the elimination of our FMW rate laws would be greatly detrimental to our nation’s net social and economic well-being, eliminating it would accomplish extremely little to remedy our products’ global price disadvantages.
[Refer to Wikipedia’s “Import Certificates” article.]

I suppose most USA’s population, (significantly more than a 10% plurality) to some extent approve of federal minimum rate’s existence. There are few among wealthy or competent people that are opposed to the federal minimum rate.

A great proportion of minimum rate opponents lack self-esteem. They need whatever affirmation of their own worth that they can derive by being able to look down upon people experiencing lesser financial conditions. They cannot acknowledge even to themselves their fears of improving the financial conditions of others would consequentially reduce their own social status. That’s the essence of personal and political opposition to the FMW rate.

Respectfully, Supposn

So everything there is a lie.

The federal minimum wage, (FMW) rate is of net social and economic benefit to our nation. It has never been among the major causes of the U.S. dollar’s inflation; on the contrary, it’s certainly among inflations’ victims.

No employees are poorer and no enterprises suffer any competitive disadvantage to any USA enterprises due to the FMW rate.

It is not a net social and economic benefit. There are literally endless examples, and research showing this.

A recent study from economists at Miami and Trinity universities finds a plan like Mr. Biden’s would cost the hospitality industry more than one million jobs—including nearly 700,000 held by tipped workers. A Census Bureau study shows that restaurant workers see lower tips in states with a higher minimum wage, a likely consequence of restaurants’ transition towards self-service models. Unsurprisingly, tipped workers oppose Mr. Biden’s plan.​

That's just the latest, from uncountable research papers that all show the same thing. Minimum wage harms people. No question about it.
If one doesn't like a wage of 7.25 then don't do not apply. Leave those jobs unfilled. Of course then some morons will accuse people of being lazy which is totally untrue. A salary of 75 grand isn't even middle class anymore.

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