I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

AL, MS and WV are the poorest states in the country because they rednecks who run them can't figure out their own economies. They have a bunch of stupid white people who are happy living in shit so long as they are living just slightly better than the darkies. Ironically, what props these states up are shitloads of government assistance and government pork barrel projects.

If those states can't figure out their own economies, why are each of them in far better fiscal condition than the Land of Lincoln, Illinois? What does that say about your home state?

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

Oh, it's gonna cause problems and job losses beyond just the people actually in minimum-wage jobs. Hourly-wage employees typically have their salaries pegged to minimum wage, ie. it is X amount above the minimum wage. So if minimum wage is jumped up, their wages will have to be increased to keep them that amount above minimum wage. And their employers might also decide to get the work done with fewer employees. I think far too many people assume that because they make more than minimum wage, increases have no effect on them at all.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
I can't see how fifteen an hour will help when it needs to be a min. wage of twenty five an hour.
It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

AL, MS and WV are the poorest states in the country because they rednecks who run them can't figure out their own economies. They have a bunch of stupid white people who are happy living in shit so long as they are living just slightly better than the darkies. Ironically, what props these states up are shitloads of government assistance and government pork barrel projects.

If those states can't figure out their own economies, why are each of them in far better fiscal condition than the Land of Lincoln, Illinois? What does that say about your home state?
Public finances. Revenues, $29.762 billion. Expenses, $19.831 billion. The economy of Illinois is the fifth largest by GDP in the United States.

Doesn't sound too shabby.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
I can't see how fifteen an hour will help when it needs to be a min. wage of twenty five an hour.
I just think $15 will kill a lot of jobs in Red States. Jobs that people take knowing that by themselves the jobs aren't enough to live on. But it's not historically inaccurate that American families have had one adult working more than 40, and another adult earning money and even kids contributing. But, imo that's just why there's nothing in dem moves for public assistance in healthcare and more for higher educ that negatively affects our free market capitalism

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
I can't see how fifteen an hour will help when it needs to be a min. wage of twenty five an hour.

I earned nine dollars and hour as an electronics tech with Tyson's food in 1991. I left Tysons and averaged over fifteen an hour by 1994, three years later I was earning 60k a year.
Minimum wage has long been a wedge issue for socialists. The goal is to establish government as an authority on prices and wages.
Ummmm no...to put money in the hands of workers...

I know...a horrible concept to Republicans
You are so full of shit your breath stinks. Repeat after me: the ACTUAL minimum wage is, in fact, ZERO.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
I can't see how fifteen an hour will help when it needs to be a min. wage of twenty five an hour.
I just think $15 will kill a lot of jobs in Red States. Jobs that people take knowing that by themselves the jobs aren't enough to live on. But it's not historically inaccurate that American families have had one adult working more than 40, and another adult earning money and even kids contributing. But, imo that's just why there's nothing in dem moves for public assistance in healthcare and more for higher educ that negatively affects our free market capitalism
They pay drivers twenty an hour at the canoe and campgrounds on the river.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to the point where employers will choose to automate their businesses, reduce staff, or eliminate low-wage workers altogether. We're already seeing this in the fast food and hospitality industries.

The Democrats' goal is, of course, to drive low-wage workers to unemployment and then onto welfare, where they can be more easily controlled. If the government is paying for your food rather than your employer, wouldn't you be more "willing" to go along with things like mandatory vaccines, only "approved" content on your social media, not questioning what your kids are being taught in school, etc.?
I think the Democrats' goal is to eliminate small businesses.

The machines don't replace all workers, they just allow the companies to keep the people worth the $15 or $12 an hour and get rid of the ones not worth it.

So the person you were trying to elevate is now making $0

Problem is, minimum wage increases also end up putting people who are good out of jobs, as well. I make more than minimum wage, but my salary is determined by being X% above whatever the minimum wage is, as is the case for a lot of hourly workers. I worry that, if Arizona's minimum wage is forced up to $15 an hour, my employer may not want to raise the salaries of its Arizona employees commensurate with that increase. I like my job, and really don't appreciate a bunch of meddlesome, sanctimonious leftists potentially "helping" me out of it.
Repeat after me: the ACTUAL minimum wage is, in fact, ZERO.

Exactly. Liberals get hardons for minimum wage because they believe it will force employers to pay their employees more. This simply isn't true. It doesn't force them to pay anyone anything at all. All it does is prevent them anyone from taking a job for less. It's actually targeting the poorest people - preventing them from getting jobs by undercutting their competition (by being willing to work for less).
Problem is, minimum wage increases also end up putting people who are good out of jobs, as well. I make more than minimum wage, but my salary is determined by being X% above whatever the minimum wage is, as is the case for a lot of hourly workers. I worry that, if Arizona's minimum wage is forced up to $15 an hour, my employer may not want to raise the salaries of its Arizona employees commensurate with that increase. I like my job, and really don't appreciate a bunch of meddlesome, sanctimonious leftists potentially "helping" me out of it.

It's for your own good.
Maybe the Dems “need” is to try to bring you flyover people into the 21st Century with the rest of us.

Maybe the Dems need to mind their own business and stop trying to tell total strangers how to live their lives.

Wait, there's no "maybe" about it.

This sort of pompous, tone-deaf sanctimony is exactly what is wrong with leftists. You are so convinced that you are "improving" things, that any evidence you AREN'T improving it is met with, "Well, we're doing it anyway, and you just need to be forced to like it."

It's not for you to "bring us" anywhere, shithead. You're welcome to the coastal urban pestholes you think are "the shining future"; just keep them to yourselves and stop trying to force them on us.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
Fifty years ago, minimum wage buying power was considerably stronger. One hour of work would buy five gallons of gasoline. Today, one hour of work at federal minimum wage about a gallon-and-a-half.

Fifty years ago, minimum wage, one hour of work would buy five loaves of bread and get back change. Today, one hour of work at federal minimum wage, a little over two loaves.

Fifty years ago, minimum wage, working forty hour a week, one income could support a family of three (That would be a married couple with one child).

Fifty years ago, minimum wage, a teenager, working part-time, living with his/her parents, attending college classes could buy a muscle car. Today, the same situation, the teenager buys a used bicycle.

The list goes on, but, the RWNJs are convinced, in the good old days minimum wage workers had life much too good. They want minimum wage workers to rely on social programs to survive, so they can b!tch about how lazy the working poor have become.


"This is what I'm SURE Republicans think, because I've very carefully never listened to any of them!!! My talking points told me they think this, so fuck this whole entire thread that contradicts everything I'm confidently, and ignorantly, asserting!"

Congratulations, Drone Boy. You've done a masterful job of making a fool of yourself. Now go wipe the spittle off your chin.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
I can't see how fifteen an hour will help when it needs to be a min. wage of twenty five an hour.
I just think $15 will kill a lot of jobs in Red States. Jobs that people take knowing that by themselves the jobs aren't enough to live on. But it's not historically inaccurate that American families have had one adult working more than 40, and another adult earning money and even kids contributing. But, imo that's just why there's nothing in dem moves for public assistance in healthcare and more for higher educ that negatively affects our free market capitalism
They pay drivers twenty an hour at the canoe and campgrounds on the river.
Good. the labor market is apparently functioning efficiently in that area, and people are willing to pay prices to support it.
Maybe the Dems “need” is to try to bring you flyover people into the 21st Century with the rest of us.

Maybe the Dems need to mind their own business and stop trying to tell total strangers how to live their lives.

Wait, there's no "maybe" about it.

This sort of pompous, tone-deaf sanctimony is exactly what is wrong with leftists. You are so convinced that you are "improving" things, that any evidence you AREN'T improving it is met with, "Well, we're doing it anyway, and you just need to be forced to like it."

It's not for you to "bring us" anywhere, shithead. You're welcome to the coastal urban pestholes you think are "the shining future"; just keep them to yourselves and stop trying to force them on us.
Stay backward and ignorant.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

Alabama, Mississippi and West Virginia are 3 of the states most heavily dependent on government handouts. A $15 minimum wage will eliminate food stamps, Section 8 Housing, and earned income credits for all workers in these states. A $15 minimum replaces these programs with actual wages - eliminating the federal government infrastructure which supports them, and thus reducing the size of government.

Last but not least, in eliminating all wage subsidies, and making corporations pay their own damn workers, you are reducing both wage and wealth inequity.

Ah, yes. I was waiting for us to all be corrected on the "facts" about our country from the foreign desk in TweedleMyBallsack, Canada.

Filing this little gem of "education" right where it belongs.


I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to the point where employers will choose to automate their businesses, reduce staff, or eliminate low-wage workers altogether. We're already seeing this in the fast food and hospitality industries.

The Democrats' goal is, of course, to drive low-wage workers to unemployment and then onto welfare, where they can be more easily controlled. If the government is paying for your food rather than your employer, wouldn't you be more "willing" to go along with things like mandatory vaccines, only "approved" content on your social media, not questioning what your kids are being taught in school, etc.?

The government paying for our food,

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

So corporate farms can get billions but working stiffs shouldn't be able to make enough to survive on?

if you are a "working stiff" and the best you can do is a minimum wage job, you made some serious mistakes in your life.

Yeah, like not demanding the government stop the businesses from shipping the jobs overseas.

Do you know WHY businesses ship jobs overseas?

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