I don't see what's bad about making the retirement age 70

If you are making more than the cap you are doing fine. Why are you so mad all the time?

If they come in at the last moment before we both retire it's going to fuck us royally.
We didnt work our asses off for over 30 years only to have the gov step in and screw us.
Perhaps if you were in our position you'd see it the same way.
To put it simply I'm not willing to retire on 10 acres when we've saved for 40.
If you didnt thats your problem not mine.
Some people can't work in their chosen careers that long.
thats it right there......some jobs you dont sit on your ass all day long....

Yep. The safety director part I could do. But the occasional work as a lineman would be off the table.
How about you stop stealing from those of us who actually worked for a better life?
You jealous?
I remember when a life of honest labor was something to be proud of just to get here in the 21st century to find people like you spitting on the working class. I've worked hard, got my little patch of paradise and eveything was great until cancer fucked it all up. So fuck you and and kiss my working class ass you turd.
They have bought so many votes with SSI it's ridiculous.

Everyone from illegal aliens to drunks and drug addicts who can't stay sober long enough for an 8 hr shift. I've worked since I was 14....part time while in school for $1.85/hr. Thought I was doing great when it went up to $2.35/hr and then eventually $3.15.
And I've got working man's disease of tendonitis (carpal tunnel) and arthritis in knees, shoulders, and ankles. Can't exactly pull an 8 hr shift....but I also can't get SS or even draw on my pensions of MY money I put away for retirement. (Roth or 401k)

Kinda sucks.
Now they want to take away SS....

And people wonder why I say ALL politicians are lying weasels. I worked for over 40 years, sometimes two full time jobs at the same time. And now that I'm due retirement the gubbermint says, "no, can't afford for you to have your money" but this illegal alien that worked 10 years and went back to his home country deserves his check.

Some people can't work in their chosen careers that long. I am 58 and somewhat of an anomaly still building houses. I cannot do this until I'm 71. With this cancer I have it's doubtful I'll even live that long. I've paid in my entire life and I'll never see any of it back. I'm going to work until the day I fall over dead. That's my retirement plan.
I have a good friend who is still working 10 hour days building houses. He just turned 73.
I remember when a life of honest labor was something to be proud of just to get here in the 21st century to find people like you spitting on the working class. I've worked hard, got my little patch of paradise and eveything was great until cancer fucked it all up. So fuck you and and kiss my working class ass you turd.

Oh go fuck yourself ya fuckin whiner!!!
I dropped out of high school and the Wife never finished college and yet here we are in the top 5%.
So whats your excuse ya loser?
You guys wanna retire early? Do what I did. Join the military, serve honorably for at least 20 years, and then retire, with a pension and health care, and choose to work at something you want to do, not have to do.
We are living longer.. and those who work after 65 live longer anyway...

Kids aren't staying kids longer are they? I mean are 25 year olds in the bodies of a 12 year old? No they are not. And 65 year old people are not in the body of a 52 year old.

You didn't actually stop and really think about it at all. You just stopped at "were living longer". You need to use your brain and not just stop at 3 words, you need to actually look at the whole picture

Just because we're living longer doesn't mean your quality of life escalates evenly.

If our bodies begin to wear down at 65 where on average people stop working that doesn't change just because our lives last longer. It just means you spend more time growing even older and spending more time in a state of physical breakdown.

The only people that would agree with this are people who have enough money they don't ever need to worry, and young people who don't know shit about shit.
It's my business when I want to retire. What if I dont need full benefits so I want to retire early?
I'd be perfectly happy for them to just give me back all I've put in. Better yet dont take a dime of my money from the get go and I would have put it to far better use and got a much higher return on that money.
well, what if someone wants to retire at age 25? but doesn't have enough $$?

so it seems your point here is rather a change of topic/?
Nobody should have to work until they die.

And people are not living longer, they are suffering longer. The government and "healthcare" have seen to that.

We should only have to work until we're 50 and then be able to retire and just be on vacation the rest of our lives.

I'm going to end up like my grandma.............having to work until my hands give out, and then can't do anything but barely exist on what I can get.

I'm also fucking sick and tired of the fucking goverment shoving ages far forward every fucking time I get within a year of them!!!

Besides, if you're over 50........aint nobody gonna hire you, even if you're a fucking doctor or computer whiz.
well, there are some untruths in your post. For one, there was a news story recently about how employers WANT to hire older workers because they actually... you know... things like: showing up for work every day... They have a work ethic. Have you seen how a lot of young people act today "on the job"?
Kids aren't staying kids longer are they? I mean are 25 year olds in the bodies of a 12 year old? No they are not. And 65 year old people are not in the body of a 52 year old.

You didn't actually stop and really think about it at all. You just stopped at "were living longer". You need to use your brain and not just stop at 3 words, you need to actually look at the whole picture

Just because we're living longer doesn't mean your quality of life escalates evenly.

If our bodies begin to wear down at 65 where on average people stop working that doesn't change just because our lives last longer. It just means you spend more time growing even older and spending more time in a state of physical breakdown.

The only people that would agree with this are people who have enough money they don't ever need to worry, and young people who don't know shit about shit.
well, aren't you angry over this... wonder what that's about..

your post presumes I haven't thought of this at all. OK, presume away... but it just makes u look like an ass... the old NobodyKnowsAnythingButMe shctick...

anyhow... I never said that the age of retirement should always andforever be 70. I am just saying that it is not the end of the world 2 change the retirement age, at least for some workers... and that people who continue to work after retirement (you missed this point completely) live longer.

THAT has been proven to be a fact.
are you disabled?
No. I am persecuted and treated like persona non grata. Americans are helping Canadas covert security apparatus out now too (you didn't in years past). No wonder China is eating the Wests lunch. America was silly enough to follow England after WWII, now you he!p Canada at the expense of your own principles? Principles set out in the Magna Carta for crying out loud. Ensure I don't have a career to protect some dishonest, creepy, abusive and corrupt cops...wow. You threw some of your own under the bus without even knowing it...decline by association.

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