I Don't Understand How A Natural Woman Can vote dim Anymore

The PGA and LPGA is the most racist, mysogynistic, homophobic corporations of good old boys and girls. White privilege. Don't put this on Dims.

Is this an important subject? You Republicans are so easily manipulated and wound up.

Oklahoma Republican falls for furry conspiracy, proposes bill unleashing animal control on students

Yes, Tiger Woods is the face of racism.....
The platform of thee Republican Party has always been that of laissez faire, no matter how much you scream otherwise.
This year it is the anti-Democracy, Anti-Constitution, Anti-Rule of Law, under an autocrat that has favored mob rule, when he leades the minority mob. Platform actually includes the promises and intentions voice on the campaign trail.
We will keep representative democracy where the votes of the people count and are honored, the US Constitution and the rule of law. Take trump and go buy some small Third World country to support communists, authoritarians, and ability of the minority to rule the majority.
I dont understand how men can vote for dems either. All they do is belittle them. White men are genocidal maniacs. Black men are completely useless etc.
The dimocrap scum party ACTIVELY tried to make Black Men feral creatures for forty years. Forced women to kick them out of the house if they were receiving Financial Aid. If a single mother needed Federal Money to keep her children fed, they weren't allowed to have a Man in the house. THAT, ladies and Gents is a FUCKING FACT.

That's how all this Baby Mama, Baby Daddy shit started. The goobermint, with dimocrap scum leading the charge, wanted Black Men to be uninvolved in -- Everything.

So, let's see -- dimocrap scum tried to eliminate Black Men, and now they're trying to eliminate White Men with their DEI bullshit and they're working on eliminating Natural Women.
This year it is the anti-Democracy, Anti-Constitution, Anti-Rule of Law, under an autocrat that has favored mob rule, when he leades the minority mob. Platform actually includes the promises and intentions voice on the campaign trail.
We will keep representative democracy where the votes of the people count and are honored, the US Constitution and the rule of law. Take trump and go buy some small Third World country to support communists, authoritarians, and ability of the minority to rule the majority.

This year it is the anti-Democracy, Anti-Constitution, Anti-Rule of Law, under an autocrat that has favored mob rule, when he leades the minority mob. Platform actually includes the promises and intentions voice on the campaign trail.
We will keep representative democracy where the votes of the people count and are honored, the US Constitution and the rule of law. Take trump and go buy some small Third World country to support communists, authoritarians, and ability of the minority to rule the majority.
You should run for Office. You got the speech down
This year, it is personal self-preservation, as they know they cannot trust old white Republican men to decide their fate, and personal safety, unless surrendering all rights to an authoritarian state.
Yes. We can't trust the old white men in the Democrat party to protect us from all of the communists anymore.
You're using some fake BS about an abortion ban to trick women into voting for their own demise.
And, against a totalitarian that would lead party faithful to harden control over them and their daughters in red states in the country.
These Q's sure do get excited talking about the sickest stuff.

These online confessions are a little too creepy for me.
This year, it is personal self-preservation, as they know they cannot trust old white Republican men to decide their fate
Aren’t those the same “old white men” who founded, built, fund and run America…the same old white men who built the greatest most powerful nation on the planet in a short 150 years?
and personal safety, unless surrendering all rights to an authoritarian state.
What “personal safety” are you speaking of?… Like begging Mexico’s finest to come maim, rape and murder our daughters…and maybe feed them a little fentanyl?

And, against a totalitarian that would lead party faithful to harden control over them and their daughters in red states in the country.

This year it is Republicans, but this changes back and forth.
Don’t “totalitarians” create their own citizenship status like DACA, don’t they use government agencies to persecute political opponents, don’t they champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media / social media to win elections and push narratives, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want to take, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they forbid people from earning a living and pursuing happiness, don’t they force people to stay in their homes, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders, don’t they change voting guidelines in the 11th hour outside of state legislatures and under the guise of “national emergency”?
Are you sure you Libs know what totalitarianism is?

Are you sure you thought your post through before typing it?
For women's rights all Republicans are bad. Republican favor a rapist leader, backed by republicans in legislative positions to rubber stamp his every move, be it anti-democratic or not.
This year it is the anti-Democracy, Anti-Constitution, Anti-Rule of Law, under an autocrat that has favored mob rule, when he leades the minority mob. Platform actually includes the promises and intentions voice on the campaign trail.
We will keep representative democracy where the votes of the people count and are honored, the US Constitution and the rule of law. Take trump and go buy some small Third World country to support communists, authoritarians, and ability of the minority to rule the majority.
They'll come for you, too. They always do. Always have, always will. Just a matter of time....

For over two centuries, Leftist movements have dispatched any and all opposition in a near-identical manner. They start with enemies furthest to the Right and work their way leftwards until only those and the far Left are still alive or not in prison. This method is simple, and it has been used in every instance of Leftists successfully seizing and solidifying dictatorial power.

When this happens, the moderate Left (i.e., traditional liberals) is always completely unprepared when the far Left inevitably turns on them. The liberals can never fathom that their former allies have betrayed them and are now persecuting them as counterrevolutionaries. This eleventh-hour realization was felt by the Girondins in France, the Mensheviks in Russia, the peasants in China and Cambodia, and many others.

This occurs for one of two reasons. Either the liberals naively thought the Leftists were actually interested in an honest and permanent alliance with them against the Right. Or....

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