I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to no minimum wage?

Wow! SMH


But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Not at all.
Totally asspulled nonsense.
It's simple. The republicans want to create a permanent underclass.

More straw reasoning from those of permanent intellectual underclass.
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care?

Don't be silly. They're not trying to stop ACA. They just want a piece of the action.

Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could?

Who knows? Speaking for myself, I'd get rid of entirely because it's just dumb. A silly contrivance to stir up the nitwits.

Yeah, me too! It's so dumb to protect the commoner from being taken advantage of by the royal class of citizens. Because that's not what our country was founded on..


And another Mouthy Brit is found posing as a US Citizen.

Hey bro, call me what you will, but at least I know where my keys are.
Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to minimum wage?

Wow! SMH

Whatever increase in inflation has been more then offset by many thousands times with the wealth the rich hog up. Some of this wealth of course could go to the workers! So over all the workers could afford 10 steaks, while if it wasn't for the little bit of inflation they might of afforded 11! BUT! They can only afford like 2 as of this moment(Number pulled out of the clouds!) so they end up being far ahead and so the little bit of inflation isn't that big of a deal.
Last edited:
Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to no minimum wage?

Wow! SMH


But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Not at all.
Totally asspulled nonsense.

ROFLMNAO! There ya have it kids...

And another economic illiterate is EXPOSED.

(Reader, again... the key to defeating a Leftist in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)
Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to no minimum wage?

Wow! SMH


But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Not at all.
Totally asspulled nonsense.

ROFLMNAO! There ya have it kids...

And another economic illiterate is EXPOSED.

(Reader, again... the key to defeating a Leftist in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Stop talking about yourself. Jeezzz. The rich based on his chart are becoming wealthier on the backs of the working class. Why shouldn't they get a little bit more of the pie?
More straw reasoning from those of permanent intellectual underclass.
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care?

Don't be silly. They're not trying to stop ACA. They just want a piece of the action.

Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could?

Who knows? Speaking for myself, I'd get rid of entirely because it's just dumb. A silly contrivance to stir up the nitwits.

Yeah, me too! It's so dumb to protect the commoner from being taken advantage of by the royal class of citizens. Because that's not what our country was founded on..


And another Mouthy Brit is found posing as a US Citizen.

Hey bro, call me what you will, but at least I know where my keys are.

Who's calling you something besides what you represent?

And why shouldn't you know where your keys are? Who doesn't?
Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to no minimum wage?

Wow! SMH


But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Not at all.
Totally asspulled nonsense.

ROFLMNAO! There ya have it kids...

And another economic illiterate is EXPOSED.

(Reader, again... the key to defeating a Leftist in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Hey! Keys! Don't forget you once said this:
I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course..
so any 'rational' argument you think you make must be brought into question :lol:
Last edited:
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care?

Don't be silly. They're not trying to stop ACA. They just want a piece of the action.

Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could?

Who knows? Speaking for myself, I'd get rid of entirely because it's just dumb. A silly contrivance to stir up the nitwits.

Yeah, me too! It's so dumb to protect the commoner from being taken advantage of by the royal class of citizens. Because that's not what our country was founded on..


And another Mouthy Brit is found posing as a US Citizen.

Hey bro, call me what you will, but at least I know where my keys are.

Who's calling you something besides what you represent?

And why shouldn't you know where your keys are? Who doesn't?
You apparently, at least going by your moniker.
Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to no minimum wage?

Wow! SMH


But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Not at all.
Totally asspulled nonsense.

ROFLMNAO! There ya have it kids...

And another economic illiterate is EXPOSED.

(Reader, again... the key to defeating a Leftist in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Hey! Keys! Don't get forget you once said this:
I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course..
so any 'rational' argument you think you make must be brought into question :lol:

You are implying that there's something irrational about that statement. What SPECIFICALLY are you claiming is irrational and on what specific basis are ya resting that conclusion?

(Reader, you're going to find that the above cited mouthy Brit, posing as a US Citizen... will suddenly be struck with an unexpected bout of reticence... become FASCINATED by just about anything, except sustaining her own would-be point.)
Let's Review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled.

Over the subsequent 70 years SINCE THE US Minimum Wage: such increased by an Order of MAGNITUDE.

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor for no increase in the product represented by that labor... that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Now the Intellectually Less Fortunate, representing the product of Relativism, are demonstrably incapable of recognizing even THAT self-evident truth.

So they're irrelevant.

All you need to know is that... . And FROM >THAT< you should find the sound moral justification to do what you must to save your nation from the idiocy which they produce through their foolish vote.
Reader... do you see how easy this is?

Our opposition are IMBECILES... adults with the intellectual means of children.

There is no reason that a viable culture would provide such 'people' with a say in governance. And that is because a VIABLE CULTURE cannot be sustained by allowing children a say in the rules by which they must behave.

And THAT IS BECAUSE CHILDREN DO NOT POSSESS THE MEANS TO REASON OBJECTIVELY; which is to say that children do not possess the means to recognize the difference between what they WANT and what is GOOD FOR THEM.

These are foolish people who are destroying not just the United States, but Western Civilization on the whole.

These people have demonstrated in the 35 pages of this thread, that they've no means to understand FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE... and yet they demand that MEN should marry MEN, and the power to control the planets ATMOSPHERE.

Understand... Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman and Humanity cannot control the Earth's Atmosphere.

And idiots do not get a say in such matters, EVER... at least in culture's which seek to remain VIABLE!

So... if you need your culture to remain viable, you should probably be preparing yourself for what's coming. And to do what needs to be done, when it comes.

There is nothing we can do to make it happen... as we are a civilized, peaceful people. Ours will come only after they burn down all potential
So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to no minimum wage?

Wow! SMH


But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Not at all.
Totally asspulled nonsense.

ROFLMNAO! There ya have it kids...

And another economic illiterate is EXPOSED.

(Reader, again... the key to defeating a Leftist in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Hey! Keys! Don't get forget you once said this:
I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course..
so any 'rational' argument you think you make must be brought into question :lol:

You are implying that there's something irrational about that statement. What SPECIFICALLY are you claiming is irrational and on what specific basis are ya resting that conclusion?

(Reader, you're going to find that the above cited mouthy Brit, posing as a US Citizen... will suddenly be struck with an unexpected bout of reticence... become FASCINATED by just about anything, except sustaining her own would-be point.)

Well, for one, the 'negro' in your statement are also known as 'African Americans'. The key word in that name is 'American', indicating that they are, in fact, from 'America'. Meaning that your plan to send them back to their 'native land' would be impossible, if they already reside in their native land.

(Reader, again... the key to defeating an idiot is as follows:

1.) Let them ramble about 'the negro'

2.) Quote them.
You apparently, at least going by your moniker.

Do what? FOCUS scamp... try to find a way to convey what it is you're wanting others to understand.

Use your words...
My, but you are truly an imbecile. You are the only one who doesn't understand. You, in post #346, claimed to know where your keys are and asked who doesn't? I responded by pointing out your moniker "Where_r_my_Keys" would indicate that you in fact don't know where your keys are. Then again, given your inability to see the obvious throughout this entire thread, I really shouldn't be surprised at your continued cognitive failures.
You apparently, at least going by your moniker.

Do what? FOCUS scamp... try to find a way to convey what it is you're wanting others to understand.

Use your words...
My, but you are truly an imbecile. You are the only one who doesn't understand. You, in post #346, claimed to know where your keys are and asked who doesn't? I responded by pointing out your moniker "Where_r_my_Keys" would indicate that you in fact don't know where your keys are. Then again, given your inability to see the obvious throughout this entire thread, I really shouldn't be surprised at your continued cognitive failures.


Now how sad is THAT?

My Moniker advances a query. Which means that it seeks the acquisition of knowledge. YOU assume that the knowledge sought is the location of my keys... your assumption; as is nearly always the case in such matters, is false.

Now that is YOUR Assumption... so there's nothing I can do to help you with that. You got there all by yourself and as unlikely as it is, you'll have to get yourself out the same way.

So... is there anything else, you'd like to humiliate yourself through?

Just know that I am here for you, when you need it.
You apparently, at least going by your moniker.

Do what? FOCUS scamp... try to find a way to convey what it is you're wanting others to understand.

Use your words...
My, but you are truly an imbecile. You are the only one who doesn't understand. You, in post #346, claimed to know where your keys are and asked who doesn't? I responded by pointing out your moniker "Where_r_my_Keys" would indicate that you in fact don't know where your keys are. Then again, given your inability to see the obvious throughout this entire thread, I really shouldn't be surprised at your continued cognitive failures.


Now how sad is THAT?

My Moniker advances a query. Which means that it seeks the acquisition of knowledge. YOU assume that the knowledge sought is the location of my keys... your assumption; as is nearly always the case in such matters, is false.

Now that is YOUR Assumption... so there's nothing I can do to help you with that. You got there all by yourself and as unlikely as it is, you'll have to get yourself out the same way.

So... is there anything else, you'd like to humiliate yourself through?

Just know that I am here for you, when you need it.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

Not at all.
Totally asspulled nonsense.

ROFLMNAO! There ya have it kids...

And another economic illiterate is EXPOSED.

(Reader, again... the key to defeating a Leftist in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Hey! Keys! Don't get forget you once said this:
I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course..
so any 'rational' argument you think you make must be brought into question :lol:

You are implying that there's something irrational about that statement. What SPECIFICALLY are you claiming is irrational and on what specific basis are ya resting that conclusion?

(Reader, you're going to find that the above cited mouthy Brit, posing as a US Citizen... will suddenly be struck with an unexpected bout of reticence... become FASCINATED by just about anything, except sustaining her own would-be point.)

Well, for one, the 'negro' in your statement are also known as 'African Americans'.

LMAO! You're helpless.

The simple truth is that not everyone from Africa, is Negro... which is to say: BLACK.

But hey... In fairness, as simple as that self-evident truth is; as a Relativist, there is no way you could understand that.

The key word in that name is 'American', indicating that they are, in fact, from 'America'.


WRONG AGAIN! The Key word was AFRICAN... erroneously denoting the origin (where they're from).

"American", erroneously denotes where they're AT... Sadly for your false premise, America is not a place, it is a concept. (If you were an American; which is to say a person who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres TO the principles that define: America... you'd have known that.)

Meaning that your plan to send them back to their 'native land' would be impossible, if they already reside in their native land.

I have no plan to send 'them' back to anywhere. And there is nothing in the record which any reasonable person could conclude to represent such... with your projection that such is the case, notwithstanding.

BUT! It does further demonstrate the Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance common to the fundamental principles of the political cult OKA: The Ideological Left.
You apparently, at least going by your moniker.

Do what? FOCUS scamp... try to find a way to convey what it is you're wanting others to understand.

Use your words...
My, but you are truly an imbecile. You are the only one who doesn't understand. You, in post #346, claimed to know where your keys are and asked who doesn't? I responded by pointing out your moniker "Where_r_my_Keys" would indicate that you in fact don't know where your keys are. Then again, given your inability to see the obvious throughout this entire thread, I really shouldn't be surprised at your continued cognitive failures.


Now how sad is THAT?

My Moniker advances a query. Which means that it seeks the acquisition of knowledge. YOU assume that the knowledge sought is the location of my keys... your assumption; as is nearly always the case in such matters, is false.

Now that is YOUR Assumption... so there's nothing I can do to help you with that. You got there all by yourself and as unlikely as it is, you'll have to get yourself out the same way.

So... is there anything else, you'd like to humiliate yourself through?

Just know that I am here for you, when you need it.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You're conflating "Refutation" with "Concession".

What I did in the post to which you are foolishly responding, is what is known as REFUTATION. Which is to say to prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.

What you're doing in the post to which I am responding is known as a Concession. Which is to say you're yielding from the standing point(s), specifically through deflection and obfuscation. It's a form of deceit... which is fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant. Which is, of course, a manifestation of Evil.

See how that works?
Ignorance make tards of Republicans. It's quite sad. Good thing they don't know any better.
WRONG AGAIN! The Key word was AFRICAN... erroneously denoting the origin (where they're from).

"American", erroneously denotes where they're AT... Sadly for your false premise, America is not a place, it is a concept. (If you were an American; which is to say a person who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres TO the principles that define: America... you'd have known that.)

You're hilarious! You realize that an 'African' commonly refers to somebody that was born in Africa. An 'African' who strolls into the USA for a week doesn't become an 'African American' for that week :laugh: Also, 'American' is the key word, because it is the acting noun in 'African American'. The word 'African' is describing the word 'American', meaning an 'American of African descent'. It's the same with the term 'Italian American', where the word 'Italian' is describing the word 'American', meaning 'an American of Italian descent.' It has nothing to with where you're "AT" at a specific time..

This is simple stuff.

You've not only lost your keys, you've lost this debate.


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