I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Sure. What drive a business to hire more employees? Increased demand. Where does increased demand come from? Consumers buying more goods.
What drives consumers to buy more goods?
Increased disposable income.
So if minimum wage was $100/hr people would have a lot more money to spent. We could all be rich!
No one is suggesting that.

Yes you are... that's exactly what you're suggesting. The only distinction is the percentage by which you will inflate the dollar (devalue the dollar).

Ya see the dollar amount is irrelevant, the result is always going to be the same as there is no means for it NOT to be... .

Knee deep in the weeds dude. You still haven't established that employment is harmed.

Yes... but in fairness, that's because I am not claiming that employment is harmed. Employment is what it is... it is not effected by the addled policy of children and fools. It's the EMPLOYED and FORMERLY employed who are harmed.

Ya see scamp... when the currency with which one is compensated is devalued by the artificial increase in the value exchanged for stagnant productivity, then the value for which the employee exchanges it for the product and services they need, want and desire... is LESS.

And it is THERE, Dude... wherein the EMPLOYEE and those who are FORMER Employees, are harmed.

Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?
32 pages of this subject really? Minimum wage and welfare are basically the same thing: Giving money to folks who don't make enough money because they lack skill levels sufficient to provide for themselves.

They're not the same though. The idea that a higher minimum wages bolsters the safety net, or otherwise gives poor people a boost, is nonsense. All it does is make it illegal for them to work for less.
32 pages of this subject really? Minimum wage and welfare are basically the same thing: Giving money to folks who don't make enough money because they lack skill levels sufficient to provide for themselves.

So you'd just allow the rich to take all the profits and fuck the worker in the ass. I don't think this is good with maintaining our middle class.

Profits go to the owners idiot. Wages go to workers, if workers want more money they need more skills or another employer willing to pay more for the same skill set.
32 pages of this subject really? Minimum wage and welfare are basically the same thing: Giving money to folks who don't make enough money because they lack skill levels sufficient to provide for themselves.

They're not the same though. The idea that a higher minimum wages bolsters the safety net, or otherwise gives poor people a boost, is nonsense. All it does is make it illegal for them to work for less.

Of course they are the same, has the worker gained skills or provided twice the work for these increases? No we simply provide them wage welfare payments.
So if minimum wage was $100/hr people would have a lot more money to spent. We could all be rich!
No one is suggesting that.

Yes you are... that's exactly what you're suggesting. The only distinction is the percentage by which you will inflate the dollar (devalue the dollar).

Ya see the dollar amount is irrelevant, the result is always going to be the same as there is no means for it NOT to be... .

Knee deep in the weeds dude. You still haven't established that employment is harmed.

Yes... but in fairness, that's because I am not claiming that employment is harmed. Employment is what it is... it is not effected by the addled policy of children and fools. It's the EMPLOYED and FORMERLY employed who are harmed.

Ya see scamp... when the currency with which one is compensated is devalued by the artificial increase in the value exchanged for stagnant productivity, then the value for which the employee exchanges it for the product and services they need, want and desire... is LESS.

And it is THERE, Dude... wherein the EMPLOYEE and those who are FORMER Employees, are harmed.

Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

If that isn't strong evidence for how the rich 1% has fucked the worker. Well, I don't know what is!
32 pages of this subject really? Minimum wage and welfare are basically the same thing: Giving money to folks who don't make enough money because they lack skill levels sufficient to provide for themselves.

They obviously have at the very least the skill level the job requires. I am only advocating to maintain the rate of pay at historic levels.
32 pages of this subject really? Minimum wage and welfare are basically the same thing: Giving money to folks who don't make enough money because they lack skill levels sufficient to provide for themselves.

So you'd just allow the rich to take all the profits and fuck the worker in the ass. I don't think this is good with maintaining our middle class.

Sex between consenting adults is none of our business.
No one is suggesting that.

Yes you are... that's exactly what you're suggesting. The only distinction is the percentage by which you will inflate the dollar (devalue the dollar).

Ya see the dollar amount is irrelevant, the result is always going to be the same as there is no means for it NOT to be... .
How about you explain why raising it devalues the dollar? Be specific.

Oh! I'd be very happy to.

Let's begin at the value of minimal skill. The Minimum being zero...

Now Zero Skill is worth 0 dollars.

What you're arguing is that we raise the value of zero skills to $15.

Now when we raise the value of $0 to $15...

Now... when $15 is the equivalent of $0... even you should be capable of realizing that this devalues the value which used to be represented by $15... to $0?

(LOL! Reader, enjoy yourself... you're about to be treated to a first class demonstration of the mental disorder OKA: delusion. It's the same mental disorder that presents Sexual Deviancy, Socialism, Islam and other manifestations of Evil.)
Do you honestly believe that is how it works?


I know for an incontrovertible fact, that that is how it works. But in fairness... that's only because there is no other way that it CAN WORK.

The skills a worker brings is a variable that influences the value of the dollar? How is that even close to being quantifiable?
By the currency used as the exchanged value.

(Reader, Can I call 'em or what? I say it here and it comes out THERE!)
Stop making shit up as you go along.
Stop making shit up as you go along.

You don't belong in this country.
It was founded on the notion that government MUST be limited....for good reason.
The craving for more government control is a notion BY the weak who cannot find it in themselves to lead their own lives productively.

Perhaps you would fit in better where government has total control.
Cuba is calling.
The minimum wage protects people from being taken advantage of by their super rich boss. If there wasn't a minimum wage some people would be paid pennies per hour as they are in southern Asia! While the rich pig would be making big bang on your hard work...The minimum wage and the workers rights laws here in America make it impossible for the rich to screw the worker as hard as they would love to do.

You on the far right for some reason would love to see us join the third world? Where half or more of the country would be working for piss water. The huge difference between a third world shit hole and a first world nation is the fact that the first world nation allows the other 99% to make some of the profit.


Minimum wage was never meant to be lived on. Its a wage you start a job at and then work your way up if your a good worker. If not there's the door.

Idiots like you think every worker is worth his weight in gold. Ain't so. Loads of ain't worth squat and they know it.

I've started many a job at minimum wage and within a month I was up the pay scale. So or millions of other workers out there. As for the others. I could give a shit.

Alright, alright, alright, already. You're an asshole. We get it.

You're overselling it..
Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?
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It's simple. The republicans want to create a permanent underclass.

More straw reasoning from those of permanent intellectual underclass.
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care? Why are they gutting the ability of workers to collectively bargain? Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could? Why do they want to turn Social Security over to Wall Street hucksters? Why do they howl so much about poor people getting food stamps while at the same time they are abolishing the inheritance tax and giving the wealthy more and more tax breaks?
It's simple. The republicans want to create a permanent underclass.

More straw reasoning from those of permanent intellectual underclass.
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care? Why are they gutting the ability of workers to collectively bargain? Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could? Why do they want to turn Social Security over to Wall Street hucksters? Why do they howl so much about poor people getting food stamps while at the same time they are abolishing the inheritance tax and giving the wealthy more and more tax breaks?

They're assholes. It's as simple as that.

And the 'peasants' that vote along with them despite their own interests are idiots.

Assholes & Idiots, working together in sweet, sweet harmony.
Stop making shit up as you go along.

You don't belong in this country.
It was founded on the notion that government MUST be limited....for good reason.
The craving for more government control is a notion BY the weak who cannot find it in themselves to lead their own lives productively.

Perhaps you would fit in better where government has total control.
Cuba is calling.

You're the one that don't belong in this country...You think only the rich should have it good? lol...even through they don't do 1/1000th of the work needed to make the wealth they take.

You really want them running our country instead of a government that is elected by the people. No, sir, you're the thug and a real heartless fuck.
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It's simple. The republicans want to create a permanent underclass.

More straw reasoning from those of permanent intellectual underclass.
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care?

Don't be silly. They're not trying to stop ACA. They just want a piece of the action.

Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could?

Who knows? Speaking for myself, I'd get rid of entirely because it's just dumb. A silly contrivance to stir up the nitwits.
Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to minimum wage?

Wow! SMH
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Stagnant productivity? You assume quite a lot.

What do you suppose the cumulative effect of 77 years of devaluing the dollar in such a way is? Is it demonstrably quantifiable? If so in what way(s)?

Well, let's see... 70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Does that help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

So... because steak costs more now, that is evidence of the devaluation of the dollar due to no minimum wage?

Wow! SMH


But to help you through it... Let's review:

70 years would put us back in the 40s.

Here is a few items for which the US Dollar was being exchanged for in the 1940s.

Eggs 64 cents per dozen New Jersey 1946
Flour 25 cents 5 Pound bag California 1944
Kellogs Corn flakes 35 cents for 2 pks Pennsylvania 1948
Ketchup 19 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Margarine 18 Cents per Pound California 1944
Morton Salt 10 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Oranges 8 1/2 cents per pound California 1944
Pork Roast 39 Cents per pound Wisconsin 1948
Porterhouse Steak 69 cents per pound Illinois 1947
Potatoes 38 cents for 10 pounds California 1944
Tide Soap powder 36 cents Pennsylvania 1948
Tomatoes 29 cents per pound New Jersey 1946
Tooth Paste 47 cents Pennsylvania 1948

Now I highlighted the Porterhouse Steak, because I personally purchased a fe of those the day before yesterday at the neighborhood Publix. I paid 14.25lb (they were on sale).

Now... let me ask ya... in 1947, US Currency bought 20 lbs of Porterhouse Steaks for the same dollar value that Today can only buy you 1lb.

Would you say that in your mind that this circumstance demonstrates the value of US Currency has been increased or decreased over the last 77 years?

Now, FYI: 70 years prior to THAT...

1 lb. butter -- 40 cents

1 dozen eggs -- 35 cents

So, what changed?

US Minimum Wage came into Federal Law in 1938...

Meaning that in the 70 years prior to the establishment of the USMW... the price of eggs and butter doubled. With the subsequent 70 years such increased by orders of MAGNITUDE.

Does THAT help you quantify the devaluation of the currency by the natural law which requires that where one artificially increases the price of labor, that the value of the currency used to buy that labor is reduced?

(Yes Reader, this is CRUEL! But I DO adore it so... . But in fairness to me... they're idiots.)
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It's simple. The republicans want to create a permanent underclass.

More straw reasoning from those of permanent intellectual underclass.
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care?

Don't be silly. They're not trying to stop ACA. They just want a piece of the action.

Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could?

Who knows? Speaking for myself, I'd get rid of entirely because it's just dumb. A silly contrivance to stir up the nitwits.

Yeah, me too! It's so dumb to protect the commoner from being taken advantage of by the royal class of citizens. Because that's not what our country was founded on..

It's simple. The republicans want to create a permanent underclass.

More straw reasoning from those of permanent intellectual underclass.
Really? Then why are the republicans trying to take away health care?

Don't be silly. They're not trying to stop ACA. They just want a piece of the action.

Why do they not only want to refuse any increase in the minimum wage, but would do away with it entirely if they could?

Who knows? Speaking for myself, I'd get rid of entirely because it's just dumb. A silly contrivance to stir up the nitwits.

Yeah, me too! It's so dumb to protect the commoner from being taken advantage of by the royal class of citizens. Because that's not what our country was founded on..


And another Mouthy Brit is found posing as a US Citizen.

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