I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.

Iā€™m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do ā€¦. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ā€¦.and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We donā€™t have a middle class today. We really donā€™t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate thatā€™s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a ā€œsystemically racistā€ history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And thatā€™s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
What do you know? Like you said you werenā€™t there. I can remember road trips to FL where gas stations had three rest rooms, Men, Women & Colored. Youā€™ve fallen for the lies of the scummiest members of our society. They are the ones now engaged in stochastic terrorism over the Trump indictment. If today is bad, itā€™s the morally delinquent and their fellow travelers that are causing it.
This generation doesn't have common sense. I think one of the reasons for the homeless epidemic is many have given up.
Certainly some number of Americans have given up. Theyā€™ve given up on dating and marriage as well. Thereā€™s some number of young men who have completely given up on that. Same thing with women to

What makes things all the worst, is we have bad leader ship. We are lacking the type of leader ship from Democrats and Republicans that we had throughout practically the entire 20th century. We also have social media Instagram and that is making things very difficult. Itā€™s making things difficult to penetrate into the minds of young people who are being brainwashed by BLM and similar.

What do you know? Like you said you werenā€™t there. I can remember road trips to FL where gas stations had three rest rooms, Men, Women & Colored. Youā€™ve fallen for the lies of the scummiest members of our society. They are the ones now engaged in stochastic terrorism over the Trump indictment. If today is bad, itā€™s the morally delinquent and their fellow travelers that are causing it.
my grandfather had a black boss in the 1950s at a steel plant.

I disagree with your approach to this issue. Suggesting that American history is filled with white racism Itā€™s just like saying that Black people are savages.

All of us Americans have ancestors who grew up in the 20th century in this country. Their legacy shall not be insulted. This is just gone on too long man our ancestors, whether theyā€™re white or black weā€™re good people.

Slavery bigotry racism Thatā€™s a worldwide issue. Itā€™s not an American thing not the white manā€™s thing

Who are we to say we are better than the older generations than those who came before us. God bless those who came before us they gave us the freedom we have today because of the men and women from America from the 1940s who fought in World War II in to work at the factories we have the freedom we have today. So yes, the American past is filled with greatness that we can never even fathom unless we lived it.

To imagine that it was the greatest generation ..the World War II generation that teamed up with the Russians in the British to liberate human beings from concentration camps. to think that America was some kind of a racist country in that era . Thatā€™s an insult to history.

I got nothing against you. I think that bad people in the media and bad politicians are trying to brainwash you
Certainly some number of Americans have given up. Theyā€™ve given up on dating and marriage as well. Thereā€™s some number of young men who have completely given up on that. Same thing with women to

What makes things all the worst, is we have bad leader ship. We are lacking the type of leader ship from Democrats and Republicans that we had throughout practically the entire 20th century. We also have social media Instagram and that is making things very difficult. Itā€™s making things difficult to penetrate into the minds of young people who are being brainwashed by BLM and similar.

my grandfather had a black boss in the 1950s at a steel plant.

I disagree with your approach to this issue. Itā€™s just like saying that Black people are savages. Slavery bigotry racism Thatā€™s a worldwide issue. Itā€™s not an American thing not the white manā€™s thing
Youā€™re nothing but a mealy mouth apologist for fascism. You donā€™t have a clue what it was like in the past and are just making excuses to put a pretty face on evil. In many ways youā€™re more evil than the J6 traitors in that you appear reasonable, but are really stabbing us all in the back.
Iā€™m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do ā€¦. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ā€¦.and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We donā€™t have a middle class today. We really donā€™t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate thatā€™s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a ā€œsystemically racistā€ history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And thatā€™s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.

Okay but the America we have today is the result of those people's leadership so I wouldn't be too quick to give them all your glory. The world you pine for wasn't the one they created. It was the one their parents and grandparents created. Baby Boomers are the ones who screwed all this crap up.
Okay but the America we have today is the result of those people's leadership so I wouldn't be too quick to give them all your glory. The world you pine for wasn't the one they created. It was the one their parents and grandparents created. Baby Boomers are the ones who screwed all this crap up.
Donā€™t be such an asshole. Iā€™d love to see the day when your kids tell you how you screwed everything up. :cool-45:
I remember morals. And the middle class. There wasnā€™t any segregation or marriage bans.

Morals exist. The middle class exists. And we don't have any segregation or marriage bans either.

Not even gay marriage bans.

What year are you 'remembering' by the way? Just so that we can all compare your memory to what actually happened.
I remember sexual assault was a crime. And I also remember when telling a girl she looked pretty or asking her out wasnā€™t sexual assault or simply looking at her wasnā€™t a crime.

And what crime is committed by simply looking at a girl?


Because it doesn't look your memory amounts to much.
Youā€™re nothing but a mealy mouth apologist for fascism. You donā€™t have a clue what it was like in the past and are just making excuses to put a pretty face on evil. In many ways youā€™re more evil than the J6 traitors in that you appear reasonable, but are really stabbing us all in the back.
People who did live in the past are telling you he is quite correct. Kids being able to walk home from school and play outside is not fascism. What we have today is becoming quite authoritarian with the elite having complete control. I doubt you can spin how current societal trends are a positive omen for the future.
People who did live in the past are telling you he is quite correct. Kids being able to walk home from school and play outside is not fascism.

So if a kid goes outside and plays.....then what?
What we have today is becoming quite authoritarian with the elite having complete control.

Complete control of *what*? Whose not letting you go outside?
People who did live in the past are telling you he is quite correct. Kids being able to walk home from school and play outside is not fascism. What we have today is becoming quite authoritarian with the elite having complete control. I doubt you can spin how current societal trends are a positive omen for the future.
I never said things were perfect now, but wearing rose-colored glasses when looking at the past and denying truths, e.g. the whole anti-CRT thing, isnā€™t being honest.
Youā€™re nothing but a mealy mouth apologist for fascism. You donā€™t have a clue what it was like in the past and are just making excuses to put a pretty face on evil. In many ways youā€™re more evil than the J6 traitors in that you appear reasonable, but are really stabbing us all in the back.
I donā€™t even know what to say to you buddy. Are you an American? Were you born in this country? You live in Europe?

Youā€™re intentionally ignoring what people say. This is exactly the problem in America. If you think someoneā€™s a racist, you gotta prove it man.

The far left in the neoconservatives have you right where they want you. They got you complaining about nonsense when our economy is in the tank when so many Americans have nothing. Check this out man prices are high. They got you buying into this nonsense that America is racist, that we have an evil history.

I know youā€™re not responding to a critical point. White American men in Black American men serve this country in World War II along with Russians in British to liberate slaves from concentration camps. Why arenā€™t you responding to this. ?? Respond to it, say something about it. right ā€¦. it would defeat your argument. Youā€™re wrong on this one buddy and youā€™re wrong because youā€™ve already resorted to personal attacks.

You wonā€™t respond to me saying my grandfather had a black boss, you, and these other people ā€¦like 2% of all American think This country is racist. Youā€™re in the wrong.

Donā€™t be like the other far left wingers brother ā€¦donā€™t make things up about other posters just makes for a bad discussion
I donā€™t even know what to say to you buddy. Are you an American? Were you born in this country? You live in Europe?

Youā€™re intentionally ignoring what people say. This is exactly the problem in America. If you think someoneā€™s a racist, you gotta prove it man.

The far left in the neoconservatives have you right where they want you. They got you complaining about nonsense when our economy is in the tank when so many Americans have nothing. Check this out man prices are high. They got you buying into this nonsense that America is racist, that we have an evil history.

I know youā€™re not responding to a critical point. White American men in Black American men serve this country in World War II along with Russians in British to liberate slaves from concentration camps. Why arenā€™t you responding to this. ?? Respond to it, say something about it. right ā€¦. it would defear your argument. Youā€™re wrong on this one buddy and youā€™re wrong because youā€™ve already resorted to personal attacks.

Donā€™t be like the other far left wingers brother ā€¦donā€™t make things up about other posters just makes for a bad discussion
So now Iā€™m not American? You really are a scumbag, arenā€™t you? Itā€™s obvious it only takes a little prodding for the fascism to shine through. Iā€™m not even slightly impressed with your faux outrage. Youā€™re just part of the front covering for those converging on Miami talking about a civil war.
I never said things were perfect now, but wearing rose-colored glasses when looking at the past and denying truths, e.g. the whole anti-CRT thing, isnā€™t being honest.
Denying positive aspects of the past isn't exactly an accurate depiction either. While the past was not perfect, it at least made some sense. The current direction of our country makes no logical sense and is detrimental to its citizens. I always wonder why increased freedom didn't mean more people got to live like the 80's. Instead, minorities are being told success is not possible and most of what was good is being torn down for no reason.
So now Iā€™m not American? You really are a scumbag, arenā€™t you? Itā€™s obvious it only takes a little prodding for the fascism to shine through. Iā€™m not even slightly impressed with your faux outrage. Youā€™re just part of the front covering for those converging on Miami talking about a civil war.
Forget about whatever political positions we have. Back up a second stop the personal attacks theyā€™re totally unprovoked. Not that I care you have free speech but still it doesnā€™t make your argument look good

Slow down a second breath. I asked you where youā€™re from. I didnā€™t assume anything about you I donā€™t do that. Iā€™ll ask again, brother are you an American, do you live in Europe. Were you born somewhere else?

Whatā€™s your problem brother. Youā€™re making a bunch of things up. Seems like youā€™re upset at the prospect of somebody simply suggesting that those who came before us were good people. Sir thereā€™s nothing wrong with that.

Iā€™m not sure how youā€™re going to continuous to respond, Iā€™m not sure if I wanna laugh at it or just put you on Ignore when you call people fascist or racist

Noted again you canā€™t respond to the points being made, youā€™re not saying anything about my grandfather having a black boss , youā€™re not saying anything about the Americans who liberated the concentration camps in ww2.

Whatā€™s going on with youā€¦ thereā€™s tons of posters here. I forget are you a Trump supporter or a Biden supporter. ?
I envy more people from the beginning of last century 1900s......they are gone now of course....but then....like the song says ... was nice to be alive when the living was easy!

I was born on the wrong time period....

But then.....I had hard lessons Karma wanted me to learn- :)- here and now (along witn many brothers and sisters)..... in this horrible times!;)
The dumb trash that tears down the statues and flags of American icons because they owned a slave or fought for South are beyond stupid. They're self-righteous and arrogant. People back then fought for their state in the Civil War. If they had been living in Georgia or any other southern state they would have been wearing a gray uniform. You can't judge people 160 years ago by today's culture.
for that ^Youā€™re viewed as a racist by some portion of Americans on the left and even Republicans. thatā€™s the problem. Some percentage of Americans have zero interest in history.

The Key from a world perspective is that slavery was always a worldwide issue.

The problem in someways is also due to Republicansā€¦ who was it who gave George Floyd a state funeral, that was the republican governor of Texas. And I would submit that Republicans are not doing enough to protect history to protect historical statues in this country.

Hell thereā€™s another point ā€¦.if people disagree with how the George Floyd case was handled ā€¦. they are immediately called a racist by the far left.

But the sad thing is that there is no conversation to be had here when it comes to a lot of modern-day politics in America. What I mean is that our government uses too much time talking about race and LGBT stuff ā€¦when we should be talking about improving our economy.

Meanwhile portions of Democrats are living in poverty they are living in tiny communist style apartments, and yet they still vote Democrat.

People like me and you and others are trying to tell the far left 3+3 = 6. They are trying to tell us 3+3 = 8.
So if a kid goes outside and plays.....then what?

Complete control of *what*? Whose not letting you go outside?
The threat of violence is so high in many places, that it would put the kid in danger. Letting kids walk home from school would be beyond reckless. As for government control, the current administration tried to force people to get vaccines, wear masks. It is forcing citizens to fund non citizens. It is promoting porn in schools and in public around children. Then we have proven FBI abuses, and the IRS used as a weapon. Spying on our own citizens is also problematic. They tried to make a board of misinformation. The constitution has tire tracks all over it, by both sides. I don't think it is a stretch to say the government has gained a scary amount of power over the citizens.
The dumb trash that tears down the statues and flags of American icons because they owned a slave or fought for South are beyond stupid. They're self-righteous and arrogant. People back then fought for their state in the Civil War. If they had been living in Georgia or any other southern state they would have been wearing a gray uniform. You can't judge people 160 years ago by today's culture.

Why would we have monuments to traitors to the United States who murdered tens of thousands of US servicemen to preserve tyranny?

We do you want next, a statue honoring Benedict Arnold? Tim McVeigh?
The threat of violence is so high in many places, that it would put the kid in danger.

What year are you referring to where NO place had the threat of violence?

Please name the year.
What year are you referring to where NO place had the threat of violence?

Please name the year.
I grew up in the 80's, and while there was violence, it was nowhere near the level it is today. I think crime has steadily gotten worse each decade. There is an obvious societal decay.

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