I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden

Biden has long maintained the burn pits in Iraq lead to his cancer and has made many more soldiers ill.

But Joe has repeatedly said his son died IN Iraq. That's simply a lie, and you can't bring yourself to admit it because you're in a cult.
So what makes him any different than all of the others that have died. How about the 13 in Afghanistan that perished because of Biden's fiasco withdrawal? I get it, they weren't named Biden. You're a piece of work.

Beau Biden was a JAG lawyer in a Signal Corps unit. He never saw a day of combat.
It’s true. The shopkeeper was a conspiratorial conservative.

The reason he dug around in the laptop is because he was Hunter Biden.
Amazing that you are not condemning the wrongdoing, but you don't have any problem condemning the person that brought it to light. You are a partisan hack. Run along.
Something very, very good has come out of the Hunter Biden saga. We now KNOW, beyond any doubt, that the left's "gun control" arguments are utter bullshit that they don't believe in at all. I suspected this for a long time, now it's confirmed. They are thrilled that a guy who committed a federal felony by illegally purchasing a handgun is skating. That tells you everything you need to know.

The left now has ZERO legitimacy in ANY gun debate.
It’s true. The shopkeeper was a conspiratorial conservative.

The reason he dug around in the laptop is because he was Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden was so fucked up on drugs that he never came back to pick up his laptop. After so many days, it became property of the computer shop owner.

Same thing with Ashley Biden's diary, the same diary that had an account of Joe Biden showering with her as a child. She left her diary in a halfway house.

Why am I having to explain all this to you? Are you really that much out of the loop?

Once again:

Hunter Biden was so fucked up on drugs that he never came back to pick up his laptop. After so many days, it became property of the computer shop owner. The political affiliation of the computer shop owner has nothing to do with anything.

Same thing with Ashley Biden's diary, the same diary that had an account of Joe Biden showering with her as a child. She left her diary in a halfway house.

Why am I having to explain all this to you? Are you really that much out of the loop?
Hunter Biden was do fucked up on drugs that he never came back to pick up his laptop. After so many days, it became property of the computer shop owner.
If it were anyone else, he would have wiped the laptop and sold it. Instead he decided to pry through someone’s personal information because it was Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Same thing with Ashley Biden's diary, the same diary that had an account of Joe Biden showering with her as a child.
That’s false. People were charged for the theft of the diary.

In the midst of the Hunter hysteria ginned up by right wing media and feckless Repub congressmen, nitwits like Radicalredneck seem to have forgotten most Dems have an extremely low opinion of Hunter. Justifiably so.
We understand two things you do not. 1. As a father Joe has unconditional love for his son, despite his considerable shortcomings as a human being. 2. Hunter is a private citizen, not a government official, and therefore his grifting, his drug use, his despicable conduct, is a reflection on himself, not his dad so far as his official capacity of prez goes.
After a 5 year investigation by a Repub US attorney in to all his business dealings has was charged with two misdemeanor crimes, plead guilty, and the matter is over.

Except in the minds of petty, small minded, angry dupes who very much want to keep using Hunter's problems to slime Joe with.
Hunter was the vessel to Joe's corrupt money gains. Impossible to separate the two for that reason.
If it were anyone else, he would have wiped the laptop and sold it. Instead he decided to pry through someone’s personal information because it was Hunter Biden’s laptop.

That’s false. People were charged for the theft of the diary.

And you confidently ignore the contents of both which is public knowledge now
If it were anyone else, he would have wiped the laptop and sold it. Instead he decided to pry through someone’s personal information because it was Hunter Biden’s laptop.

That’s false. People were charged for the theft of the diary.

The theft charge for the diary was bullshit. The only reason they charged them was so the FBI could take possession of it.

And Hunter's laptop was no longer his "personal information." I've already told you that the computer shop's policy was that if you didn't come back to pick it up by a certain date, they owned it. Every computer shop you'll ever see has the same policy.

Why U tryin' so hard to defend a drug addict who committed a felony gun crime, bro? I'm worried about U.

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