I feel like my Demise is not far off

Can barely F walk right now
I am not going to post anymore about my mental problems or my Dick

My back is F and I cannot even do the one thing I f love.
I just wanted to do this grappling class only 2 hours a week and now it looks impossible

I did all the PT and nothing. The docs say that surgery wont help

I am going to try Motrin and I dont want any narcatics

Life is just not fair at all . Not fair

Sorry man! sounds terrible. You might try acupuncture for pain. Sometimes you can get lucky with that. I've done it before and It had pretty good results for a bad shoulder pain. I would say find a good Japanese acupuncturist and not an American one. just my experience.
Do you think my grappling and fighting days are OVER
I am seeing the Doctor in 8 days
I hate to retire but I do have zero losses
Do you think my grappling and fighting days are OVER
No...I have suffered injuries that put me out for months at a time but I never tried to over come them by being stupidly macho.
I know .. I just dont have anyone to talk to


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