I feel like my Demise is not far off

I'm not saying anything about prayer...lolol.......Jews aren't in to Jesus....lololol

Prayer and hope are key to surviving intact
I am going to try Motrin and ask the Rabbi to send me the healing powers of Moses . Moses I think is our Jesus
I have had it happen that i will feel lousy.. for whatever reason and praying the rosary made tht feeling go away...

i wouldn't substitute it for the ER or anything...
I really have ZERO hobbies right now. I hate everything.l
I only enjoyed doing few hours of MMA classes and now that seems gone.

My classes are just for regular folks and that is looking unlikely

I am 47 and 6-1 and 160 pounds and its over
My brain is bad
My thing dont work because of my brain meds

Just endless.
I am sorry to bitchh and bitcch. I have nobody else to talk too


I may have to RETIRE with a 0-0 record
YEs its a degenerated Disk
It does not go to leg
๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜”

lumbar lower

Try this, I think it will help with the pain. I had a horrific experience with Sciatic nerve pain and it took many visits to the Chiropractor to fix the issue. (pinched nerve)

Meanwhile, this little device helped me manage the pain. It will help reduce tension in your muscles that are putting unwanted pressure on the area. Thus, reducing the pain.

TruMedic TENS Electronic Pulse Unit & 4 Electrode Pads - For Muscle Stiffness,

My doctor said only PT or MEDS
He did not metion C

Doctors hate chiropractors because they know the ch can cure pain and not charge thousands of dollars. I go to one every 2 weeks and he keeps me tuned up for less than a hundred a session. Besides the chiropractor gets just as much medical training and more. They know everything a MD does and they do it without meds. My ch only prescribes supplements. I never take pain meds either. I put doctors in the same category as lawyers, politicians and used car salesmen.

But you do what you think is best for you.
Quasar44, if you're 47 its much too early for you to call it quits on life. Please go to an ER and find out what's wrong with you.
My brain is bad
My thing dont work because of my brain meds

Just endless.
I am sorry to bitchh and bitcch. I have nobody else to talk too


I may have to RETIRE with a 0-0 record

It's been 15 years since I had the back problem, but I still use this device for any unwanted pain.
Do I need a prescription. Is it like Motrin
Very SAD
No itโ€™s โ€˜over the counter.โ€™ Itโ€™s whatโ€™s in the medication Alleve but you can buy it cheaper as Naproxin. Good for body aches.
No itโ€™s โ€˜over the counter.โ€™ Itโ€™s whatโ€™s in the medication Alleve but you can buy it cheaper as Naproxin. Good for body aches.
Does Alieve upset your gut more than Mortin.
My mom said its my own fault for doing silly activities like Grappling
I hung up the phone
Can barely F walk right now
I am not going to post anymore about my mental problems or my Dick

My back is F and I cannot even do the one thing I f love.
I just wanted to do this grappling class only 2 hours a week and now it looks impossible

I did all the PT and nothing. The docs say that surgery wont help

I am going to try Motrin and I dont want any narcatics

Life is just not fair at all . Not fair

Feel better old man. That, and will me your Ferrari.

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