I feel so utterly violated...

To think that I was on the front line in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, only to find out the Russians fooled me into thinking Hillary was not worthy to be President of the United States and instead caused me to vote for a pro America, dynamic capitalist. Must I apologize to all destitute morons of the world who want to be my neighbor and live off my taxes? Must I deprive poor Chinese of good paying jobs and instead give them to selfish Americans? Do we need to right the wrong done by Russia and place Hillary Clinton in the White House by acclamation and put America back on the path to accepting the Obama vision for America...as just another nation with an imperfect past which must suffer for its sins? What advice would Matt Damon have for me today?

Mika Tearfully Tells Viewers of Trump: 'If People out There Feel Nervous, We Do Too'
Let me guess. You think that if we lower taxes on the rich, all those jobs will come screaming back to America.
Do you believe it is a good idea for obama to have interfered with a foreign government's elections? Of course you do. Of course.

Do you believe Russia was the only country hacking into the DNC and RNC?

Do you have any proof whatsoever that russia altered the elections?

Do you have any problem with the DNC fixing the primaries for hillary?

Do you have any control over your hypocrisy whatsoever?

Do you know you are a fucking loser?
I certainly hope that there weren't other nations interfering with our electoral process. Don't you? Whether or not Russia altered the election is yet to be determined. But their hacking into a political parties computers is as serious as anything.

How a political party handles its nominating process is one for that party's members and leadership to determine.

Are you more concerned that Russian interference helped Trump, or that they interfered at all?
You, in the same fucking post, say that Russia altering the election has YET TO BE DETERMINED, and then you ask me if I am concerned that Russia "helped Trump."

What amazes us about losers like you (all too easily manipulated by propaganda and too stupid to know you are) is how you just cannot and will not see how many things were exposed about hillary and her unsecured servers.

Actually, that does not amaze me about you or losers like you. You fall for the hype EVERY TIME.

It is almost as if none of these things happened.

Oh trust me, this is not for you. You won't address ANY of that, and you will simply deal with your cognitive dissonance by ignoring it or obfuscate from those facts.

In other words nosmo king. Go fuck yourself.
What amazes me is you are ever so happy to see all the political dirt, but are utterly indifferent to Boris over there holding the shovel! Are you just impressed with winning and losing, or does our electoral process mean a damn thing to you?

If all this"Russian Hacking" business revolves around the DNC server, all they have to do is turn the server and ISP records over to digital forensics experts in the FBI. :dunno:
I agree. If you were in charge of the DNC, would you be eager to turn everything over to Comey?

The DNC wasn't hacked. Podesta's gmail account was accessed. The emails were copied and given to Wikileaks.
There isn't any solid proof who did it.
If it was done by someone in Russia it may not be a crime there.

I don't believe this was done to help Trump. I believe it was done to hurt Hillary. It was done because they hated Hillary.
I don't believe it had any measurable effect on the election.

All is fair in love, war, and politics.
I certainly hope that there weren't other nations interfering with our electoral process. Don't you? Whether or not Russia altered the election is yet to be determined. But their hacking into a political parties computers is as serious as anything.

How a political party handles its nominating process is one for that party's members and leadership to determine.

Are you more concerned that Russian interference helped Trump, or that they interfered at all?
You, in the same fucking post, say that Russia altering the election has YET TO BE DETERMINED, and then you ask me if I am concerned that Russia "helped Trump."

What amazes us about losers like you (all too easily manipulated by propaganda and too stupid to know you are) is how you just cannot and will not see how many things were exposed about hillary and her unsecured servers.

Actually, that does not amaze me about you or losers like you. You fall for the hype EVERY TIME.

It is almost as if none of these things happened.

Oh trust me, this is not for you. You won't address ANY of that, and you will simply deal with your cognitive dissonance by ignoring it or obfuscate from those facts.

In other words nosmo king. Go fuck yourself.
What amazes me is you are ever so happy to see all the political dirt, but are utterly indifferent to Boris over there holding the shovel! Are you just impressed with winning and losing, or does our electoral process mean a damn thing to you?

If all this"Russian Hacking" business revolves around the DNC server, all they have to do is turn the server and ISP records over to digital forensics experts in the FBI. :dunno:
I agree. If you were in charge of the DNC, would you be eager to turn everything over to Comey?

The DNC wasn't hacked. Podesta's gmail account was accessed. The emails were copied and given to Wikileaks.
There isn't any solid proof who did it.
If it was done by someone in Russia it may not be a crime there.

I don't believe this was done to help Trump. I believe it was done to hurt Hillary. It was done because they hated Hillary.
I don't believe it had any measurable effect on the election.

All is fair in love, war, and politics.
Tell that to my ex wife, Adolph Hitler and Richard Nixon respectively.
To think that I was on the front line in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, only to find out the Russians fooled me into thinking Hillary was not worthy to be President of the United States and instead caused me to vote for a pro America, dynamic capitalist. Must I apologize to all destitute morons of the world who want to be my neighbor and live off my taxes? Must I deprive poor Chinese of good paying jobs and instead give them to selfish Americans? Do we need to right the wrong done by Russia and place Hillary Clinton in the White House by acclamation and put America back on the path to accepting the Obama vision for America...as just another nation with an imperfect past which must suffer for its sins? What advice would Matt Damon have for me today?

Mika Tearfully Tells Viewers of Trump: 'If People out There Feel Nervous, We Do Too'
Do you believe that it's a good idea to have a foreign government interfere in our elections?

Are you just hung up on results, or can you see a nefarious purpose afoot here?
It's not a good idea...and Obabble should have been aware of that...instead he sent his asshole over there with a walmart reset button. Fucking dope.
To think that I was on the front line in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, only to find out the Russians fooled me into thinking Hillary was not worthy to be President of the United States and instead caused me to vote for a pro America, dynamic capitalist. Must I apologize to all destitute morons of the world who want to be my neighbor and live off my taxes? Must I deprive poor Chinese of good paying jobs and instead give them to selfish Americans? Do we need to right the wrong done by Russia and place Hillary Clinton in the White House by acclamation and put America back on the path to accepting the Obama vision for America...as just another nation with an imperfect past which must suffer for its sins? What advice would Matt Damon have for me today?

Mika Tearfully Tells Viewers of Trump: 'If People out There Feel Nervous, We Do Too'
Do you believe that it's a good idea to have a foreign government interfere in our elections?

Are you just hung up on results, or can you see a nefarious purpose afoot here?
It's not a good idea...and Obabble should have been aware of that...instead he sent his asshole over there with a walmart reset button. Fucking dope.
Your time line is a bit out of whack. Sec. Clinton went to Russia in 2009. The election is question was in 2016. Learn history or be doomed to repeat it.
To think that I was on the front line in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, only to find out the Russians fooled me into thinking Hillary was not worthy to be President of the United States and instead caused me to vote for a pro America, dynamic capitalist. Must I apologize to all destitute morons of the world who want to be my neighbor and live off my taxes? Must I deprive poor Chinese of good paying jobs and instead give them to selfish Americans? Do we need to right the wrong done by Russia and place Hillary Clinton in the White House by acclamation and put America back on the path to accepting the Obama vision for America...as just another nation with an imperfect past which must suffer for its sins? What advice would Matt Damon have for me today?

Mika Tearfully Tells Viewers of Trump: 'If People out There Feel Nervous, We Do Too'
Do you believe that it's a good idea to have a foreign government interfere in our elections?

Are you just hung up on results, or can you see a nefarious purpose afoot here?
It's not a good idea...and Obabble should have been aware of that...instead he sent his asshole over there with a walmart reset button. Fucking dope.
Your time line is a bit out of whack. Sec. Clinton went to Russia in 2009. The election is question was in 2016. Learn history or be doomed to repeat it.
Wake up doofus....Russia has been interfering with us for over half a century...2009 is within that timeline. GFY.
To think that I was on the front line in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, only to find out the Russians fooled me into thinking Hillary was not worthy to be President of the United States and instead caused me to vote for a pro America, dynamic capitalist. Must I apologize to all destitute morons of the world who want to be my neighbor and live off my taxes? Must I deprive poor Chinese of good paying jobs and instead give them to selfish Americans? Do we need to right the wrong done by Russia and place Hillary Clinton in the White House by acclamation and put America back on the path to accepting the Obama vision for America...as just another nation with an imperfect past which must suffer for its sins? What advice would Matt Damon have for me today?

Mika Tearfully Tells Viewers of Trump: 'If People out There Feel Nervous, We Do Too'
Do you believe that it's a good idea to have a foreign government interfere in our elections?

Are you just hung up on results, or can you see a nefarious purpose afoot here?
It's not a good idea...and Obabble should have been aware of that...instead he sent his asshole over there with a walmart reset button. Fucking dope.
Your time line is a bit out of whack. Sec. Clinton went to Russia in 2009. The election is question was in 2016. Learn history or be doomed to repeat it.
Wake up doofus....Russia has been interfering with us for over half a century...2009 is within that timeline. GFY.
It's both amazing and a bit baffling that you would excuse the huckster buffoon every sin while heaping accusations upon President Obama and Sec. Clinton. It's as if you really don't give a damn about any foreign interference in our electoral process.

And the grace with which you comport yourself is stunning. Every one of your posts ends with an admonition for me to have intimate relationships with myself as if that lends credibility to your statements.

It, in fact, makes you look petty, small and weak. Boorish behavior is the hallmark of the new politics embodied by The Donald. When he does it, it makes our nation look small and petty and weak. Are we to expect more of this incivility for the next four years, or until articles of impeachment are introduced? I think that you will always act the fool, the brute, the small, petty and weak.
To think that I was on the front line in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, only to find out the Russians fooled me into thinking Hillary was not worthy to be President of the United States and instead caused me to vote for a pro America, dynamic capitalist. Must I apologize to all destitute morons of the world who want to be my neighbor and live off my taxes? Must I deprive poor Chinese of good paying jobs and instead give them to selfish Americans? Do we need to right the wrong done by Russia and place Hillary Clinton in the White House by acclamation and put America back on the path to accepting the Obama vision for America...as just another nation with an imperfect past which must suffer for its sins? What advice would Matt Damon have for me today?

Mika Tearfully Tells Viewers of Trump: 'If People out There Feel Nervous, We Do Too'
Do you believe that it's a good idea to have a foreign government interfere in our elections?

Are you just hung up on results, or can you see a nefarious purpose afoot here?
It's not a good idea...and Obabble should have been aware of that...instead he sent his asshole over there with a walmart reset button. Fucking dope.
Your time line is a bit out of whack. Sec. Clinton went to Russia in 2009. The election is question was in 2016. Learn history or be doomed to repeat it.
Wake up doofus....Russia has been interfering with us for over half a century...2009 is within that timeline. GFY.
It's both amazing and a bit baffling that you would excuse the huckster buffoon every sin while heaping accusations upon President Obama and Sec. Clinton. It's as if you really don't give a damn about any foreign interference in our electoral process.

And the grace with which you comport yourself is stunning. Every one of your posts ends with an admonition for me to have intimate relationships with myself as if that lends credibility to your statements.

It, in fact, makes you look petty, small and weak. Boorish behavior is the hallmark of the new politics embodied by The Donald. When he does it, it makes our nation look small and petty and weak. Are we to expect more of this incivility for the next four years, or until articles of impeachment are introduced? I think that you will always act the fool, the brute, the small, petty and weak.
The proof is in the pudding, Debbie. That the rooskies would meddle in our affais is a no brainer. To think it affected the election is brainless. Whine on.
So freedom of speech only applies to Americans?
Social media from outside the US should be banned?
An excellent question. Do the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and ISIS have Constitutional rights outside the US? Inside if they are actively working against us?

I would think the larger question is, do you want the US government restricting YOUR access to content posted on the internet from inside another country?
No, I don't. Now, do the fucking Russians have US Constitutional rights or not from outside our country?
So freedom of speech only applies to Americans?
Social media from outside the US should be banned?
An excellent question. Do the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and ISIS have Constitutional rights outside the US? Inside if they are actively working against us?

I would think the larger question is, do you want the US government restricting YOUR access to content posted on the internet from inside another country?
No, I don't. Now, do the fucking Russians have US Constitutional rights or not from outside our country?

No. They don't. They have whatever right their country allows them to post whatever the fuck they want on the internet.
Get your pop culture references straight. Ohio was a Neil young song about the Kent State University murders in May of 1970. Nixon bugged the DNC just like Trump had the Russian do. And no one bugged Trump Tower. That's a deflection the huckster buffoon tried after his administration became the most scandal plagued since the afore mentioned Richard Nixon's.

Actually you are wrong as always!!! As for the song Ohio it was written by Crosby and Young and recorded by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and a centerpiece of the four way street album. It was in reference to the Accidental shooting of Students during a VIOLENT LIBERAL riot At Kent State University. The students killed were not involved in the riot and were in a parking lot on the other side of the university. The National Guard troops fired shots into the air over the heads of the rioters and they came down to earth in the parking lot striking some students that were innocent of ANY wrongdoing. The national guard was called to duty because of the same type shit that is going on at many universities NOW. There were attacks on the ROTC building at the university by people who were not even registered students PAID by dimshit scum even then. Your idea about the bugging is either a lie now, or a lie then. According to your lying news sources when the election was going ON they laid out in detail to bring down suspicion on his campaign that Trump towers was being bugged after two attempts to get the paperwork to do it,and a narrowing of the request by the Obama FBI and justice department.. It was your beloved news sources that printed, and televised it then, I guess they don't know people keep their lies and tape them when the spout out their shit. So when did they lie dogshit then or NOW>

As for the Nixon resignation. He was not involved in the break in, he tried to interfere with the investigation afterward to protect his staff members that were involved. HE did the same thing bill Clinton did, and the same thing oshitass did by lying under oath, and by obstructing justice, but he had enough honor to resign. The break in was to obtain information about the mental health of his opponent and his family.
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Get your pop culture references straight. Ohio was a Neil young song about the Kent State University murders in May of 1970. Nixon bugged the DNC just like Trump had the Russian do. And no one bugged Trump Tower. That's a deflection the huckster buffoon tried after his administration became the most scandal plagued since the afore mentioned Richard Nixon's.

Actually you are wrong as always!!! As for the song Ohio it was written by Crosby and Young and recorded by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and a centerpiece of the four way street album. It was in reference to the Accidental shooting of Students during a VIOLENT LIBERAL riot At Kent State University. The students killed were not involved in the riot and were in a parking lot on the other side of the university. The National Guard troops fired shots into the air over the heads of the rioters and they came down to earth in the parking lot striking some students that were innocent of ANY wrongdoing. The national guard was called to duty because of the same type shit that is going on at many universities NOW. There were attacks on the ROTC building at the university by people who were not even registered students PAID by dimshit scum even then. Your idea about the bugging is either a lie now, or a lie then. According to your lying news sources when the election was going ON they laid out in detail to bring down suspicion on his campaign that Trump towers was being bugged after two attempts to get the paperwork to do it,and a narrowing of the request by the Obama FBI and justice department.. It was your beloved news sources that printed, and televised it then, I guess they don't know people keep their lies and tape them when the spout out their shit. So when did they lie dogshit then or NOW>

As for the Nixon resignation. He was not involved in the break in, he tried to interfere with the investigation afterward to protect his staff members that were involved. HE did the same thing bill Clinton did, and the same thing oshitass did by lying under oath, and by obstructing justice, but he had enough honor to resign. The break in was to obtain information about the mental health of his opponent and his family.
Why is it I can only place one "funny" rating on this crappy post?
No. They don't. They have whatever right their country allows them to post whatever the fuck they want on the internet.
Great. So can we monitor Russian phone calls into the the US or not? Chinese? Iranian? ISIS?

As long as we follow our laws.

What does this have to do with Hillary?
Fuck Hillary. I'm glad the Clinton dynasty has had a rod shoved up its ass. I was addressing the fucking Russians as mentioned in the OP. Your dance around the Russians is interesting. Are you so anti-Hillary that you'd support the fucking Russians against your own country? While I appreciate the revelations that the Democrats are a corrupt and cronyistic political party, I don't like the idea of foreign governments fucking with us. Do you agree or disagree?

To think that I was on the front line in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, only to find out the Russians fooled me into thinking Hillary was not worthy to be President of the United States and instead caused me to vote for a pro America, dynamic capitalist. Must I apologize to all destitute morons of the world who want to be my neighbor and live off my taxes? Must I deprive poor Chinese of good paying jobs and instead give them to selfish Americans? Do we need to right the wrong done by Russia and place Hillary Clinton in the White House by acclamation and put America back on the path to accepting the Obama vision for America...as just another nation with an imperfect past which must suffer for its sins? What advice would Matt Damon have for me today?

Mika Tearfully Tells Viewers of Trump: 'If People out There Feel Nervous, We Do Too'

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