I feel sorry for the rest of the world now Putin is #1..!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Putin and Russia are now the destiny makers of the world instead of what had been the role of the USA.

People like Obama and those that believe in Obama's agenda are now happy!
The USA leadership in helping countries achieve peace and prosperity is now diminished if not gone.

As a result does anyone believe the former KGBer Putin will have any care for AID to Africa?
Or will Putin come to the aid of people in the world suffering under tyrants?

And for those of you that are so cliched cynics of the USA and frequently point out the RARE and infrequent mistakes that the USA has done... consider this.. which group of people are free to criticize their leadership while supporting freedom for the world?

Sure the USA has made mistakes BUT boy... wait till we see the "World Leadership of Putin"!!!
Putin finally resigned from the active state security services with the rank of Lieutenant colonel on 20 August 1991
(with some attempts to resign made earlier),on the second day of the KGB-supported abortive putsch against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Putin later explained his decision: "As soon as the coup began, I immediately decided which side I was on",
though he also noted that the choice was hard because he had spent the best part of his life with "the organs".

So here while Putin was part of a putsch at age 39,

our neophyte president Barack Obama graduates from Harvard with a Juris Doctor magna cum laude.
Barack Obama signs with a publisher and begins to write an autobiography titled, Dreams from My Father. In this book Barack Obama discloses his past and personal struggles..
Putin finally resigned from the active state security services with the rank of Lieutenant colonel on 20 August 1991
(with some attempts to resign made earlier),on the second day of the KGB-supported abortive putsch against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Putin later explained his decision: "As soon as the coup began, I immediately decided which side I was on",
though he also noted that the choice was hard because he had spent the best part of his life with "the organs".

So here while Putin was part of a putsch at age 39,

our neophyte president Barack Obama graduates from Harvard with a Juris Doctor magna cum laude.
Barack Obama signs with a publisher and begins to write an autobiography titled, Dreams from My Father. In this book Barack Obama discloses his past and personal struggles..

Don't you know, if you are black, you get to adopt the 'struggles' of your ancestors and use them for a club against all of society? Wait. His ancestors didn't have any struggles. His mother was rich and his father was given a free ride by the US. WTF?
Is there any reason why the US should care about AIDS in Africa? It is their problem, they alone have the power to stop it. Unless you want to volunteer to go to Africa and physically wrestle men to the ground an put condoms on them, shut up about it.

President Putin has been a leader his entire life. obama has been a community organizer who thought he could run the country the same way he ran his campaign. He was wrong. He was playing tiddly winks and President Putin is playing chess and obama lost big time. He lost his standing in the world, he lost our standing in the world. In many ways, obama welcomes this loss because he never thought American should be a strong leader or a world power to begin with.

This is the difference between what obama thinks and what really happens. obama thought that if America was diminished, weakened, power would transfer to a world consensus, a "community" he could organize. It never occurred to him that leadership would go to someone who was a proven leader and not to the community opinion.
actually he is not.

BOTH caved under pressure.

Putin caved MORE.

Russia can't handle the WWIII and putin loves his golden toilet too much to risk loosing it :D
Is there any reason why the US should care about AIDS in Africa? It is their problem, they alone have the power to stop it. Unless you want to volunteer to go to Africa and physically wrestle men to the ground an put condoms on them, shut up about it.

President Putin has been a leader his entire life. obama has been a community organizer who thought he could run the country the same way he ran his campaign. He was wrong. He was playing tiddly winks and President Putin is playing chess and obama lost big time. He lost his standing in the world, he lost our standing in the world. In many ways, obama welcomes this loss because he never thought American should be a strong leader or a world power to begin with.

This is the difference between what obama thinks and what really happens. obama thought that if America was diminished, weakened, power would transfer to a world consensus, a "community" he could organize. It never occurred to him that leadership would go to someone who was a proven leader and not to the community opinion.

I am glad to see we have a devil worshipper on board.
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Healthmyths has their ass so far up Putin's ass they can smell his breath.
My country, my leaders, right or wrong have my support first before I support any other nations leaders or country.
My country, my leaders, right or wrong have my support first before I support any other nations leaders or country.

That's just what the Germans said when Hitler led them into WWII. Not all Germans, there were probably a few who recognized that their leader was a madman. When the Russians and Americans came marching into Berlin, ALL the Germans were glad to see them.

Or maybe France, when it was occupied and the Vichy government worked with the Nazi high command. Not all of them accepted it. There was a traitorous resistance. Traitors to the Vichy government of France, loyal only to the country of France.

Part of being a good citizen, a patriotic citizen, a citizen loyal to the country is to recognize when the leadership has turned against the country and is destroying it from within.

Little o obama, has allied himself with the monsters who need to be chased back under the bed. That's not my country. That's not my alliance. That's not my leadership. So, I take a perverse pleasure in seeing him destroyed the same way I would have enjoyed seeing Allied victories in WWII.

At the end, will obama do the right thing, the thing many other despots have done before him, or will he go the way of Mussolini and be dragged out and hanged by the ankles?
My country, my leaders, right or wrong have my support first before I support any other nations leaders or country.

That's just what the Germans said when Hitler led them into WWII. Not all Germans, there were probably a few who recognized that their leader was a madman. When the Russians and Americans came marching into Berlin, ALL the Germans were glad to see them.LOL what a bunch of CRAP. Who brainwashed you THAT much? especilly about Russians :lol:
Or maybe France, when it was occupied and the Vichy government worked with the Nazi high command. Not all of them accepted it. There was a traitorous resistance. Traitors to the Vichy government of France, loyal only to the country of France.

you have been studying some alternative history. Most French supported Vichy. French are opportunists and though they fought later in the Resistance but initially they could not care less about Germans until the latter started to be unbearablePart of being a good citizen, a patriotic citizen, a citizen loyal to the country is to recognize when the leadership has turned against the country and is destroying it from within.

That is trueLittle o obama, has allied himself with the monsters who need to be chased back under the bed. That's not my country. That's not my alliance. That's not my leadership. So, I take a perverse pleasure in seeing him destroyed the same way I would have enjoyed seeing Allied victories in WWII.

At the end, will obama do the right thing, the thing many other despots have done before him, or will he go the way of Mussolini and be dragged out and hanged by the ankles?

he will simply open a new library
My country, my leaders, right or wrong have my support first before I support any other nations leaders or country.

LOL How quickly you tools forget what you did when Bush was in office.

I supported Bush also. So leave me out of that crowd, yet many RWer's have taken to badmouthing Bush even.

I agree with you about RWers stupidly calling Bush a drunken spending sailor" for example

The Iraq WAR was won by the military and LOST by our democrat politicians WHO with the MSM ENcOURAGED the barbarians that put bombs on kids who blew up when reaching for candy from our soldiers!
These comments were so supportive and helpful in dragging out the conflict that 3,000 more Soldiers were killed BECAUSE the terrorists WERE ENcOURAGED when USA leaders called our troops Terrorists! Nazis!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

The above statements were totally destructive of US morale and totally encouraging of the terrorists!

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