I Find Drone Strikes To Be Emotionally Unsatisfying.


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
While I support the drone strike today that killed the ISIS-k "planner" and I really don't like endangering our military people, I find killing our enemies with a drone strike emotionally unsatisfying.
I personally find it difficult to believe much of anything from our bullshit treasonous "Intel" and gen Milley.....

Amazing how we "found" the "ISIS" responsible....

It was reported our CIA pulled out weeks ago....

Maybe col osman called Simon Elliot for the coordinates....
While I support the drone strike today that killed the ISIS-k "planner" and I really don't like endangering our military people, I find killing our enemies with a drone strike emotionally unsatisfying.
In other news from around the internet:

Sure they did.
We smoked some bozo the Taliban wanted us to smoke.
Wake me when we carpet bomb the depots full of abandoned equipment and harems full of goats.
Yeah right, wake me when we have a squadron of B-52s over that dump.
We really fucked up some nobody screwing a goat or something.

No name or Intel will get released. Joe needed to blow something up for media/Dems to start praising him again.

It’s like clockwork.

LOL so "we" killed ONE fucking goat fucker.
We are so pathetic.

They happily kill themselves in suicide bombing so, in retaliation, we kill one guy? I'm sure that'll show them!

I don't believe a word from this POS Government. Not a word.

We spent $87 billion on a Drone to blow up some rocks so dick head could get his poll numbers up. Show me positive ID of some goat rapists or I call fucking fake.

One goat fucker for 13 of our best!?

So they figured all that out so quickly, got authorization and executed the strike.

Yeah. Its damage control. Biden and his keepers are full of shit.

While I support the drone strike today that killed the ISIS-k "planner" and I really don't like endangering our military people, I find killing our enemies with a drone strike emotionally unsatisfying.

what do you mean by "unsatisfying"?

you want gore? you want blood?
I personally find it difficult to believe much of anything from our bullshit treasonous "Intel" and gen Milley.....

Amazing how we "found" the "ISIS" responsible....

It was reported our CIA pulled out weeks ago....

Maybe col osman called Simon Elliot for the coordinates....
I figured the Taliban told the U.S. whom to hit.
I personally find it difficult to believe much of anything from our bullshit treasonous "Intel" and gen Milley.....

Amazing how we "found" the "ISIS" responsible....

It was reported our CIA pulled out weeks ago....

Maybe col osman called Simon Elliot for the coordinates....
You've been well groomed.
I find killing our enemies with a drone strike emotionally unsatisfying.

I always get a kick out of doing it to the neighbors...

While I support the drone strike today that killed the ISIS-k "planner" and I really don't like endangering our military people, I find killing our enemies with a drone strike emotionally unsatisfying.

I understand what you are saying. GIVEN THE CHOICE, Genghis Kahn, a true warrior, would have preferred to beat his opponent in the field seeing him die at his own hand just to see the life go out in his eye. There, you KNOW you've beaten your foe, on a very fundamental level--- man to man; there is something almost cowardly about using an electronic robot to fly in and do it for you afraid to risk your life.

Of course, the real danger with making war so easy and clean is that you open the possibility where warfare might be used someday to control your own citizens, for most any reason at all.

At the push of a button. Because a soldier which has no life to lose can be made to fight at a total 100% all out attack.
We still have "boots on the ground".

What part of over a dozen dead US yesterday did you not understand?
I was answering the OP with my opinion how things should be done but you must prefer seeing more Soldiers die just for your lust for death.

Fact is we should never use boots until we have destroyed the area with a drone attack but of course you want to get our soldiers killed.

As for yesterday attack on the Airport, well that is expected when we fail to execute the withdrawal correctly and allowing ISIS any chance to attack.

Still when going after any enemy we should drone first and then send boots in to clear the remaining area of hostile and if hostiles are still heavy you drone twice, three or four times until you limit the amount of hostiles and then use boots to clear the area.

Enough with the old way of doing it and I prefer using drones.
While I support the drone strike today that killed the ISIS-k "planner" and I really don't like endangering our military people, I find killing our enemies with a drone strike emotionally unsatisfying.
Frankly, I'd cheer them if they hit a certain "funny shaped" building on the Potomac OR a modest little mansion on the Mall. These days, THAT'S where America's REAL enemies are located.

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