I Found Someone Who Likes Obama

I would imagine the NRA is going to be lobbying Congress to make a law to let Obama get a third term
I would imagine the NRA is going to be lobbying Congress to make a law to let Obama get a third term
Plain ordinary law abiding owners of legal guns think Obama's a fucking idiot but they also know his agenda is to ultimately confiscate legally owned guns.
The fucking negro/Latino thugs couldn't care less what Obama does. As long as traffic is moving between Mexico and the US there will always be a supply of illegal guns.
Obama has totally ignored the source of the vast majority of murders involving illegal guns.
He doesn't want to bother his negro base or take away their illegal guns.
I would imagine the NRA is going to be lobbying Congress to make a law to let Obama get a third term
Plain ordinary law abiding owners of legal guns think Obama's a fucking idiot but they also know his agenda is to ultimately confiscate legally owned guns.
The fucking negro/Latino thugs couldn't care less what Obama does. As long as traffic is moving between Mexico and the US there will always be a supply of illegal guns.
Obama has totally ignored the source of the vast majority of murders involving illegal guns.
He doesn't want to bother his negro base or take away their illegal guns.
I would imagine the NRA is going to be lobbying Congress to make a law to let Obama get a third term
Plain ordinary law abiding owners of legal guns think Obama's a fucking idiot but they also know his agenda is to ultimately confiscate legally owned guns.
The fucking negro/Latino thugs couldn't care less what Obama does. As long as traffic is moving between Mexico and the US there will always be a supply of illegal guns.
Obama has totally ignored the source of the vast majority of murders involving illegal guns.
He doesn't want to bother his negro base or take away their illegal guns.

I will defend Obama here. It is well known that liberals in their attempt to do something will usually do the most ineffective thing to do. Also, he is trying to reduce the gun violence in black communities by the federal government redistributing wealth so that the black community won't be forced to do it by gun. With the economy the way it is there is little hope for those in the inner city. Jobs going over seas. Which Obama has done zero. Illegal immigration taking low education low skilled jobs, which Obama has made worse. But guns, THAT is something he thinks he can do something about.
I would imagine the NRA is going to be lobbying Congress to make a law to let Obama get a third term
Plain ordinary law abiding owners of legal guns think Obama's a fucking idiot but they also know his agenda is to ultimately confiscate legally owned guns.
The fucking negro/Latino thugs couldn't care less what Obama does. As long as traffic is moving between Mexico and the US there will always be a supply of illegal guns.
Obama has totally ignored the source of the vast majority of murders involving illegal guns.
He doesn't want to bother his negro base or take away their illegal guns.
No he hasn't. He sold the guns to them.
We invested quite nicely in the firearms and ammunition industry a decade ago. Jackpot! I've been told since I was a kid that 'candidate X is coming for my guns' and that has yet to come to pass. At least I can make a little bit of money off this any day now meme. lol
Obama just needed a reason to get on national TV and fake cry.
He wants money to hire more people to do back ground checks. Does he not realize if he just shuts his pie hole. There wouldn't be a need for more people.
Hey billy, That means Obama has done a good thing, right?

No, it simply means his attitudes and actions had the opposite of his desired effect.

Making businessmen rich and possibly even driving customers into gun shops from Net and trunk sales if they ALL have to be licensed and do b'ground checks.

His tearful proposals are not in effect, and judging by constitutional language, will not be.

And you should also look forward to more XOs.

Here, approaching the end of this greatest of all electoral mistakes, it's about all he has left.

And maybe even another mass shooting

He'd like that. Another thespian opportunity.
I would imagine the NRA is going to be lobbying Congress to make a law to let Obama get a third term
Plain ordinary law abiding owners of legal guns think Obama's a fucking idiot but they also know his agenda is to ultimately confiscate legally owned guns.
The fucking negro/Latino thugs couldn't care less what Obama does. As long as traffic is moving between Mexico and the US there will always be a supply of illegal guns.
Obama has totally ignored the source of the vast majority of murders involving illegal guns.
He doesn't want to bother his negro base or take away their illegal guns.

I will defend Obama here. It is well known that liberals in their attempt to do something will usually do the most ineffective thing to do. Also, he is trying to reduce the gun violence in black communities by the federal government redistributing wealth so that the black community won't be forced to do it by gun. With the economy the way it is there is little hope for those in the inner city. Jobs going over seas. Which Obama has done zero. Illegal immigration taking low education low skilled jobs, which Obama has made worse. But guns, THAT is something he thinks he can do something about.
Freewill, can you be more specific? If wealth is being re-distributed, do you mean it can be evidenced by the fact the top 1% has grown richer while the middle class shrinks almost out of existence...THAT re-distribution? How about jobs going overseas to cheaper labor markets then product returned for sale here, all by private manufacturers? Illegal immigrants TAKING low skilled jobs, or GIVEN low skilled jobs by Americans who want to bap less than a living wage? And how would YOU have handled all your complaints differently? Especially when your opposition tries to cut you off at the ankles at every step? Please advise, O wisest one!

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