I get so tired of the misuse of the term

People have been involved in name calling each other at the highest levels of politics, and they have tried to use scarier and scarier language to get the public on their side, which is why terms like liberal, socialist, communist, nazi, and all the others have become twisted to the point that nobody really knows what they mean anymore.
Fascist is the most misused imho
Idk... I think I have probably heard communism/communist right like 5 times lol
Add "PC" to that list as well. You could fill a book with misused terms around here. lol
a "fag" or "faggot" is a bundle of kindling wood---------its
use got extended over the centuries

Calling some 'a bundle of kindling wood' doesn't really have the sting it used to. lol
90% of leftists are not liberals.
Liberals value individual liberty and small fed govt
Lefties do NOT value that.
They value emotion, big brother, social justice, limp wristedness, dumbfuckery and fake dicks.

I try to use the more accurate label of "Progressive". I have found myself in agreement with Classical Liberalism.
Idk man.. It seems in most ways they are the complete opposite. For example, Dudes pissing beside little girls is shit from a millennia ago..
People have been involved in name calling each other at the highest levels of politics, and they have tried to use scarier and scarier language to get the public on their side, which is why terms like liberal, socialist, communist, nazi, and all the others have become twisted to the point that nobody really knows what they mean anymore.

I'm guilty of calling cultural marxists, commies.
Fascist is the most misused imho
Idk... I think I have probably heard communism/communist right like 5 times lol
When someone claims they are conservative, when they don't mind shitting all over our constitution.
Conservatives are supposed to VALUE the COTUS
Well, they do a poor job of it.

Indeed, all Americans should value the Constitution and its case law; the Constitution isn't a 'cafeteria plan,' conservatives can't support the case law they approve of and reject that which they don't, simply because the case law doesn't conform to errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

Women have a right to privacy, gay American have the right to equal protection of the law, and immigrants have a right to due process.

Conservatives aren't required to like or approve of all Constitutional jurisprudence, but they do have a duty to acknowledge and accept it as fact of Constitutional law.
Fire arm now includes a BB gun. We are so fucked!
Al shabaab
Tell corrupt candles that isn't ISIS
90% of leftists are not liberals.
Liberals value individual liberty and small fed govt
Lefties do NOT value that.
They value emotion, big brother, social justice, limp wristedness, dumbfuckery and fake dicks.

I agree. I am a liberal, I am however not, and will never be, a PROGRESSIVE! They are the enemy of a free state.
90% of leftists are not liberals.
Liberals value individual liberty and small fed govt
Lefties do NOT value that.
They value emotion, big brother, social justice, limp wristedness, dumbfuckery and fake dicks.

I dunno about ascribing all sorts of personality traits to political philosophies --- that's quite a fallacy in itself --- but you are correct that leftism is not Liberalism and never has been. That conflation was made up in the Red Scare daze --- lucidly explained here:

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

I'm afraid I've been over this many times with wags on this board who insist on perpetuating the misnomer. The example I like to use is: "to declare 'All men are created equal' is Liberalism; to then try to force that to happen though Affirmative Action laws, is leftism".

Then there's other wags using the term "Progressive" (as a noun), which as far as I know the last one was Bob LaFollette. And that was quite a while ago.

[EDIT: and speak of the debbil, there's one right above this post. I hadn't even seen it. They're as regular as cancer and about as useful.]
So leftists shouldn't be considered political? lol
So leftists shouldn't be considered political? lol

Who said that?
Am I missing something?

Btw what is this thread about? I only read the OP, then I see three thousand other terms coming up... is it about the definition of "Liberal" or is it just about "I'm sick of hearing [label x]"?
So leftists shouldn't be considered political? lol

Who said that?
Am I missing something?

Btw what is this thread about? I only read the OP, then I see three thousand other terms coming up... is it about the definition of "Liberal" or is it just about "I'm sick of hearing [label x]"?
You said those traits shouldn't belong to a political philosophy.. Lol
Any term. That I just what I started out with.
90% of leftists are not liberals.
Liberals value individual liberty and small fed govt
Lefties do NOT value that.
They value emotion, big brother, social justice, limp wristedness, dumbfuckery and fake dicks.
You have to admit that a fake dick can be funny in the right setting.
So leftists shouldn't be considered political? lol

Who said that?
Am I missing something?

Btw what is this thread about? I only read the OP, then I see three thousand other terms coming up... is it about the definition of "Liberal" or is it just about "I'm sick of hearing [label x]"?
You said those traits shouldn't belong to a political philosophy.. Lol
Any term. That I just what I started out with.

I said that personality traits don't.
To wit: "emotion, big brother, social justice, limp wristedness, dumbfuckery and fake dicks." Whatever that might mean. Four out of six have nothing to do with left, right, Liberal or Conservative.

--- it's exactly the same fallacy this guy just committed.
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