I Have A Challenge For Usmb Republicans. This Shouldn't Be Hard To Do

What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.
Civil war
You don't know what the definition of full employment is, do ya? If you did, you wouldn't have tried to make a point about how more are not working than working.

You don't understand economics, do you? The numbers are right there in front of you, little partisan....
Well I'm talking about employment and you're not.
No you/re not. You'er talking about one limited measure of employment. Looking at the overall picture employment in this country sucks. It is arguably worse than when Bush left office.
And yet, I'm talking about employment while that other poster tried to derail that topic by injecting GDP into the conversation. You remain the forum jester, Jester. :laugh2:
Is GDP not a relevant factor in economic growth? Of course it is.
You are cherry picking stats. And doing it badly. Your graph on construction employment shows construction is way below any level it was during Bush's tenure.
As usual, your senility is noted, as is your strawman. Here, in reality, I responded to another poster talking about. He said nothing about other economic indicators and neither did I. Seems you're just too stupid to understand that, so you moronically thought I was cherry picking economic stats. You should get a lobotomy, Jester:laugh2:, it can only help you.
That is so fucking stupid. If tax cuts were supposed to create millions of jobs, why wouldn't the rate drop below 5 or 6?
It did.
Where were you in 2003-6?
Yeah that barely lasted. We still lost 3 million jobs at the end of 2008 and 5 million more after that.
And we're not anywhere close to being back there.
Thank you for admitting Obama's policies have produced poverty and stagnation.
We've regained all those jobs and more with unprecedented job growth. The sooner you accept facts the better off you'll be.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
There are not fewer people working. Again, this is nothing but a symptom of your senility. In reality...

1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

1/2009: 133,976,000
9/2014: 139,435,000
That is so fucking stupid. If tax cuts were supposed to create millions of jobs, why wouldn't the rate drop below 5 or 6?
It did.
Where were you in 2003-6?
Yeah that barely lasted. We still lost 3 million jobs at the end of 2008 and 5 million more after that.
And we're not anywhere close to being back there.
Thank you for admitting Obama's policies have produced poverty and stagnation.
We've regained all those jobs and more with unprecedented job growth. The sooner you accept facts the better off you'll be.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
Many factors have contributed to labor participation such as disability and retirement. It also has to do with low wages. People cannot live on under 10 an hour so they do not settle for those jobs. How is it Obama's fault wages are still low? You do realize of course he pushed for a miminum wage increase right? That's the ONLY way to raise wages. Corporate profits are at an all time high. They could raise wages if they really wanted to.
It did.
Where were you in 2003-6?
Yeah that barely lasted. We still lost 3 million jobs at the end of 2008 and 5 million more after that.
And we're not anywhere close to being back there.
Thank you for admitting Obama's policies have produced poverty and stagnation.
We've regained all those jobs and more with unprecedented job growth. The sooner you accept facts the better off you'll be.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
There are not fewer people working. Again, this is nothing but a symptom of your senility. In reality...

1/2009: 142,152,000
9/2014: 146,600,000

1/2009: 133,976,000
9/2014: 139,435,000
And the population has increased, which means a smaller percentage working. That is why participation is back to levels last seen under Carter 1978. That is why income is stagnant, That is why underemployment is enormous.
You can't polish a turd.
It did.
Where were you in 2003-6?
Yeah that barely lasted. We still lost 3 million jobs at the end of 2008 and 5 million more after that.
And we're not anywhere close to being back there.
Thank you for admitting Obama's policies have produced poverty and stagnation.
We've regained all those jobs and more with unprecedented job growth. The sooner you accept facts the better off you'll be.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
Many factors have contributed to labor participation such as disability and retirement. It also has to do with low wages. People cannot live on under 10 an hour so they do not settle for those jobs. How is it Obama's fault wages are still low? You do realize of course he pushed for a miminum wage increase right? That's the ONLY way to raise wages. Corporate profits are at an all time high. They could raise wages if they really wanted to.
Why are wages low? Because there are more people looking for work than employers. Check out NorthDakota where average starting wage is 10-17/hr. It used to be sort of like that when Bush was president.
We've had 3 increases in min wage in the last 10 years or less. How much better off is anyone? Why will this be the charm?
Thanks, Obama.
Yeah that barely lasted. We still lost 3 million jobs at the end of 2008 and 5 million more after that.
And we're not anywhere close to being back there.
Thank you for admitting Obama's policies have produced poverty and stagnation.
We've regained all those jobs and more with unprecedented job growth. The sooner you accept facts the better off you'll be.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
Many factors have contributed to labor participation such as disability and retirement. It also has to do with low wages. People cannot live on under 10 an hour so they do not settle for those jobs. How is it Obama's fault wages are still low? You do realize of course he pushed for a miminum wage increase right? That's the ONLY way to raise wages. Corporate profits are at an all time high. They could raise wages if they really wanted to.
Why are wages low? Because there are more people looking for work than employers. Check out NorthDakota where average starting wage is 10-17/hr. It used to be sort of like that when Bush was president.
We've had 3 increases in min wage in the last 10 years or less. How much better off is anyone? Why will this be the charm?
Thanks, Obama.
It will be the charm because people can at least try to live off 10/h. Can you live with a wage under 10 per hour? It will also be closer to keep up with inflation. It will lift 16 million people out of poverty and any jobs lost will be regained with more through the increase of consumer spending.

You people are too fucking funny.

Bush's good numbers predate him and he gets 0 credit but if Obama shits tomorrow you will claim he saved or created a zillion jobs.

Fucking hilarious
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Where is backup from unbiased sources on that claim.

I'll decide what is unbiased.
This article by Wikipedia cites BLS data

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is from the article itself:

The exact usefulness of these numbers is debated.

Beyond that, the article does nothing to back up your claim that Bush's policies. That is a completely different analysis.

You admitted yourself you watch a lot of TV.

Why don't you try getting an on-line course in logic and debate ?
I have a problem with logic huh? Lol tell me genius. If we can't trust the BLS, what should we trust? Sean Hannity?

Missed the part where they said themselves the usefulness of the numbers is "debated". They then give both sides.

So, when even they say....the numbers are in question.....you say.....

But but but but.....SEAN HANNITY.

You are a moron.

Why we waste time with your stupid threads is beyond me.
And we're not anywhere close to being back there.
Thank you for admitting Obama's policies have produced poverty and stagnation.
We've regained all those jobs and more with unprecedented job growth. The sooner you accept facts the better off you'll be.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
Many factors have contributed to labor participation such as disability and retirement. It also has to do with low wages. People cannot live on under 10 an hour so they do not settle for those jobs. How is it Obama's fault wages are still low? You do realize of course he pushed for a miminum wage increase right? That's the ONLY way to raise wages. Corporate profits are at an all time high. They could raise wages if they really wanted to.
Why are wages low? Because there are more people looking for work than employers. Check out NorthDakota where average starting wage is 10-17/hr. It used to be sort of like that when Bush was president.
We've had 3 increases in min wage in the last 10 years or less. How much better off is anyone? Why will this be the charm?
Thanks, Obama.
It will be the charm because people can at least try to live off 10/h. Can you live with a wage under 10 per hour? It will also be closer to keep up with inflation. It will lift 16 million people out of poverty and any jobs lost will be regained with more through the increase of consumer spending.

More UNSUPPORTED keynesian BS.
What have republicans ever done for this country that has benefited it as a whole? Policies that the poor and middle class have benefited from. BE SPECIFIC. Here are the rules for your post:

1) You must provide facts and statistics from an unbiased source. That means no Fox News, Forbes, National Review, Blaze, etc.

2) Leave Obama or any liberals out of this discussion unless you can give specific examples of democrats obstructing republican policies that you can prove would have helped the nation as a whole.

These kind of statements are as stupid as the ones claiming Obama hasn't done anything good. It's statistically impossible for everything the Republicans have done in the last 20-30 years to be either all good, or all bad.

Same with the Democrats.
All you have to do is give examples of republican policies that have benefited the American people as a whole. That's it.

Who decides what a benefit is ?

You never answered. You just argue with people when the respond because you don't like their answers.

Any policy that shuts down welfare, cuts taxes and expands liberty is a benefit to the American people.

The Federal GOP is as worthless as Obama.
Bush's largest tax cut was for the wealthy. It did very little to create jobs. These are facts.

They are conclusions.

You are a moron.

That is a fact.
None of Bush's policies had any positive effect on the unemployment rate.

Where is backup from unbiased sources on that claim.

I'll decide what is unbiased.
This article by Wikipedia cites BLS data

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is from the article itself:

The exact usefulness of these numbers is debated.

Beyond that, the article does nothing to back up your claim that Bush's policies. That is a completely different analysis.

You admitted yourself you watch a lot of TV.

Why don't you try getting an on-line course in logic and debate ?
I have a problem with logic huh? Lol tell me genius. If we can't trust the BLS, what should we trust? Sean Hannity?

Missed the part where they said themselves the usefulness of the numbers is "debated". They then give both sides.

So, when even they say....the numbers are in question.....you say.....

But but but but.....SEAN HANNITY.

You are a moron.

Why we waste time with your stupid threads is beyond me.
You're just butthurt because you know I'm right. You have no argument and you know it.
We've regained all those jobs and more with unprecedented job growth. The sooner you accept facts the better off you'll be.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
Many factors have contributed to labor participation such as disability and retirement. It also has to do with low wages. People cannot live on under 10 an hour so they do not settle for those jobs. How is it Obama's fault wages are still low? You do realize of course he pushed for a miminum wage increase right? That's the ONLY way to raise wages. Corporate profits are at an all time high. They could raise wages if they really wanted to.
Why are wages low? Because there are more people looking for work than employers. Check out NorthDakota where average starting wage is 10-17/hr. It used to be sort of like that when Bush was president.
We've had 3 increases in min wage in the last 10 years or less. How much better off is anyone? Why will this be the charm?
Thanks, Obama.
It will be the charm because people can at least try to live off 10/h. Can you live with a wage under 10 per hour? It will also be closer to keep up with inflation. It will lift 16 million people out of poverty and any jobs lost will be regained with more through the increase of consumer spending.

More UNSUPPORTED keynesian BS.
How are you so dumb to not understand the effect of consumer spending?
Well, they ended slavery, started the national park system, and built the interstate highway system. Have to give credit where credit is due. Can't think of anything recent though.
Hmm waged an effective campagin against Islamic terrorism, unlike the previous president. Avoided commitments in Darfur. Just for starters.
So why are fewer people working? Why is household income lower than 2009?
Many factors have contributed to labor participation such as disability and retirement. It also has to do with low wages. People cannot live on under 10 an hour so they do not settle for those jobs. How is it Obama's fault wages are still low? You do realize of course he pushed for a miminum wage increase right? That's the ONLY way to raise wages. Corporate profits are at an all time high. They could raise wages if they really wanted to.
Why are wages low? Because there are more people looking for work than employers. Check out NorthDakota where average starting wage is 10-17/hr. It used to be sort of like that when Bush was president.
We've had 3 increases in min wage in the last 10 years or less. How much better off is anyone? Why will this be the charm?
Thanks, Obama.
It will be the charm because people can at least try to live off 10/h. Can you live with a wage under 10 per hour? It will also be closer to keep up with inflation. It will lift 16 million people out of poverty and any jobs lost will be regained with more through the increase of consumer spending.

More UNSUPPORTED keynesian BS.
How are you so dumb to not understand the effect of consumer spending?
It's actually you who has a laughable command of economics.
Many factors have contributed to labor participation such as disability and retirement. It also has to do with low wages. People cannot live on under 10 an hour so they do not settle for those jobs. How is it Obama's fault wages are still low? You do realize of course he pushed for a miminum wage increase right? That's the ONLY way to raise wages. Corporate profits are at an all time high. They could raise wages if they really wanted to.
Why are wages low? Because there are more people looking for work than employers. Check out NorthDakota where average starting wage is 10-17/hr. It used to be sort of like that when Bush was president.
We've had 3 increases in min wage in the last 10 years or less. How much better off is anyone? Why will this be the charm?
Thanks, Obama.
It will be the charm because people can at least try to live off 10/h. Can you live with a wage under 10 per hour? It will also be closer to keep up with inflation. It will lift 16 million people out of poverty and any jobs lost will be regained with more through the increase of consumer spending.

More UNSUPPORTED keynesian BS.
How are you so dumb to not understand the effect of consumer spending?
It's actually you who has a laughable command of economics.
It's laughable to you because you have the mentality of a school girl. Consumer spending drives the economy. Any economist will tell you that.
Well, they ended slavery, started the national park system, and built the interstate highway system. Have to give credit where credit is due. Can't think of anything recent though.

Let me repost my list. Remember, not all of these does everyone agree on, conservative or liberal, but they were all meant to help people:

From the beginning:
Formed to end the democrat party practice of slavery, successful.
Supported EVERY equal rights act from the reformation to today, very unlike the democrat party.
Women's right to vote
Construction of the Panama Canal
Construction of the Hoover Dam
Jessie Owens wins four gold medals in the Olympics, FDR and Truman snub him Eisenhower makes him Ambassador of Sports
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black American to play in the Major Leagues
Desegregating schools
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator
The Reagan tax cuts
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Gulf War
Welfare reform
A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001):
Retaliation in Afghanistan
Response to 9/11
Condi Rice becomes Secretary of State
The interstate transportation system under Eisenhower.
The EPA, under Nixon
The First Clean Water Act
Earned income credit, under Reagan
MLK's Birthday, under Reagan
No child left behind.
Prescription drug plan
Bush tax cuts
Refuse to tax internet sales transactions.
Killed the (un)Fairness Doctrine.

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